International Discussion

Hello! I am a new poster here. The Internet came to our village couple of weeks ago and I'm now learning new things. I am from Finland. Where are you people from? How is life in your countries. I bet you haven't heard a lot about Finland yet, so I you may want to study things from this fine web page:

Its pretty dull and jaded desu

finnish boipucci

Well this was a one surprising thing. There is an another human from our country!

Greetings my countryman!


the Internet is extremely useful for getting any information you could possibly want instantly. Unfortunately, it's mostly used for "memes", pornography, and incredibly autistic people like furries to voice their worthless opinions. It's shit and you should interact as little as possible with it

ai äm rpoud tu bii finish vell met frend

Our village leader sent the address of this Sup Forums home page to our e-mail boxes. He is a wise man. He has four wifes and 17 sons.

Spoke to a Finnish dude on Omegle once and his English was Literally this.

we can't pronounce english words for shit, but most at least understand english perfectly.

How the fuck did you find the fucking Sup Forums right away when you just got your internet access?

learn the word cuck and you're good

Lets learn of each others culture brother! This is our god, lord james. Out of respect, please comment praise on this post.

Praise the Grease God
Deliver us from the Euro


He's so perfect

Praise be to the king

Ai äm alsou from finnland

Pliisd tu miit juu komrade

Hello Finland, this is your neighbor Sweden speaking.

Please feel free to save this funny picture to your hard drive, free of charge! Consider it a welcome gift. :-)
I hope you enjoy the sites and the memes ([mäj-mäjs]) here.

Best regards,
Sven "Svensken" Svensson

finland is an asian country in northern europe that's what i've heard

you are correct my mongolian brother

Thanks you Sweden. My uncle told me about Sweden when I was young. You have a nice country there.

Thank you for this picture.

I wish you a nice day and beautiful summer.


Hi Finland. I think your countrymen are funny on the Sup Forums. In the picture to the left of the post, you will see an artifact of your countrymen. It is hilarious. You and I are different but in the Sup Forums we are connected. I hope you will be well.

Your friend,

Dear Thailand,

Thank you for your message. Your country is so far away I probably won't ever be able to ride there. Our village leaders cousin once met a man who has visited in Thailand. I heard it is a beatiful country.

Best wishes from Finland and have a nice summer!

Hello Finland
Your fellow Finns have a tradition of being some of the best posters here on Sup Forums I hope you make sure that this tradition goes unbroken.
Also I don't know if you've ever noticed this since you only now have internet but there's a picture (or drawing) of your country and Sweden attached to this letter please look at it.
Have you noticed anything strange? why yes! the two countries are shaped like a penis! please share this discovery with everyone in your village and let us know what they think.


Dear Morocco,

Thank for your message. I will print the image file you attached and I will show it to people of our village.

Morocco must be a warm country. I just found it from my grandfather's map. It must be a beautiful country too.

Best wishes from Finland. I wish you nice summer. Tell greetings to all your friends too!


Dear all,

Kindly commit suicide at once.

Best Regards,

Lmao. If Finnish posters are this creative then we won't mind letting you join our sekrit club with Aus and Canada. Too bad the majority of you lot are fucking autistic.



And yet, here you are.