What exactly would a border-less world look like?

What exactly would a border-less world look like?


It depends if Boris still exists?


Japan would NOT exist such a world.

Maybe your kind should fuck off back to their own country then. multikulti is not a one way street

>Dozens of people take to the streets to protest Brexit


>What exactly would a border-less world look like?
I have no idea.

I guess pretty much the same. I live in border-less EU and i travel only when i am on a vacation to see the sights.

Also there are no border disputes or wars here.
No transport checkups so when you need to go you just go directly to your destination with no delay(i guess that is good for the economy since you can save on money not only from transport costs but also the government saves up on cost of sustaining a border/border patrols/border checkups/border walls etc.).

Roving warbands

would be great desu

Like most of africa.

Mongolian empire

Most of africa does have borders though, the african union is only now suggestion africa have its own Schengen wone



a very poor and violent place

Constantly shifting populations, no stability anywhere.

Like shit.
Borders will stop making sense only if we expand into space.

But these days people would rather look at their crotch, wondering what their gender is than look at the stars.

No one cares, any comparison to Africa means the place is a fucking hellhone.

>I'm not British, I'm European!
Is this the death of Britain as we know it?

It's the death of the brain cells of the person who wrote that.

One doesn't exclude the other.


This will eventually get out of hand. London is no longer English, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Brit dies with it in not very long.

they shouldn't make signs that won't help their course at all

The world is already borderles.The borders are only in our heads.

Try to cross the USA border and what will be in your head will be a bullet

Like shit.

try crossing the fences in the balkans then

