Is there not enough diversity in Computer Science?
Is there not enough diversity in Computer Science?
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No, there's too much diversity if anything.
Mean IQ of just about all nonwhites is lower than whites, so this adds up. If anything the 29% is inflated by affirmative action.
>the fact wogs are stupid is our fault
There is not enough diversity in sports. Cry me a river.
Minorities should be turned into fertilizer.
Your numbers are old anyway and coons on average score far lower on sats and other standardises testing.
white = 59.3%
Can we just go back to the slavery days where they just picked cotton and got raped?
>diversity obsession
Why is this a thing in America?
Why are Asians more likely to get a professional degree than whites?????? EXPLAIN THIS RACISM RIGHT NOW
So the percentage of our bachelor degrees is directly proportional with our population. What is the problem here? This is coming from a Middle Easterner by the way.
Wait what, just cause the real time ratio is 7:3 means that your probability to get in a university is 3/10, your grades, your behaviour or anything else does not correlate with that decision?
I was taught my whole live that people are equal, everybody can achieve anything as long as he want to and is dedicated.
Because they have stricter work ethic.
>the American Delusion
woww !!! who wouldve thought your surroundings and potentially your culture could impact your education and future !!! wowwww im baffled !! wow
Of course, but this is about statistics.
>pointless autistic screeching
Are you having a stroke?
I'm a brown Muslim and I can't even speak out against these type of "stats" because then everyone thinks I'm some kind of traitor that hates my own race.
How do I explain to people that forced diversity is not a good thing without pissing them off,
Egalitarianism and meritocracy are both myths my dude
There's not enough diversity until whites are extinct
Then we'll just ban those statistics.
Diversity = % of non local
>29% of all bachelor's degrees = people of colour
>in USA which is twenty-something percent non-white (less than 29%)
>meaning there's more degrees per person of colour than there is per whitey
Nice. Is mass media finally noticing the bias against whites?
are you ok, minority? do u need a special snowflake sweater and a warm cup of cocoa with 4 marshmallows and a belly rub? its ok daddy will be back from the corner shop with his smokes in ur next life time
>because of my race
See, she's absolutely right, but she's been tricked into thinking it's because the universities are racist. Her race affords her naturally higher aptitude and IQ across the board, and THAT is why she has a greater chance of being accepted to universities.
>more likely to recieve my degree
Yes, yes see receiving your degree means you must complete and pass all of the classes required for that degree. Degrees are not given out for no reason, and they're not given out for the fucking color of your skin.
>introducing the nu/pol/
>now with actual 13 year olds
You were never white to begin with Amerilard lol
If you've any of:
-black/brown hair
-less than 6'
>Bald or balding
>Tanned or oily skin
You're not white
It's really difficult because in any conversation you're going to bring attention from the worst possible people from both extremes
The only way you can do this is by being a likable person and not demeaning anyone no matter how they are. I manage to make "some" people listen but they are friends and I'm very delicate, but specific with the way I express my opinions. The worst thing you can do is parrot, too. People will stop listening to you if you bring the same exact argument, same wording and everything, than a whole collective. No matter how valid it is.
Also you have to keep in mind that you have to often doubt yourself and whatever you hear that you might like, and that sometimes some people will be shown an absolute fact and still act the same way so it's pointless to keep going.
>hey guys look i can be racist on the internet
We need equality of opportunity not equality of outcome. Diversity will sort itself out if we have that.
Look how diverse this game is! Both teams are 100% black!
t. Jews
>Less than 30% of the population is black
>Only 30% of bachelor degrees are held by black people
> How does probability work?
Some time ago I stumbled upon a blog post where somebody wanted to find the most diverse city in the US. So he looked at the biological definition and calculated the entropy. The maximum is somewhere when each group is represented 1/k of the total population.
The fun was his comment section which was full of people saying that he's racist, etc. because in the city lived too many white people
whites are 77% of the population, whites are underrepresented
>Complain about higher education somehow being racist because more white people graduate than PoC
>Fail at math so badly that you don't even see how graduation statistics, your supposed evidence, represent the general population almost 1:1, thus proving that higher education is NOT racist
If you're so stupid you can't see it when your own supposed evidence proves you wrong you probably should consider just going into trades, retail or other unskilled work.
Wtf you're right
77% of USA's population is white. Only 71% of degrees?
I don't think there's too little diversity, but I think it would be positive to see more people from different backgrounds.
However, I disagree that the method for achieving that is via hiring based on skin color.
You want more women and minorities in coding? Go to the schools with lots of minorities and start a computer club. Get them into it at a young age. Make them good programmers, not good quota filler.
you see user what you say makes sense. We don't want any of that, we just want to be outraged!
There is more than enough nose on your face
>stats without any source nor any documentation of grades and race comparisons with names stamped on them
AKA another tinfoilstat.
in my last job interview the fucking interviewer asked me what can we do to make the woman more interested in IT. I told them that there was nothing we could do, since its a field of interest, and any influence either cultural or political would be fruitless. I also asked why woman. ive seen plenty on woman on it, what i never saw was a dwarf. Mabe we should think more about dwarves of any sex in the IT field, dwarves are humans too. Obviously i did not get the job.
user, that sounds like it would take more work than sitting in a cafe tweeting from my iPhone so I'm not going to do that.
Instead I'm going to continue to all-caps scream at people online until someone else does literally anything to acknowledge my existence, thus placating me until tomorrow when I want more attention.
Because diversity is a meme.
have we checked if whites have a stricter (somehow) work ethic than """people of colors"""
Diversity is unnecessary bullshit
That image is objectively wrong though
it also fails to mention mcat scores, which regardless of GPA, PoC's score on average lower than Asians (and to a lesser degree, whites)
You mean people who need to work to earn things will work harder than people who rely on gov't gibmes?
Sup Forums is Sup Forums just with nicer computers
>less minorities in universities
Wow, it's almost like if they were minorities.
Fucking retards.
Maybe we should stop handing corporations subsidies so they work harder. Maybe banks will work harder if they know that obama won't bail them out with a couple trillion dollars if they fuck things up again
please go back