
nigel farage's intestinal lavages edition

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our nige


might switch to eating soylent in the weekdays and make real food a special occasion

>being a cannibal



need a sophie turner or charli xcx gf to piss all over my face

ah yes
the sheeple has to be lied to by someone while the earth descends into overheated chaos

*takes rocket to my martian colony while earth explodes*

glimpse into my future lads

he's not wrong 2bh



and i'm off to go swimming lads


which one ;)

Off to the gym

Will be back in an hour though lads

the bilderberger would have the power to change it all if they put their mind to it but they are too busy speculating on the economy


*grabs you by your collar and does you in*


Daily reminder, farage is vagina in Arabic.

I can't stand it!

We need another referendum, or else we shall never know the nature of the mystery image!

Ahh yes

here you go lad

>There's got to be something about our body that likes a full tummy, even if we had pills to replace a healthy diet I doubt it could sustain us.
>maybe like paste or something.

This is true because much of our immune system is contained in our gut flora (obviously not the T cells but the beneficial bacteria that also helps fight off disease and parasites) so probably what scientists will end up making for soldiers and astronauts is some kind of paste that also allows for healthy gut flora to be maintained as well as contains lots of fiber to keep that full feeling and have something to keep the digestive system busy

You can get a full feeling stomach by drinking lots of water which is what doctors recommend for fat cunts to help curb their appetite

God fucking damn it

>it's a "going to be 7° tonight" episode

hmm not a fan of this season

*clatters you in the knackers with a snooker cue*

>not liking such /comfy/ temps

Interesting enough lad.

So we could essentially survive on nutrient pills + bland paste & water.

Would we be more healthy this way considering all the bad stuff in our current food and drink or would we be simply surviving artificially?

*is thainonce*
*goes to work*
*grooms underage thai girls in chatroom*
*goes to the local kindergarten*
*buys 2 girls*
*nonces them*
*bribes the police*
*Get homesick but realize I can't return home because if I do i'll be arrested*
*feel regret for noncing my niece*

Wew, busy day for thainonce lads

I've gotta go to the gym which has no air con or temp control at all and my house is an old queenslander so it's as cold as fuck

fuck off thainonce

You aren't welcome here, thaiyank.

>shitpost in japanese thread constantly
>get flamed nonstop in actual british threads


bullying my willy


>shitpost in japanese thread constantly
not me lad


then I have wasted far too much of my life on the internet.


Do you ever post attractive women?

my condolences.

fucking hell i need a drink
brb lads, don't go anywhere

>this is a 10/10 in thainonceland

>Would we be more healthy this way considering all the bad stuff in our current food and drink or would we be simply surviving artificially?
It would be survive artificially which is why it would really only be used by soldiers and astronauts and other people who are limited in what supplies they can carry because people love to eat, as I said before the dining experience is so much more than just the act of eating itself

If you eat a healthy diet that consists mostly of fresh vegetables and lean meats than the paste would probably not be quite as healthy as we evolved over millenia to eat a diet of fresh vegetables and meat but the paste would definitely be healthier than what the majority of Westerners eat

Stop replying to it.

You look like a mikrowave yes I think so
And I don't want you to break my window

How do I filter the thainonce?

Some of those MREs actually look pretty good.

Cheers m8. It's been educational.
Download Sup Forums X

>"""""""Great""""""" British Pound

just clicked "disable the native extension" under the settings haha what am i like??

>trying to create your own echochamber because you cant accept sophisticated opinions


absolute madman

Nice proxy, thainonce.

>disable the native


anybody else feel incredibly uncomfortable when thainonce posts? You can tell he's just nonced an underage girl within the past 24 hours

>sophisticated opinions

MREs have gotten a lot better than they used to be

Fun fact: MREs used to come with cigarettes

Also 4chanX for iPhone when??

don't come back

Stop replying to it you bloody yank.

So, do you lads all sit around in a Skype group wanking over anime and shit and say.. "hey, lets attack Thailad! haha yeah we ebin internert warriorz!! lmao

Yeah I've seen them on youtube, a lad does a week on different ones from different countries on each day, the American one looked really good.


Australia is literally Chad: the country

Every lad walking around has a Zyzz-tier physique and the women are all Stacy incarnate

So glad I don't live there
At least there's no shortage of fellow fat neckbeards walking around here

kill yourselves, morons

we have plenty of neckbeards here

they only go outside during anime conventions tho

ahoy hoy

>he thinks that there's a skype group
>he's so autistic that he doesn't realise that /brit/ actually hates him

not true at all im literally a skelly manlet

Never knew Australia had such a comfy political party.


The future is looking comfy.

>68 total posts
>12 (You)s

Think I need to step it up t b h lads

you're a fucking chink moron

get out reeee

Fuck off nonce.

you're probably not white

Well then, you should start one. I'm sure you've got a lot in common.

I went to an anime con the other weekend bought one (1) katana and one (1) carbon fixed blade knife with brass knuckle hand guard and dual kunai holders

>when your kpop becomes more expensive to buy because of brexit

you've gone and done it now lads

>go to the paki for some cigs
>a legit qt paki grill is on the till
>mumble stumble and over my words
fucks sake, looks like I can't go there again

Cannot get over that some """people""" stand up before they wipe their ass.

Don't even reply to me or my son if this is you.

I do this.


My dad was in the army so he would bring home MREs occasionally when I was a wee lad

Me and my friends would always run around in the woods building forts and playing army

looks like the polish toilet cleaning industry in the uk is gonna collapse soon
good job lads

It's the Bregret kicking in.

Shame on you

I used to do that until I learned the error of my ways
The ol' sit-n-wipe technique is objectively superior

Interracial sex.

Just filtered yanks and thainonce.
/brit/ is 10x better now.

I stand up to wipe

Cannot fathom doing it any other way but if I ever get rich (haha yeah right) I'm definitely going to install a bidet

gf's messenger pigeon just arrived with this

>tfw I didn't want to leave, it was just a prank

good times lad
I wish you would just filter me instead of sperging out all the time tbqhwyf

In twenty years the Poles will be hiring cheap labor from Britain.

I mean, come on, you can't seriously think that the worst hasn't yet to come, right?

Just punched a hole in my wardrobe, wall and smashed my desk to fuck

Ask an aggressive manchild anything

mummy didn't get you tendies?

t.scat fetishists

t. regular human being

She actually was though. I was surprised aswell.

when you gonna kys yourself

>t.scat fetishists
is this supposed to be negative?

Why do you keep sperging out at me?

fuck off