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slovakia might've been an overstatement but czechia was the shit for industry
they're also the reason why we (czechoslovakia) elected gommunists :^(

>Slovak state deported actual Germans

wtf? why?

that would be the gommunists and czechoslovakists you dip


fucking retard

First for Mike Fish

>gommies werent in power before 1948
come on fero

heh.. nothing personnel, kid

Wassup yall

reminder that bump limit is 310

>evil gnadzis

Pretty sure that Czechs killed more civilian Germans than even the Poles while they were probably the country that suffered the least.

>pre ww2 borders
ayy what


Communists only got to power in late 1950s it was all nazi regime until then, even if it was officialy not called that

mate the putch was in 1948 and they had lots of seats in 1946 already
no idea about the 1944 part tho


Pinnacle of Austro-Hungarian culture

Do Hungarians even post in these threads anymore, or had they finally came to their senses and realized they had enough of you insufferable slavic cunts?

why are you here you slanted eye faggot

other day

make your mind up, manták tót

>Evropská unie bude muset změnit svá jazyková pravidla, aby udržela angličtinu jako jeden z oficiálních jazyků. Tvrdí to bývalá eurokomisařka a nyní polská europoslankyně Danuta Hübnerová. Británie totiž jako jediná označila angličtinu jako svůj oficiální jazyk a s jejím odchodem by zanikl důvod angličtinu v EU používat

Lel get fucked britbongs. Time to start learning german I guess


Eh we killed only like 30k. Thats pretty low number. They can be glad that they were just expeled. Death was usual punishment for high treason at that time.

pls no

Shouldn't have lost the war, Fritzi.

M A L T A ?

Englel just got booted out by Iceland kek

You disgust me.
The Germans brought culture to your lands (prior to the war). Yet, as soon as you had your chance, you commited this genocide and claim to be the victims...

Now the Germans (hell ,all of us really) are cucked and overrun with shitskins that don't want to integrate at all. And you, well, nothing more than a catholic country without religion anymore (in other words, a whorehouse)

>implying its our fault that germans are cucking themselves with shitskins
it's the [spoiler] joos fault [/spoiler]

Are you kidding me?
Commies were at it since 1945, they just were using the pretext of arresting collaborators, same after 1948. Then in 1951 and 1953 they went full purges.

Weak bait.

Also it was us who brought culture to them

>germans were good boys the dindu nuffin
>muh christianity
>muh degeneracy

Iceland actually did it the absolute madmen

Pick one and only one. You had nothing. Everything worth seeing in the Czech republic was made by Germans.

The only thing you're mildly good at is cocksucking for money. Even your porn is boring and unimaginative.

time you to depart

t. kissles virgin

Step up your bait game

t. projecting entrepreneur


Bud Spencer died.



Its over. Bud Spencer died.

RIP in piece

I like how you're deflecting,since you have nothing to counter my statements with.

Laszlo, do you know what was the first thing Germs did once the Sudetes was given to them by Entente? They went on killing spree, slaughtering, or at least torturing any Czechoslovak officials that didn't manage to left the contested area with civilians in time. That was still in the 1938.
Do you know what did the Germs in 1945, while they were falling back to American custody? They murdered any Czech civilians that were unlucky enough to cross their path.

Well, last time I came to visit it all reminded me of a watered-down copy of Bavarian culture (food, architecture and so on). Maybe I'm wrong.
If so, enlighten me please.

Kár érte, kiváló ügynök volt!



seeing this autist sperging out reminds me of how comfy czsk was
but all good things have to come to an end

oh shit


but muh /czsk/ was way too autistic

Your attempts at banter are sad. Noone believes you could actually be this retarded. Also you gave no proofs and examples

>tfw bought 3 months of spotify for 1€ and then cancelled my subscription
the jews get jewed

>first thing
>in 1938


germans dindu nuffin

Okay. Czech cuisine is nonexistant. Ever heard of a Czech restaurant abroad? Me neither. Because Czech cuisine doesn't exist.

