
What do you think of Tibet Sup Forums?


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>meme country posting meme "country"
1. Inflated number. Also only aristocrats and theocrats were persecuted, and the serves (and enlightened aristocrat-born commies) enjoyed the process, until the commie reactionaries reversed the policy and released all the upperclass fags in the 80s
2. Glad to see one map that jncludes Amdo and Khan. Though Arunachal, Bhutan and Sikkim are still missing
3.1. Acquiesced at home
3.2. Made up
3.3. People say it all the time as a meme
4. Just google it for fucks sake
5. While still dominated by former colonizers. Tibet would only be worse due to its landlocked and high altitude territory.
6. True, partially. Though hypoctitical to hear from someone who ripped off two continents of abos.
7. True, while rebuilt with 3 times the original number in the 80s
8. Under Dalai Lama, yes.
Under Mao, yes for upperclass.
Under current regime, probably not, comparing to the Han majority.

> 1. million people
source please
no comment
no comment its true 2bh but what do you expect from a commie shithole
>In 2011 the Tibetan population was three million.[32] The ethnic Tibetans, comprising 90.48% of the population,[33]
its true if they are a minority in the country of china but nevertheless still a majority in their own tibet region
no comment this is true, imagine if china's enemy got hold of that water sources, china is doomed
[citation needed]

pretty sure if nationalist china got hold of tibet(which they want), people will turn blind on tibet. still, commie is commie

Was a shithole for it's entire history.
China has built roads, highways, tunnels, and bridges. They're funding development projects, bringing jobs, and creating a prosperous economy. Who fucking cares if they're a bit oppressive?

>more than a million people
yeah but isnt that like 100 people in the rest of the world

Legitimate part of China.

We are the only country who accepted Tibetan refugees and made designated cities where only tibetans could live

Just read Tibetan history (not the recent theocracy part, the earlier, worst than Mongols, no prisoners part) they deserve what they're getting.

Cool, can you name one?

Yeah because of your early rivalary with China.

>Tibet is 90.8% Tibetan


A lot of those "Tibetans" are actually Han Chinese colonists forced to marry ethnic Tibetans and learn Tibetan customs, while being registered as "Tibetans."

They are doing this right now and gradually turning Tibetans into Chinese

Just a bunch of self-burning monks

Any good sources to learn from?

Chinese raped them and killed a lot

We Mongolians and Tibetans are brothers for eternity
Fuck Chinese pig get the fuck out

India making designated anything never stops being funny.

Daily reminder Tibetans asked for Chinese rule because their Theocratic leaders fucked up the country so much and they needed protection from the Gurkhas and the Dzungars
Daily reminder the Republic of China apologized in behalf of the government they overthrew and offered an olive branch to the Dalai Lama restoring his old titles, and have a spot in the Chink parliament
Daily reminder Tibet deserved everything it got for betraying the Chinks.

Is everything designated in India?


Fact: until the mid 20th century Tibetans would raid neighboring Chinese villages for slaves. Slaves! They would also tattoo the faces of the women they didn't take so no one would marry them
So yeah chinks can get fucked, but these mountain chinks can get extra-fucked.
>muh peaceful monks

isn't the dalai lama actually an asshole?

Fun fact: It had literal slave families until 1953.

What the fuck am I reading?

Are you sure your shilling tactics didn't fail?

Freudian slip?