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Jea boiiiii
What would the benefits be in Finland leaving the EU?
Fuck off we love the EU and especially the Euro. We had so many fucking recessions and shit before based EU. Stop trying to make us into a Moldova.
Euro is what destroyed our growth prospects after 2008 shitstorm though :--D EU also niggered our trade with Russia :DD
>Finland thinks it can survive without EU
It's a shitty pipe dream, Pekka.
Freedom from undemocratic faggot union which disregards the opinion and unique problems faced by smaller countries. I'd rather be poorer and have a say in things rather than be slightly richer but have no say in things.
New2lifebabby detected. Our economy was a fucking horror show until we joined the EU.
The 2008 recession and the recent Russia trade issue were comfortable as fuck in comparison.
>what is the time between the big bang and 1995?
I also have no interest in serving the future EU army. I swore my oath to protect Finland, not Bulgaria or Romania or Germany or France. Fuck that shit. I'll go to jail rather than die for some faceless bureaucrat
Enjoy being russian vassal state again then.
And remember - russia doesnt give a tenth of the fuck about you as eu does.
hello greek on proxy
its time to pay denbts
God bless just signed.
the trade with russia has nothing to do with the EU, it has to do with what always was the problem with russia - if you look weak to them they start doing shit.
>giving a fuck qbout small nations
EU sanctions fucked up exports over the eastern border
For a good reason
Russia needs to get fucked desu
Russia invading a sovereign European nation fucked up exports over the eastern boarder.
We would be much better off if there was an ocean instead of Russia. Literally worst neighbour anyone could ask for.
and why do you think the sanctions were?
>haha lol like yeah we know they are a pretty significant trade partner but who cares about your opinion LOL! I'm fucking Juncker I'll fuck your ass with my non-elected cock and then claim you're the sick man of Europe XDDDD
you dont trade with someone who can attack you, and fucks with your sphere of influence just as you are about to get them in it
>mfw if we left the EU we could be the import/export middleman between Russia and EU, cutting our slice from each stransaction
>implying Greece benefits from the Eurojew Union
Decades of constructive diplomatic relations. Now ruined because the EU couldn't bear to see Russia take back clay that used to be part of Russia, and is inhabited by Russian speaking Russians that voted to become part of Russia.
Fuck the EU to be honest lads. Not destroying Germany when the world had the chance was a mistake.
you know that if you do that the EU will cut you off with russia, right? youll be stuck with their insufficient produce and actually experience bread lines
You can trade with them when they annex you Ruski enabler.
Yeah. The Russia question is a great case study for how EU litwrally gives no shita about its outlying smaller nations. What Germany or some Luxembourgian happy merchant says, goes. With no consideration for the opinions of the affected.
Are you saying all countries trading with Russia are under an EU embargo?
As a Finn you should see the value in showing russia who's boss.
>ruskie apologist
Kill yourself Lars
there's literally nothing wrong about cutting off yourself and paddling your nations over to the western atlantic seaboard and having the three big boys in town consider letting you join nafta
This dude is a lunatic. He is so shit he even was kicked from bydloparty 'perussuomalaiset':
Miika Sebastian Tynkkynen Oulu
[email protected]
Putin relies on taking clay to stay popular, you think he will stop there?
This kind of mentality allowed Hitler to destroy most of Europe in the last world war.
You can't give these kind of people an inch or they will take a mile.
This holy shit.
>I don't understand how sanctions work
If we start making exceptions then what's the fucking point? Just let russia rampage wherever they want and shout loud words at them as reprisal. That'll teach them, right?
Sanctions are necessary and you should understand that.
the ones that are trying to circumvent the embargo are, arent they?
Sure but the point always was that te EU gives no shit about us, so why stay in the Union? Do you honestly think a Luxembourgian banker knows what's best for Finns?
didn't even realize they were in
We wouldn't be circumventing anything if we weren't part of the team sanctions-pro :^)
>how sanctions work
Do they? They've managed to scrape together enough rubles to wage a war, and is in the process of becoming independent of the EU as a trading partner.
If you're so bed-wettingly scared of the big red bear, the plan should have been to make Russia dependant on the EU, give them something to lose from being aggressive.