How about Czech Music? Haha, that's a joke. You managed to produce a total number of 1 famous singer - who by the way is of German descent. Czech classical music doesn't exist either.

The language is just generic slav crapfest no. 99089 nobody wants to learn, with way too many consonants.

You have no history.

Your towns look like German towns. Because they were German towns, stolen from Germans.

literally all of that excluding muh language can be applied to hungary

shut the fuck up already fucking faggot

You do have point, these shits were at it since 1937 at least, but that was act of terrorism, even by their laws.

it was comfy tho

Want to hear a jew trick?

When you are buying shit online, put the most expensive crap in the basket, fill out the form (including the e-mail adress) and before you click "order" click off the page

The next day you will miracilously find a 15% or something off coupon in your e-mail box

Most of the companies do this, even lesser known ones


kill yourself desu fám

does alza do this too?

yes but autism does not into comfy or vise versa which leads to my question how was it autistic?

Au wei


is she a leftie? :O

ok, I will actually take time to adress your points, even tho you are autistic
>Czech cuisine is nonexistant
bullshit, plenty of unique dishes, although I agree a lot of it comes from the outside (like, you knnow, in most world cuisines?)
>Ever heard of a Czech restaurant abroad?
heard of couple in USA, some in Australia

>You managed to produce a total number of 1 famous singer - who by the way is of German descent. Czech classical music doesn't exist either.
ok, you are definitely idiot or trolling now
>The language is just generic slav crapfest no. 99089 nobody wants to learn, with way too many consonants
again, pretty wrong, I'd say something ugly about hungarian, but I like Huns so you can go get fucked by a cactus individually

>You have no history.
>source: my ass

>Your towns look like German towns. Because they were German towns, stolen from Germans.
>spent decades and centuries under German rule
>architecture is similar
unheard of

have a (You) and stop spouting bullshit

He's right you know...

Dunno, try it

I did it last week again on some army-shop type site and it worked, got 8% off

The biggest one I got so far was when I was ordering colored lenses (don't ask why), did that shit and got 40% off from next purchase

that was a question?

>colored lenses
fucking weeb

t. no fun allowed brigade

I despise anime

It was a gift for ex, she was a complete weab fucko, she even spoke nipponese and did cosplays and shit

>The Germans brought culture to your lands
stopped reading right there

>this is autism
I guess I have it all wrong
I can sympathize with others who have these thoughts but come on if anyone's been here for more than a week this can't trigger them

>Czech classical music doesn't exist either.
and this is where you went from a relatively decent bait to a shitty one

I never said anything about autism for christ sake
I actually liked it, as in I actually enjoyed these threads, is it clear now?

>bullying works
thanks m8 :^)

>His country doesnt have female Nazi-killing Jewish Partisan leader

>mine does

>worst BTFO of the entire Euro Cup
>we're the only team from our group that didn't advance to the quarter finals
>lost so bad we literally killed Bud Spencer

wow...really makes you think....voting MSZP next time lads

>learnt German in order to learn music (Bohemian intelectuals spoke mostly German)
>was student of Anton Liehmann and Franz Hanke (both Germans)
>His greatest inspiration was Wagner (you can guess where he comes from)

Stop embarrassing youself. I'm not implying everything that was good only came from Germany back then, there was Czech stuff aswell.
But back in then, most everything noteworthy was or came from the German-speaking communities

muh heritage fagging

at least we played good football, which couldn't be said about moortugal or croatia for example

100% magyar tho

Yeah we got got it. After 1848 you've got your own special snowflake kingdom, while we got nothing but the further Germanization.

and this day gets worse every hour

M8, Liszt barely spoke hungarian

>tfw dead thread

You should be sleeping

>implying I can

Get drunk

I would if I had any booze
seems like Birrell will have to do

Is that nonalcoholic beer?

unfortunately yes

Beer doesn't taste good enough to drink without getting a buzz off it desu

yfw when Daenerys gets RUSSIA'D by eternal winter

>yfw when