Hetalia edition
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Hetalia edition
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hi guys
its me
>tfw cute
Hi me
Who the fuck are you?
I wish he'd do this for real and badly injure himself.
How do we fix North America, /cum/?
stop posting this you dumb frog
why don't u use my png version, cana?
Nips call me mao zeDong if you know what i mean
nuke it all desu
annex the baja penninsula, sell Los angeles off to mexico, conjoin Northern california into Cascadia, and sink florida into the ocean
i like tree
don't bully me okay guys? I'm also sensitive to banter so be extra nice please
*gives you a swirlie in the bathroom stall*
Retard, he beat you to it. I don't like animu either but just use the thread that was made first you fucking child.
Install extra flags.
*trips you as you walk past me in the hallway*
Oops, looks like you forgot to pack your bags to fagtown lmao
>tfw the entire Oregon region could've been part of BC
i mean it's all you if you want a thread of nothing but
>Install extra flags.
>Minnesota included
I approve of this
Has anyone here ever actually gotten swirlied?
*turtles your backpack*
every fucking time
jesus christ I am going to hell
That fucking Arexicia flag is dope as fuck. I can just imagine the AZ and NM flags fusing in some kind of fiery blast to make that shit.
Yeah, well what cool party trick can YOUR leader do?
>extra flags
Deport illegals and negroids
Right wing death squads
*drinks more than should*
haha good stuff
>the city of canada
>tfw no plain-looking, fertile chubby gf to marry and impregnate and give me lots of children
Whats better /cum/, a 10 hour shift 4 days a week or 8 hours 5 days? I have to decide today
>autistic german is posting in the other thread
holy fuck i hope he stays, getting really sick of that fucking guy
>tfw if we'd done it in ~2010, Cascadia would've been goat
>tfw too many Zhangs and Calishits now
pulls off a good Steph Curry
8 hours five days
10 hour shift 4 days
long live free fridays
damn niqqa been posting in the wrong thread all along...WHO UP!!!
10 hour 4 days
You get an entire extra day to yourself that way stupid
Wonder if he's the same guy who posts about the eternal ANGLO on Sup Forums.
Both pretty much the same. I'd for the 10 hours, if you have the energy for it. You might end up just spending the whole 3 days resting though
10 hour shifts are long, just warning you now, sometimes it feels like it's never going to end, but the extra free day though
Do four 10-hour days. After 6 hours the day just sort of blends anyway, and then you get a three day weekend every week.
what thread were you posting in?
My dick is up, post gf
Uncalled for
Tbhfam go with the 10 hour four days. The shifts will suck dickballs, but there's no point in having an extra two hours after you've worked all day unless you only sleep for like 6 hours anyway. That way you'll have three full free days to fuck around
Chunky anime girls are proof of gods existence
my torso hair keeps sprouting up in new places
might have full chest and back hair by the time I'm 40
The germans on Sup Forums that unironically shitpost about eternal anglo are butthurt natsocs. Asian foot guy is a lefty cuck.
when does shift start? When does it end? Is 10 hours including the breaks? How many and how long are they?
But three free days is best life
wew lads feelin that drank tbqh
Trumps opinions, like many, change over time
Also the republican party is retarded as fuck, trump is reshaping it
Never call me a lefty again you racist
I work 10 hours nigga and I got a literal MADMAN shift, 11 PM to 9 AM. It has drained the life out of me but the weekend is literally the best thing ever, 3 whole days for you and you alone.
In my case I get a 45 minute food break and an additional 30 minute break.
that shift is pretty aids, but might as well do the extra hours, i was gonna say take the 8 hour but if its from 11pm to 7am thats still pretty fucking shit
Holy fuck that must be awful for your sleep schedule
So what you're saying is he's a flip flopper?
what I would give for a comfy rainstorm right about now
WEW nah I'm just 8:00 to 6:00 pm but I think I'll take it, I can probably handle it anyway
Next time don't live in Southern California
Over the course of a decade sure
This last decade has had insane ideological changes
its just not the same
I live a good 300 miles north of Southern California
If your opinions haven't changed over time, especially since so long ago as 2004, I'd say that's just a sign of lack of personal growth.
Dude 8 to 6 lmao
If you don't have a 3 hour commute it's god tier
Just don't end up on the computer until 2 am every day and you're golden
What job is it anyway
Hey you said you had a ""chinese soul."" Fugging gommie :DDD
Ya that's why I'm up right now, I sleep during the day, live at night. It's fine, not like I have any "friends" or a girlfriend or anything so I'm okay with it.
Exactly, I figure it's better this way anyway, I like more days off
Yeah that sounds pretty standard, if someone as lazy as me can do it then you definitely can
Go to bed Ted, nobody cares about Jewish fairytales in politics anymore
t. Catholic
is "the economy does better under democrats" an opinion?
Keep in mind Forbes leans conservative
Funny how it's one of the only true things he says too
So again, how do you rationalize this?
Chinese aren't communists
They wuz Qingz
>I live a good 300 miles north of Southern California
just a 15 minute commute. Forensic scientist
not that far north
although its pretty cozy up there
>Neocon Republican
Lad I'm not even partisan and that made me cringe
Just think of all the toes you can succ on the three free days
is this where this is going to go? because you can't have a real reason for thinking politifact isn't accurate
trump just says a lot of dumb, wrong shit my man
Cozy af. Missing having to do road trips through there four times a year.
>is this where this is going to go?
Not even a little bit, media Jews hate Paul Tash, (mostly because he isn't very good at his job with clickbait shit.)
But if you don't see that politifact uses subjective criteria in determining how true various things are (for candidates in both parties) you're blind af nigguh
>transgender girls aren't boys
go through things donald trump has said that they labeled false that you believe are true
i'll wait
how much would someone have to pay you to eat a teaspoon of your poop?
for me i'd say $3k