TFW 100 hours played on steam last week

>TFW 100 hours played on steam last week
>TFW my parents are going to kick me out because I've done nothing but play videogames all day

Do parents in your country kick their children out for wanting to be pro-gamers?

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What games do you play?

Anime sex simulator, CSGO and dota 2

Nah latinos are like rats, we just modified our houses to hold more people



>plays more than 1 game
>go pro

cs go sucks. play insurgency...

I guess you would be sent to addiction prevention therapy.

I want to keep my options open

If I can't become a weaboo neckbeard testing out the newest Oculus rift sex simulators, I'll be a CP watching cs:go player, if I can't do that I'll be an asian autist who plays dota all day

ya know, keepin da options open my man

Just neck yourself or get a better hobby already, video game loser

Oh you're asian, nevermind, stay the course

Rather not see you people outside

No i'm not asian

I mean I'll become one if I go pro in dota

I am thinking about it desu.

t. Wagecuck

enjoy having no time while NEET master race thrives

Does it ruin your life? Your health insurance might cover it.

>CSGO and dota 2
kill yourself

>No i'm not asian
>I mean I'll become one if I go pro in dota
don't worry yourself with the complications of this because it'll never happen


I got kicked out once but i tried to kill myself now my parents have become my slaves now spoil the shit outta me
Currently i'm trying to become a professional movie reviewer

Kicking out sounds reasonable, I'd kill you.

I play video games all day too, but always something different, usually something very difficult and intense, so eventually I take a break to work or study.

>No i'm not asian
this is the literal vidya equivalent of a whiteboi wanting to be an nba star

Are you usurping your parents?

>over 100 hours of time spent playing video games in the past two weeks

wagecuck detected

neet master race here

Yes and they hate it but they won't say anything because they don't want me to do anything drastic. It's great

>wagecuck detected
you could have spent that time playing an instrument or any number of ways but no you chose the most ephemeral time-waster known to man

That's fucked up. They have their own lives too, that you're ruining.

and he probably wonders why nobody likes him


I want to stop videogames, Sup Forums
I don't want to be a manchild anymore

send help

>Wage cucks burning with anger inside

This tbb


>porsche 911
>it's a 6 series cabrio

immersion ruined

I am already a progamer.


>Pierre slaving away at the office while his his wife spends the day with her Syrian bull



only anglos work in offices

>le ebin youtube jew faec

kys leaf

>his new new car to show off to all the other idiots that buy cars just for looks
>lively discussion about game of cuks
yeah stopped reading

it had potential but you blew it


>used to live at home and pretty much the only hobby was video games
>from time to time went out a bit with my friend and got shitfaced
>had a job but every free time i had just spent playing vidya
>moved out, changed my job, don't even remember the last time i played anything
>still have to worry about other problems

Life was much more simple before

What if i work nightshifts?

Spoken like a true wage cuck

>more or less 6500 hours played on steam
>plus hundreds of non-steam games

send help

if you are older then 23 then you deserve everything.get the fuck out of here and man up you fucking stinky pussy.thank your parents that the warn you i would drop you things in the middle of the night on the street and piss on it . you punk

wow canada that's not very tolerant of your parents
what would trudeau think :(

please help me ausbro

delete your steam
get your shit together

>decide to stop playing games and get my life together
>start applying for jobs
>apply for 50 jobs
>0 interviews
>most don't even reply back
>mfw my parents get angry for me not having a job

I-I will


welcome to the real life
this is not a flower power party life is pain

What is your mmr

If it isn't at least 6,5k you're never going to be a pro and you should get kicked out




Do I have to delete my battlenet too

Only like 3k on anime sex simulator so far, I made an alt to practice though, it's like 4200 right now. I'm getting stuck on blowing loads into maki's tight anime pussy

It's probably smarter to sell your steam account.


>Anime sex simulator
I dont think those games have a pro league

Amateur at least? I wasted all that tine on nothing? Wtf