Mr Steinmeier told that new European Union after Brexit will be a superstate in which Germany and France will have the...

Mr Steinmeier told that new European Union after Brexit will be a superstate in which Germany and France will have the most important role and Poland will have to choose fast: join it or stay outside of it.

What do? :(

Other urls found in this thread:ści_narodowe_i_etniczne_w_Polsce–50)

You have no choice but to join, Polefriend. Your only choices now are the Russian Federation or the New German Union.

Choose wisely.

I can imagine some obese turd sitting under a Dixie flag and typing this stupid post with his fat fingers

If America gave nukes to Poland , we could stay outside and prevent creating German-Russian alliance that will be created for sure and endanger American interest in Eurasia. We could also block chinese silk road in the future

wykopek panie i panowie najprawdziwszy pewnie ma bordo


To dobra opcja by byla w sumie

do us a favor and stay out of our politics, yankee dumb fuck

schowaj się pod kamieniem spierdolino i ani mruknij

rok szkolny się skończył?

Well, there's a bunch of them sitting up in Scotland, and if they leave the UK we have to move them somewhere!

"Out" without guarantee of safety will push Poland into arms of Russia and i dont want to be poor and ruled by literal subhumans.

robi się groźnie

Wypierdalaj ruski trollu. Twoj dzien jeszcze nie nadszedl.


ile dostajesz za posta 10gr?

cant you polish bydlos link sources in english or something?

>If America gave nukes to Poland
And what motivation would America have to give nuclear weapons to some Slavshits?

In this world, either you're relevant or you give relevant faggots a reason to protect you. The only reason why the Netherlands has been around for so long is because neither France nor Britain nor Germany want to see us fall in the hands of others.

Either start working on that, or enjoy your relations with Russia. They can't be that bad, at least they won't force you to take in rapefugees.

and who is "guaranyteeing your saftey"

these treacherous western cocksuckers that literally sold us out to russia the first chance they had?

what are you brainless or never learned any proper history?

I've got my "saftey" right here, and that is the first priority any polak should have secured himself with .....instead of relying on these western buttfuckers and their kike overlords

Sounds great. Europe needs German management, it's that simple.

Fuck off, Olgino. We are talking about serious matters

dosłownie pojeb albo ukrainiec

dont like what Im saying

suck my dick your stupid fucker



Germans can't even manage their own country without collapsing, starting a world war or inviting in mass rapes. What makes you think they can manage an entire continent?

Or maybe you're hoping for more "diverse" youths to fuck your girlfriend while you watch, you cuck.

are we talking about the same germans that spread their butt cheeks to rapefugees?

their "leadership" died when they lost WW2

>their "leadership" died when they lost Bismarck

German management destroyed the EU within the last few years.

no debil pospolity ze wsi spod lublina

I would be ok with a "Super state" IF...

If the fucking earnings would be equal :))


>And what motivation would America have to give nuclear weapons to some Slavshits?

Geopolitical pressure. Otherwise Germany, France, Russia and China begin cooperation and take whole Eurasia. USA would be very unhappy to see this.

zabij się pachołku zawsiarzony

ulżyj twoje cierpienie

>t. rogacze

pluje na ciebie pacholku

aha czyli jednak ukrainiec

The EU is the best thing to have happened to America in recent history, mate. Why do you think they pressured the UK to stay in?

The most tragic aspect of current happenings is that Poland is ruled by fucking village idiots now and i am afraid that we will make worst possible decisions now. I think that people from Platforma Obywatelska should knock their doors now and give them advices, otherwise Poland is fucked for next century

>Mr Steinmeier told that new European Union after Brexit will be a superstate in which Germany and France will have the most important role and Poland will have to choose fast: join it or stay outside of it.
I wonder why there is only Polish sources for this?
Sounds like a brain fart of paranoid "Polish intellectuals" to me.

>Why do you think they pressured the UK to stay in?

To preserve their influence in EU. Now they are losing it, because Germany and France won't be American bitches anymore.

>t. tutejszy

Our Globalist Leaders pressured the UK to stay in. Assholes.

80% of this psuedo-country is populated by fucking retards and mentally ill crooks.

of course they will make the wrong decision after the wrong decision, the real shame is these fucking idiots will drag the other 20% decent logical thinking people with them.

pooland needs to cease existing as a "country" desu

>Polish intellectuals
Just fuck off with it already.

>pooland needs to cease existing as a "country" desu

So you prefer option of German superstate? Me too, to be honest, if i must choose between this and being a Russian colony

Join Russia they looked after you Germany just fucks you.

>Germany, France, Russia and China

Russia has nothing to offer and we don't want to be as poor as Belarusians and Ukrainians.

>I think that people from Platforma Obywatelska should knock their doors now and give them advices
Yeah, almost had me until this part.

>the man is dragging us down
literally nigger mentality

Get benised xDDDD

So, the choice is.

Join German Reich and be semi-rich and have niggers and arabs OR
join the New USSR and be poor as fuck and have arabs and churkas.

Man, what to do, what to do...

ukraińcowi nie odpowiadać

nie pierwszy raz przyłazi i smrodzi

>because Germany and France won't be American bitches anymore.
Are you saying the Germans aren't their most loyal lapdogs. The Krauts spied on their supposed closest allies to sell their government secrets to America. Germany is part of America's informal empire, ergo the entire EU is part of their informal empire.

The only threat to American influence is France somehow growing back its broken spine and taking the EU back from Germany.