Finns showed Russia who's boss 100 years ago. The only people getting cucked by sanctions with Russia is Finland.
should just call it "finnished"
>buy EU shit and resell to Russia
>not trying to circumvent the imbargo
yeah the communist try that shit every time they come to power here. everything from europe stops withing 2 weeks of them winning the elections. that shit dont fly with the EU
You have a point, however, leaving the union because of that is too drastic. We need to stick together here, isolationism is not the answer or something that will be productive for the future.
Not really, did you not notice how much russia suffered because of sanctions? It has a very significant effect, looseing sanctions would be a huge mistake.
Blatantly untrue if you check any sources whatssoever. EU is an important trading partner for russia - sanctions hurt them grievously.
you havent checked the ruble recently have you?
russia is north korea- like. if youre a totalitarian dictatorship you can always get enough money to field some army - and keep in mind they are doing shit in ukraine - who arent exactly praised for their army, and they are dropping their old illegal weapons in syria.
>If we start making exceptions
EU is a goddamn union of exceptions and compromises you dumb retard. If it wasn't you'd be in the eurozone.
English or spainsh?
We did that all the way through the cold war and nobody gave a fuck.
Besides, we can just repackage shit and call our own production whichever way that shit is actually going.
>hurr leaving a union that doesn't give a fuck about you and in which you have no say anyway is too drastic!
back2the cuckshed
If the sanctions keep up they'll just go elsewhere for trade. Is there even an end goal to the sanctions?
>The alternative to an undemocratic European federation is isolationism.
Did you even read the post? He want's to resume trade with Russia, that's not isolationism.
we did that shit in the cold war as well, and nobody gave a shit. you think we were rich? you think you were rich?
In this case I hope you understand that this is how sanctions work. You can't have exceptions because then all kinds of countries will want to be excepted, and then the sanctions lose a ton of their bite. You must be resolute when facing bullies such as russia, and not yield an inch.
>people unironically think russia will invade finland
Jesus, I didn't think media could brainwash people this well
Anything to justify the EU m8
Yup. That's what EU is. Some Central European gets angry over petty shit and fucks everyone over because can't have differing opinions in the EU!
what makes you think they wont really? i know at least 3 countries that got fucked because of russia after 1990
moldova, georgia, ukraine.
literally they fucked shit up there to keep their sphere of influence and install communistic satellite states. all those countries had a sizeable russian minority and all those countries werent in NATO.
Making some money is better than not making any.
Besides, if the rest of the EU keeps the hard line with the sanctions there wouldn't be much competition meaning that we can set the prices within reason.
guess what finland doesn't have? sizable russian minority
notice something in common between our countries who so joyously traded with both sides and were not in the EU at that point?
>doesn't give a fuck about you
>you have no say
Blatantly false, stop making shit up.
>If the sanctions keep up they'll just go elsewhere for trade
If only it was that easy huh? As it happens, the EU is rich, developed, and geographically convenient. Russians can't easily just replace the EU as a trading partner.
>He want's to resume trade with Russia, that's not isolationism.
The thread is about finland leaving the eu if you noticed
If they thought there would be no consequences, Russia would invade Finland tomorrow.
Don't doubt this for a second. It's in their imperialist blood. They have always been like that, if you care to read history. Ukraine proves they didn't chance a bit.
>invading a sovereign state bordering the eu illegally
>petty shit
>If we start making exceptions then what's the fucking point? Just let russia rampage wherever they want and shout loud words at them as reprisal.
Not Finland's problem. Crimeans have a right to self determination, and even if Putin did annex them unfairly it still wouldn't be Finland's problem.
The fact that entire countries just roll over when the EU fucks up their trade is everything that's wrong with the European mindset.
finnish economy back then was crippled by war reparations which led to too tight a monetary policy
trust me, where Russia has a minority is directly dictated by the government
Why can't finns into economy?
and we werent?
please do provide an example of EU respecting Finnish opinion, caring for the well being of a normal Finn or an instance in which Finland used its political say in the EU to böock unfavourable shit from passing
crippled? the war reparations bretty much boosted the economy and gave rise to the industrial infrastructure that is slowly dismantled today
>mfw my birth dropped our GDP more than the 2008 denpts boogaloo
>Russians can't easily just replace the EU as a trading partner.
