It's falling again !

It's falling again !

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the brits single handedly fucked the european markets

>b-but this is actually good see tomorrow everything will be fine!

Brexit voters hahahahaha

quickly!!! inject mo'money in the markets!!

Oh shit nigger better buy your bitcoins fast

good. white genocide is one step closer.

>tomorrow everything will be fine

literally nobody said this. it's likely the market fluctuates for awhile. that doesn't mean the sky is falling, despite how desperately stay voters try to claim it is.

But that's literally nothing, losing 0.25% is meaningless

>this is just normal! Everything will be fine


>*Bank of England screams internally*

>he wants to live in the stone age

>Americans at math

Nah, Asians will lead the world into a better future


>HSBC want to move to China
>remain in UK because Chinese economy goes tits up

We have yet to see. I'd he amazed in there's a withdrawal from Europe

memes were a mistake

>pound at 1.32 dollars isn't unusual, markets fluctuates !

>The Institute of Directors (IoD) surveyed 1,000 of its members and found that a quarter planned to freeze recruitment.


>t. Zayden Zhang

Democracy shouldn't be a thing in Britain. All the British people with brains or ambitions left that rotten hellhole ages ago and only the subhuman scum(eg. UKIP voters) remained. Britons don't need democracy any more than a pack of wild animals does.

Hey guys from Nissan, I know you read this. Come to the EU bros, UK is not the gateway to the EU anymore. Besides the weather and the awful people, and the memecurrency to top! We're wainting for you guys!

when will this meme end

>there are literally 5(five) 1st world asian countries
>all of whom have been greatly influenced by western countries
man you really showed me

>market fluctuates
That's going as much up as down bro. It's not fluctuation.

I think I'm gonna jack in my real job and concentrate on my business that pays out in USD and EUR

European countries used asian inventions to conquer the world, the west was influenced by Asia too

>the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

Thanks for voting for recession and poverty!

If you have a job that pays in USD and live in the UK, this shit is like an automatic raise, congrats man!


>It's falling again !

it is estimated when pound is less than $0.6 they are able to build some basic industries again.

>mfw when future bongs will work in coal mine


Bear trap'd to fuck

>entire world basis their worth on us
>we do something for ourselves and you all shit yourselves
Not our fault tbf

None of this is unexpected. Everyone knew the UK would feel the effects of this in the short term, even the people voting to leave.

>crashing your entire country because memes and banter

The absolute madmen

If the pounds drops that hard the inflation is going to blow the entire country away, those guys import everything. Bad times for angloboos like myself

Knew it.
Anyway the reason why pound becomes so abysmal is simple. Its just because there's no reason to buy it, whereas there are full of reasons to sell. It's going to go down to the point of "no future". This reason is also simple, that is, they dont have actually no future to grow their economy now.

>entire world basis their worth on us
no, it's because the entire world wants stability, and britain leaving the EU is the opposite of it

he actually did it the absolute madman hahahah

Another Brit here. I get paid in USD too.

Feeling pretty smug now.

But, I still would have voted Leave. I know plenty of people who knew this would hurt them financially who still voted Leave.

People have waited 40 years to tell the EU and Westminster politicians to get fucked.

I know!

The only problem is some shit in property and that some cost of living stuff is going to go up. So I'm selling a house and all that and hoping I'm not too late. If I thought about this a bit more I should have realised that Brexit would be such a big deal and prepared more, even with thinking Bremain was almost certain.

It's becoming more affordable for me to vacation in the UK, neat.

Hello its me Nissan
fuck you lazy spic fuckers we'll stay in the UK thanks

it was just a prank bro

Post yfw the pound will be worth 1 american dollar




better to die standing than to live on your knees


What if this is cutting britain at its knees and then forcing britain to live an agonizing life of having crippled knees

is apple store still available in russ.. uk?

when rouble collapsed at least apple and ikea stopped their online shops there.

Brits realised that eastern Europe won't be able to catch up with them, so they decided to catch up with eastern Europe :DDDD

I wanna congratulate the Brits that they freed themself of the shackles of Brussel Tyranny
Now that you regained your sovereignty, glorious future awaits you

mfw when we actually reach britain's living standard in my lifetime


I like to play Fallout yet I don't actively want the world to be like fallout

To truly enact change you have to break a few eggs

People bet on the status quo and the status quo has changed

>its ww3
>but all nukes are aimed at enguhland

But would you honestly visit a British brothel with British prostitutes?

Not the world, just a tiny isolated island which you can visit if you wana experience fallout in real life

Is there anything in England even worth nuking? After the London bankers leave for Frankfurt there will be literally nothing left.


Our whoring industry is already better.




reconing and trying to attack 133gbp/100yen/1usd zone now

cant imagine gbp was about 220-240 in 2007

British are regained sovereignty from EU.
i think, they are Right.


Yeah, all the remainists shouting WE'RE DOOMED, DOOMED aren't helping

I like the frowning pensioners observing the rally in the bottom right corner.


You can plant potatoes on the corpse of london when your done

Exactly why people are so fucking mad.

>the economy is amazing, everything is great in the EU
>people losing their houses and lining outside food banks

If a single crumb had been thrown down, this wouldn't have happened.

Now Ireland will become the most relevant Anglo nation in Europe, feels just right man.

I wouldn't be laughing if I was you

Exactly m8. Czecha's pretty good for it's drinking and sex industry, we have British slags and warm beer and who's gonna come over for that? The future's even bleaker if we reach your level.

>If a single crumb had been thrown down
You've negotiated the best membership conditions out of all the EU states, stop whining

They regained the illusion of sovereignty. They need the common market and a new trade agreement will happen on the EU's terms since they barely have any leverage. EU has them by the balls now.

the City of London move to Paris or Frankfurt...i wonder

Doesnt look that bad to me


Will british banks collapse next?

wouldn't it be up to the British government to fix that sort of inequality rather than the EU?
I understand the austerity cuts in Britain was quite bad but it sounds silly just to burn the house down if that was the situation



>If a single crumb had been thrown down, this wouldn't have happened.
I think you are many Brits are seriously overestimating the importance of Britain for EU.
We don't really need a member who only cares about his status as a special snowflake and wants to get even more privileges

Frankfurt. Way more affordable than Paris.

but EU is germany and a belgian coalition government. you take much national sovereignty away like belgium.
and you killed greece and italy for your export trade. the german is really greedy and selfish.

Frankfurt and Dublin.

>doesn't look that bad to me

top heh m8

They are going to Dublin, we speak english and are already a tax haven

I read that apparently Milan is on the cards
Something about Paris and Frankfurt cancelling each other out like in video games

Since you really don't have an idea what's going on, don't post retard comments.

>Post yfw the pound will be worth 1 american dollar

Lol. I reckon Paris will be more relevant on the legal side, people have been drooling over their god tier avocats for a while now. Dublin is the new Anglo financial centre and Frankfurt handles all the big muscle.

if you kill whites you won't have any more white innocent girl to rape, mehmet


If they want access to the single market (which they need) they'll have to join something called European Economic Area (EEA), which is thought for small countries with special economies (Switzerland with the tax evasion, Norway with the oil, etc) but they are complete cucks with European regulations. The UK will probably LOSE sovereignty from this

And so it begins

>illusion of sovereignty.
i dont think so.
they can decide the budget by themselves. everything in the EU countries decides the budget with german will.
It seems that EU has freedom, but there is no freedom actually. It isn't also democratic.

german finance is retrenchment. But many countries wish for inflationism. But you like retrenchment, so the policy can't be implemented in many countries.

You guys are doing great

City of London is a tax haven so this would work well