Memes aside

Are there really white people in Argentina?

If the answer is yes, are they truly white or just "white" with obviously native genes showing?

Other urls found in this thread:

we're mostly mediterranean, you can find lots of pale skinned and with light eyes argies but we're mostly italian and/or spanish descendants, although we have many people with german, ukranian and other ancestries
on the other hand there are tons of southern italians and amerindians

>Are there really white people in Argentina?
are hungarians white? then

>Are there really white people in Argentina?
yes, they killed all natives there.
argies are killers

we only did what you should have do, damn race mixers



Why are you so fucking stupid?, of course there are white people in argentina, mestizos and other races as well in the whole country

id like to suffocate between those knockers, if you catch my flow

Dick tingler

We're losers. And losers cannot be white, so we're obvioulsy non-whites.

Eternal 2nd place shitskins.

>argentina is white

How easy is it to move to Argentina

need to escape the diversity here

I don't recommend it.

> or just "white" with obviously native genes showing?
well this is actually the case for a considerable numbers of white americans and white canadians you know? but yeah there are white people, there are just mostly mediterraneans of Spaniard and Italian descents, but blonde people and light eyes could exist too, concerning indians and mestiaos, there are mostly in the northern parts of the country, also some "white people" have at least one indian ancestor but this kind of thing is very ancient most of times, also that's not the case of all white argentines.

there are also mestizos and indians immigrant population from Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay.

Why do you use a lot of proxies to convince you are white?


This. And from non-white countries like Spain and France no less.

I only see buttmad niggers, nothing new.

your cunts have just more blacks population, you have themselves black ancestors so the fact that argentina is really white make you completly mad.

black people is not common in argentina

but we are losers and we deserve more blacks and jews, fuck this shitty country

>buttmad niggers

What? No one cares.

Jews are actually pretty helpful with the economy. That's why countries with high Jewish populations are more successful

Peru is the only white south american country

how are things there?

Of course, just look at their new president

One of the fastest growing economies in the world, in just a few years they have reduced their poverty rate from 60% to 25%

>Are there really white people in Argentina?
>If the answer is yes, are they truly white or just "white" with obviously native genes showing?
Some are white, others are "white", Some are Spaniard white.

Malo malo

Of course they are not. Your government killed some, they died in wars and mass immigrated to hue hue land in the 1800s.

>Spaniard white
So, they are just filthy arabs?

puta la wea.
Apoyos desde Chile hacia un pais que adoro tanto.

Something like that, but with light skin.

They have a shitload of ethnicities there but most of them are pretty much indistinguishable from Spaniards and Italians, they have a general mediterranean look.

>that pic

wtf I love Argentina now

What? She is not even remotely hot and she is probably low class

meant for

>What? She is not even remotely hot and she is probably low class
Doesn't matter I hate Britbongs.

Why tho
And bong-haters in Argentina are probably all low class

i'd say half of them can pass off as europeans (mostly southern-looking, but there's a central-looking minority).

The other half clearly shows native american influence, but they still believe they're white.

a complete maymay, native genetics are still very strong there, especially outside the center region


>And bong-haters in Argentina are probably all low class
Not true, everyone secretly hates bongs.

My views of Argentina is exactly like this.

40% look full white. The rest are Native American looking.

memes and banter aside?

If you define white people as people with fair skin, usually light brown hair and sometimes yellow or green eyes, yes they are.

If you are expecting blue eye Scandinavians, no they are not.

Argies always say that bong-hares and people who screams "muh malvinas" are poor and low class.

>Argies always say that bong-hares and people who screams "muh malvinas" are poor and low class.

Generally, yes.

in a recent genetic study conducted by the University of Buenos Aires, more than 56% of the 320 Argentines sampled were shown to have at least one indigenous ancestor in one parental lineage and about 11% had indigenous ancestors in both parental lineages

i hate everybody

Spanish America can't notice too much Native American traits as you see in this thread. I would say 40% of them are white.

You know if they have just one native ancestor from 1600 and their phenotype as actually nothing to do with that currently, it's pretty stupid of not considering them white for something so ancient.

so Cameron Diaz is not white? Elvis Presley is not white? Chuck Norris is not white? Johnny Depp is not white?

Argentina didn't become a country till 1810 and didn't see a surge of population/immigrants until the 1900s.

You can find a lot of white argentinians, but that doesn´t mean they aren´t disgusting

What are you salty about now?


Yes there are legit whites there and in most places in LATAM (in small proportions)

no, we're black, dont come here
i'll stab you

I would say Uruguay

The ones who race-mixes with Indians are the early colonists, also they were cities and towns before Argentina became a country, so this early mixed-race people remix again with whites and after that they mix with new immigrants from the XIXth century, the descendants looks probably totally white but just for one native ancestor from two or three century ago he's not white anymore? Like the americans people i stated.

Hola amigo