Why are Celts so Europhile?

Why are Celts so Europhile?
Is it because we are more cultivated and worldly?

money lol

Just poorer


Because you're cucks, yea.

due to the historical relations between Anglos and celts, they pretty much want whatever is the opposite of what anglos want

oh also the EU will throw money at you guys so that might be it too.

They are wealthier than you by far though...


What does the bottom left map represent?

I think it is because they are more cultivated and worldly.

It's a 2015 estimate

You can thank the Brits for that


Because the English have German blood - they are compelled to exterminate any ethnicity they come to share a habitat with while shouting REICH and HEIL. Celts, on the other hand, are fairly normal people, if a bit on the artistic side.

europeans sicken me to the depths of my stomach, and it is a very large stomach because I am morbidly obese

Europoors are truly disgusting

>Because the English have German blood

Wrong, they're more Celtic than Germanic.

A cup of buckwheat and a cup of milk is enough to maintain a person for a day. Scientifically proven. Therefore there's no need in high income. Checkmate, wealthy faggots.

not really we were poor as shit when we were ruled by the brits

dublin had the largest slums in western europe in the early 20th century when previous to the union it had been quite wealthy, now it's richer per capita than london, which according to the brits is the economic omphalos of the world kek

Because the English are worse than any EU migrants.


it's coincidental that the anglosphere are so successful and nothing to do with British institutions being the most effective in the world

irelands success is largely due to the eu and britain was in massive decline until it joined the eu, its what saved your economy at the time so it must be coincidental

nope, that would be Irish Americans.
