Le Pen is mightier than the sword


i laffed

thanks m8
'preciate it

can someone post a
>"She can hold my sword"

i'd bury my sword so far up her ass

Would smash.

who wouldn't


Not even pretty+old

But I bet she goes like the clappers.

bad b8


sorry lads, she only do nigger cock

Only Dieudo then

>female leader

it's like Merkel didn't teach you anything

The Croatian president is pretty based

you mean her breasts

if you faggots dont vote the le pen's into office next election i'll come to paris, shoot up the eiffel tower and champs de lyssses and steal all your precious art from the lourve

>who is Jeanne D'Arc

Frexit next, crashing this union with no survivors.


I would vote for our president again desu she is pretty based

bumping for truth

>Le Pen is