Globalism, Americanism, it's all the same.

fuck off you disgusting piece of excrement

australian posters make me sick to the stomach

I shit on this site for not range banning these idiot shit talking faggot enablers.

A skąd wiesz, że to Ukrainiec? Podejrzewam, że to zwykły pojeb. Kiedys podawał się za arabskiego terrorystę.

bo nie umie pisać dobrze po polsku i robi typowe błędy-rusycyzmy

polaczki jebaczki wysrane ze sowieckiej dziuraszki

Nie on, ale...

Polaczki tak mają, jak cos nie pasi to ukrainiec, żyd, ruski, niemiec, lewak, faszysta etc.

Ja już kurwa byłem wszystkim.

>Man, what to do, what to do...
Steal German cars and drink vodka, like you do everyday.

>Man, what to do, what to do...
What we're the best at: losing in a beautiful manner.

>robi typowe błędy-rusycyzmy

Może mieszka w Polsce wschodniej?

jak nie wiesz o co chodzi to się nie wypowiadaj zjebie

ten debil postuje regularnie we wszystkich tematach o Polsce i Polakach, można go rozpoznać chociażby po interpunkcji

a na /polsce/ jest prawdziwy poster z izraelskim paszportem który szkaluje wszystko więc żarty na ciebie

there is a third way, you weak chinned cuck.

nie po prostu jestem chamerikaninem

tak kurwa bo w polsce wschodniej to psy dupami szczekają weź się jebnij z rozbiegu łbem o meblościankę

>a na /polsce/ jest prawdziwy poster z izraelskim paszportem który szkaluje wszystko więc żarty na ciebie

W sensie, że Żyd? I co on tam mówi?

I don't drink a lot nor did I ever steal. Not that it matters for a autist, membrain holander.


dosłownie to samo co testoviron na filmikach

>polish great power fantasies
>reasonable options
Pick one.

Ja wiem, ale chuj skąd wiemy, że ukrainiec? Może być ruski, białorusin, nawet kurwa łotysz rosyjskiego pochodzenia.


>power fantasies
Yeah, power fantasies, not a necessary response to actual megalomaniacs.

>Within two decades of the failure of Piłsudski's grand scheme, all the countries that he had viewed as candidates for membership in the Intermarium federation had fallen to the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, except for Finland (which nonetheless suffered some territorial losses in the Winter War).

>tereny wiejskie

łap to (You)

i co którykolwiek z powyższych robiłby w Polsce? ukraińców jest od zajebania więc brzytwa ockhama nakazuje nazywać go ukraińcem

On tutejszy, z bagna.

For germans everything other then a low paid job is polish power fantasies.

You got the mindset of treating us like dirt when you can state your opinion. When you need us it's praise and "oh we came so far since WW2" but the moment we do something you cucks dissapove it's ww2 memes and propaganda.

You know what?


co ty tak się martwisz kim jestem ty debilu spod deski obsranej.

wykurwiaj it martw się jakiego murzynskiego kutasa będziesz wpierdalał jutro na deser.

Nie no kurwa, bialorusinów nie ma? Ruskich nie ma? U mnie w miescie jest w chuj ruskich i bialorusinów.

statystycznie nie ma

handluj z tym zjebie

Nie ból dupy synek. A swoje fantazje trzymaj z dala ode mnie.

No to kurwa chyba jestes mądrzejszy niż GUS.ści_narodowe_i_etniczne_w_Polsce

Polish victim complex hard at work, I see?

>spis z 2002

drwisz sobie ze mnie czy co

Just fuck off, I want nothing else.

you owe us a shitloads of reparations for those complexes too, hans

and you better start paying them–50)

best years of my life

Everything depends on money. If they continue pumping tens of billions of euro into Poland every year, then i am in. We should only avoid situation in which we become a part of this superstate for free and they only use us as a cheap labour force.

>Russia they looked after you
this is bait

wschodnie scierwa udajace zachodnich polakow

>block silkroute
It seems to be a good idea to have such a trading network in the oldworld.
You need nukes tho.

>western """""Poland"""""

>You need nukes tho.

If we stay outside of this German-French superstate, we won't survive without nukes.

> If they continue pumping tens of billions of euro into Poland every year, then i am in.

I'm intimately aware of a nation that sold their land for shiny beads.

The failure of Intermarium was due to Poland going all herpaderp we can be an Empire too. That scared Lithuania off. The Ukrainians didn't like the Polish state either and a union with Hungary and Romania was impossible.

If anyone were to blame, it's the Poles for thinking the idea would work in the first place

stamtąd jestem

>I'm intimately aware of a nation that sold their land for shiny beads.

There is only one thing that counts in life: money. Poles move out in millions from this country to the West only because they were given a possibility to work for 3x-4x bigger money. We have no remorse leaving our country for money, and we have no remorse giving away our independence for money. Such nation. Unfortunately we are ruled by fucking stupid conservative village idiots and a psychopath who never had sex, so they can decide against will of the nation, i am afraid

>this much asshurt
Sweet Jesus, you guys are really pushovers.

i wyniosło cię do liściostanu jak wszystkich ukraińców

>If anyone were to blame, it's the Poles for thinking the idea would work in the first place
Good point. It could be different now though. It could simply mean a stronger economic and military alliance.

>we have no remorse giving away our independence for money
Tell that to the Polish soldiers, women and children who died in WW2.

>There is only one thing that counts in life: money.

Money ain't worth shit