1. vagina

1. vagina
2. thoughts on this man?


a living example that libertoids are meme-tier idiots who will never matter

unfortunately he managed to indoctrinate children with his memes, with age they grow frustrated and turn into nationalists or some third way wizards

really makes you think

he looks like a gay and probably a pederast too

really makes you think

really makes you think


WOW I'm thinking so much right nos

>he looks like a gay

an idiot

the walking parody of human being

The person he's holding could very easily have a penis. I mean look at that manface

really makes you think

causes one to contemplate

What about this one?

As a Polish American (I'm so Polish my mother's maiden name is Slavic and I think Polish sounding) and a libertarian, he makes me proud.

na zdrowie my Polish brother don't forget to buy pierogis

Dead before the next elections
Good riddance

off yourself you imbecile

The guy on his lap is clearly pleased with the cock tickling his prostate.



"Wracającego znad Wisły 20-latka policja zaprosiła do radiowozu za znaczek Razem na plecaku. Tam, w zaciszu, bez świadków, policjant-kozak mówił, że nie lubi lewackich kurew i pedałów. Zapytał, czy młody lubi w dupę i czy bzyka się z pedałem Zandbergiem. Zapytał, czy jest komunistą czy tylko lewacką spierdoliną" - relacjonuje na Facebooku matka chłopaka.

just like your country

really make's U think

usun to

jeszcze dopierdolił mu mandat 600 zł lewakowi XD


naprawde rob'i TY myslec

King of Poland


>bycie prawickiem
nawet mi was nie zal

>posting Lenin wannabe with a jewish surname

Heard he is a communist that intentionally behaves like a moron to discredit the right

living the dream

more like a half-demented idiot drunk with his own popularity obsessed with Hitler and free market (he never even worked in his life, lived off his parents' inheritance)

ask him any practical question about anything and he will answer with one of his 10 memes

Ozjasz Goldberg, wybitny człowiek i zbawca narodu.
