/urban/ + /architecture/

houston > your city

Other urls found in this thread:




>houston > your city

fuck no















last one from me tonight, going to bed




The only bridge in the world that folds like this.





i like it

NYC lads.

thank you, amerifriend

>There are people who actually voluntarily live in Texas.




Based Filthadelphia






My sleepy seaside town

for ants

Can't see shit Cap'n.

Fug :DDD, I kill every thread I post in.

Don't worry, clapfriend. Regardless of who posts, /urban/ is dead.

this gives me a sense of melancholy, I dont know why. it makes me sad

Sad desu. These are the only worthwhile threads on here.

These threads are just really slow. Looking at pictures of pretty buildings isnt exactly a very common interest.

Indeed, but it's sadly a niche.

Cheer up, friend.
I could stare at buildings for hours.





Posted here since the first thread. As long as they are still made I'll be here.



Vietnam still has a lot of catching up to do, but it's getting there.


I like the grit that it has.



I will post some from my area
Local train station (1/6)





Hnnng, I love it.






>ywn live in manhattan circa 1979


>ywn live in manhattan



Anglican Church



Catholic church

>living in upper east side all July

thank god for rich relatives, they also have a place in the hamptons.



"Main" street

Very nice little town. You should post some OC sometime.



It has a jap/korean vibe to it in this pic

>pic related is only 2mb

i like how they have shops inside the base of the bridge



>posting a pic of hong kong
you can't fool me, chinaman


My little metropolis

What's with the Stonehenge?

>It has a jap/korean vibe to it in this pic
cause south korea is the largest investor in vietnam and vietnam's the tallest building is owned by a south korean man

some megalomanic architect
those are all ordinary households

Definitely not anything to do with jewish blood magic that maintains our grasp of the world, certainly not.