It doesn't have to be easy, they just don't have a choice.
>The thread is about finland leaving the eu if you noticed
Which is not in itself an isolationist measure. It is entirely possible to be in favour of European cooperation and trade, without being in favour of seceding the power of the state to un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels.
Crippled as in caused high interest rates because most of the marks went to Russia instead being lended to businesses and startups
I like this word.
Euroasian economic union seems like a better alternative for them;^)
my EU jewgold payments go to infrastructural projects in eastern europe while we receive next to nothing in return
so my question is, what's in it for me? why should my tax money be used for a new romanian road?
You have to be completely retarded to repeat Stalinist propaganda today. War reparations "boosted our economy"? Why don't we pay more then if it will boost our economy? Why doesn't everyone sign up to pay massive war reparations to boost their economies?
You/me/Finland get(s) the migrant excess from other cunts in return :^)
Do you actually know how much of your tax money is being spent for the EU?
because the new romanian road makes goods travel faster and exports and imports to and from finland benefit from it. youre asking - why should i care for the coal mine, i run the heat power plant - i dont care if we get the coal - the power plant is what i care for
so my tax jewgold subsidizes central european export giants? why is that fair? finland does not export to or import from balkans anyway
Only those who wish to suck more of russian cock support this. Just a reminder
Because Romanians will stop coming to Finland if they have a decent country.
how about turkey? the middle east?
Jyrki vai Alex sielä postailee?
No. They stop coming here when we grow balls and keep subhumans out
Käteisellä ois varmaa Saksna/Ranskan/Belgian lippu riippuen missä EU:n byrokratiapesäkkeessä se milläkin hetkellä jutkuilee
>hurr durr muh country is the best in the world and its my culture that others are trying to come here and steal
>people will come to steal our snow even if they got paid more to do something elsewhere
tell me again what is finland famous for?
Yeah, and?
Rather that than going back to the days of groveling at the feet of USSR.
Thx for the kek
On our roads there are thousands of trucks which deliver goods for you from western and central europe.
It should make you think
finland's goods go to germany and sweden mostly (russia used to be top 3 but jyncker chimped out) if it goes to europe from where it continues under german brand or as a new product entirely(finland makes engines for ships for example)
...Because Saint Petersburg is Finnish, right?
Subhuman got mad. Romanian and Bulgarian governments should take responsibility of their citizens. And they are not legally here if they dont have money or job. And no, begging and robbing are not jobs.
That will never happen. Poverty and subhumans is beneficial to you "superhumans". If there weren't poor people nobody would do shitty jobs, there would be no prostitutes, there would be no people selling their organs etc. You need subhumans otherwise you will end up like japan, you will start killing yourselves even more and have even higher population decline.
Brexit will be bad they said.
You were in?
Good luck then
You sure you wanna lose close allies when you have issues with Russia though?
it makes sense then. maybe you in particular dont benefit from that infrastructure but all of the middle of europe does. theres a lot of trade going from turkey and those roads stimulate it. just because 1 nation doesnt benefit directly from it, it doesnt mean its a bad idea. also you can take it as your money doesnt go there - it goes into the other projects the EU does, and the money of the countries that benefit from it go there. and romania and bulgaria hardly take more than what they put in. yes its more that we get in terms of money paid as membership fee and money invested in projects, but the numbers are small compared to other nations and the investments there are valuable and cheap compared to doing the same in germany. and the EU in its entirety benefits from it because it increases the GDP and in turn the membership fee of bulgaria and romania.
maybe the EU is a bit overinvesting in Poland but thats a power play - they are using poland as a countermeasure to Russia. culturally and militarily.
It won't ever leave.
so I'm paying for the EU so that I get to subsidize polish well-being? again, how is that fair? there's a lot of things wrong currently in finland yet the money that could be used to fix them goes to polish road projects. allow me to kek
Hyi vittujen vittu!
I'd rather have us purposefully piss off every country with nukes to the max and be done with it.
you forget the huge fucking bridge they built in spain with eu-money and now are charging toll fees to cross it
what can i do? invest in those cheap countries who pretty much are ready to grovel at your feet for doing so and getting money back from the cheap investment, or invest in regions where everything is expensive and the money spent there will yield a smaller profit. hmmmmm