
Titanic edition

Did you know that the Titanic did NOT sink? The ship that sank was in fact Titanic's sister ship Olympic, disguised as Titanic, as an insurance scam by her owners, the International Mercantile Marine Group, controlled by American financier J.P. Morgan that had acquired the White Star Line in 1902.

It's a little known fact despite being one of the biggest coverups in modern human history.

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korean pop


how the fuck did we fuck up one of the greatest countries on earth in a week lads


This country's gone to the fucking dogs. Time to look for somewhere new m80s.

Someone give me one good reason why we shouldn't invade Iceland right now

2-1 loss against Iceland



I think that the flag of Iceland is coolest

cuck nation

nation of cucks

Anyone wanna buy some magic logs?

>2:1 Island won

bone cancer

we played so shit tonight. unreal.

shut up with your cuck memes you big gay cunt


at least we have our country back right? RIGHT? LADS?

off to canada myself

because knowing our luck we'll get our shit slapped and become a vassal state of theirs

God gives with one had and takes with the other. ;_;

I'm just glad he gave us the leave result.


Iceland -2

Netherlands - 0


Iceland - 1

Netherlands - 0

literally unironically this

HAHAHA, i hear you guys are shit at the football, but you talk as if you were good at the football every tournament. How comes ? HAHAHAHAHA

Article 50 when?


It's our country now fags

Do like your mum and love Iceland

>crying like losing means something
Then they should've tried harder if they mean it

kek good image pjotr


is Messi white?

so many germans here

>we have our country back

do we? at what cost

I'm out m8s

If I were Canadian I wouldn't even want us tbqh.

well at least now the england supporters can come home and get back to abusing polish people

>this is our opposition

Thank you Jez

you really don't want great britain lad

2 million refugees

Come on, m8.

Don't be a dick about it.

Being largely ignorant of football I was worried you'd perform well which would raise your spirits post-brexit but it all worked out well.

and japs

boah ih mann

>libcucks are actually so butthurt and salty they will try to use this result as some argument against brexit

you mongoloids are a never ending source of amusement

>Jess Philips

feel like killing myself

>Be England
>Lose against Iceland 2-1 (Two to One)
>Only English goal from a PENALTY

Will they ever recover?

lads we can't go through with Brexit, we just can't

what a fucking mistake

these 2bh

KEK literally "delet this"

nice flags


Still way behind you.

More like Great Shitain

What would you rather have, lads?

The referendum result you wanted or England winning the Euros?

hello fellow non-EU country!

Can't stand women in politics


English fans are now frantically googling "What does it mean to leave Euro 2016??

we are an eternal alliance, Brit



How is she still an MP with a reputation? Literally sniggering at the idea that there are men specific issues we should pay attention to. She really is fucking vermin

v. orginal

>Be Netherlands
>Lose against Iceland 1-0
>Lose against Iceland 2-0
>Don't qualify for the euros

Nope we took 5000 refugees you took 2 MILLION and now have TWICE as many Muslims as us lmfao

Nice flag

*wins game*

new couch of english team

This is bullshit. Everyone saw that there was only one team that came to play football, England. Iceland scored two flukey goals and just sat back the whole time. This is a major tournament, no team should play like that, just an embarrassment. Today football lost.

Well I've got the referendum result and it's been pretty fucking great. Couldn't give a toss about the euros


It's hard times for little England

Hello non-EURO country

are you saying you want to sit on boris you filthy cunt?

Are you really going to attempt to defend yourself?

sensing some hostility here


We might not

What will be his next master move?

Same, lad, but I don't like other countries making fun of us.

*Be belgium
*Terrorist blows up my airport*

>implying anyone here gives a fuck that you triggered the normies


so was the manager part of the labour shadow cabinet or what

Get yer own

Hello NON-euro NON-countries :3

>How Will Brexit Affect The UK Anime Market?

Meme magic

what were you watching?



please don't assume we're all english

game of thrones was fucking sensational lads
just utterly fucking sublime

>and it's been pretty fucking great

But only bad things have happened because of it.

Wales will get our revenge.


Send the buggers back
Send the buggers back
These arent the ones i wanted, son
So i'm sending them straight back
I said i wanted white ones
But theyve sent us bloody black
I'm going to put the lid back on
And send the buggers back

We won't leave.

jesus christ I can only fucking pray they don't go through with it

it needs to be swept to one side and forgotten about, wait until the 80 year olds kick the bucket then hold another referendum, give everyone under 25 a £40 topshop voucher if they vote and secure a safe remain majority

>D A M A G E C O N T R O L

Can't believe we beat england 2-1 haha

haha very good

worthless """""country""""", just nuke us already

My uncle works killing Whales

>be england
>tank pound
>lose to vikings(again)
>be eternally ass ravaged