Where can I find a muscular gf lads?

Where can I find a muscular gf lads?

The men's bathroom

In prison.
Some of them become girl for protein and muscle gainer

That's gross


At the gay bar

Rude desu

I just like my women weaker than me so I can dominate them

>he doesn't want to dominate strong girls
You're missing out man.

Then hit the gym and dominate some muscle girls

Just fuck a dude at this point

>"Just fuck a dude at this point"

Finally someone that understands the beauty of a muscle woman,i thought i was alone in this world.

Muscle girls (when you are big yourself) are the best.
Just imagine how strong your sons are going to be

I wonder what cuddling with a muscle girl feels like

Nah he's right. These >girls are built like men. You are repressed homos

>You are repressed homos
NO! Just because you're a insecure fuccboi doesn't mean everyone else is,some people like having an equal mate like the other pole said they're the best when you're also built.

>being such a little powermad 12 year old that you are intimidated by strong women

You guys are gay as fuck.

I bet you prefer """""girls""""" short haired and flat chested too. There's no point in fucking women if you just want to make them look like boys.

at the pride parade

As bad as crossshit is for your body and your bank account I would say go search there.

This. Boys that look like women are the thinking man's fuck.

being this small and weak

I'd rather fuck this """""boy""""" than a million bulldyke muscle """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""girls"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Is that Eponyymi?

It's painful, isn't it

then maybe stop being a weak little bitch

The gym
you dumb fuck

>I wonder what cuddling with a muscle girl feels like
You should know, you already cuddled with Dutch men.

You can meet them at a gym.

You can "get" them by talking to them.

Wow, Penny got ripped.


>You can meet them at a gym.
What crazy gyms do you go to? Over here, 99% of girls who go to a gym are cardiobunnies, and the 1% that do lift use those worthless plastic weights.

Most women are fucking lazy. They don't need to develop their bodies past "not eating like a fucking pig", because why train your body to become useful when you can get men to be useful for you?

>What crazy gyms do you go to?

There are a lot of cute ones at my gym.

>a woman who's form isn't complete bullshit
I mean, she still has pussybands, but still

Scandinavian men are so limp and girly that Scandinavian women have to look like the Hulk because if they're dating then the women don't want people to mistake them for lesbian couples.

she's the best

she's a competitive powerlifter, she knows what she's doing. professional oly and powerlifters tend to look the best and they have the added bonus of knowing what they're doing. crossfit girls can be super qt as well, but they often have shit form

Of course they have to look like The Hulk, fucking Scandinavian pussies. Not at all like American women, who are 300 kilos of pure beauty and don't need to lift because they're naturally gorgeous!

Let me tell you a secret, because your fat ass clearly knows nothing about the human body past Dr. Shekelstein telling you that it's good to cut off part of your penis. Women cannot look like the Hulk through natural training. Hell, MEN can't look like the Hulk through natural training. Not only do you need roids for this (back in the golden age of bodybuilding fucking everyone used roids, men like Schwarzenegger freely admit that they used to roid), but female and male musculature is different. Women build up muscles entirely differently to men, assuming they're only training and eating a lot of protein.

People who spread crossshit need to die
I'm glad it hasn't arrived here yet

Elliot please don't shoot up my school

You need to calm down