>the email address on his resume ends in "gmail.com"
The email address on his resume ends in "gmail.com"
Other urls found in this thread:
honestly this, my job even specified i cant use a gmail address
wtf why?
I get that gmail is spying on everyone and shit but do they really care about that?
I let russians spy on me.
>the email address on his resume ends in "@cock.li"
yandex masterrace
Пyтин favourite botnet
I have my own three letter domain, but I haven't found any email provider to use it with that I like as much as gmail.
I have my full name as a domain, but it just redirects email to my gmail account :|
email ends in @aol.com
Your specified you can't use it to send your resume? Or for the job itself?
I send my CVs from my @gmail account, including the company I work for now.
Of COURSE they gave a @company email to do the actual work day to day, that is standard issue.
What the fuck should i use then
they dont care about spying, probably. it specified non public email and is for proof of corporate identity
both, it was sent through their website but the contact address needed to be non public, and all communications have to be through the one i provided.
>not actually choosing @tfwno.gf
protonmail, cock.li
Remove protonmail is a meme, ironically the one with the meme name is not a meme.
why is it a meme?
>not nigge.rs
>the email on his resume doesn't end with his own domain running on his own mail server at home
Lol noobs
What should i use then faggit
your eyes
this picture.
is funny?
[email protected] is the patrician choice
>he doesn't own a 3 letter domain name
>he doesn't have his own website email address
>not horsefucker.org
never going to make it lads
I submitted my resume with a @cumallover.me address and still got the job.
I know this isn't /sqg/ but I really do have to ask because I truly have no idea.
How do you get an email address with a custom domain for free? Is that even a thing? I feel like in CURRENT YEAR it should be.
>not spoofing the company's email address
Cock.il is a fucking meme and u knownit retard
that doesn't matter
>put [email protected] email on resume
>300k starting
>any job I want
This reminds me, I need a new email address. Any good ideas for domain names?
This is the only true choice.
Maybe for you, Amazon warehouse drone
You cannot as domain names are not free and honestly they shouldn't be free.
However there might be free email providers where you can bring your own domain.
Excluding domain costs, server hardware costs and uptime costs, it's basically free.
>not the reason you got the job in the first place
You can choose anyone from cock.li
Nothing wrong with gmail addresses. Using something uncommon could even hurt you. If I get a resume from someone with a @protonmail it's going to be a red flag.
>[email protected]
>they reply
i culd waste 5 johnnyamerican dorrar/mo to have my web design portfolio domain name attached to my gmail but no
proud owner of [email protected]
>domain is owned by (((Theodore Goldberg)))
i legit saw a truck on the highway today that had an @yahoo.com email address printed onto it. if your going to pay the money to fucking screen print something on a huge truck, wouldnt you buy your own domain?
I saw a truck with a QR code on it once.
Never underestimate stupidity or laziness.
do you think they are that slice afterwards?
You are the retard here
>not actively phishing the companies distribution lists and having full access to their internal network before applying
i don't know
meant 4
>not confirming your own application
i am hired
>not airmail.cc
>using the internet
>not creating your own company, applying for a job at your own company and denying your own application
This thread is full pleb tier
>not taking out a loan to buy out a company, replacing the CEO before firing yourself
R8 my email
>tfw my email ends in hotmail.com
I bet you're one of those faggots who prepares 3 pages of resume.
>honestly this, my job even specified i cant use a gmail address
… when employed and provided with company mail account.
>he applies for jobs along with hordes of other plebs
>he doesn't get in with connections
My negro
>the email address on his resume ends in 'nigge.rs'
>tfw i'm better than all of you
nice gorilla marketing vincent
captcha: RANCHO HURD
>he doesn't have a cianigge.rs email address
>he doesn't keep it classy and mellow with @hotmail.com
Is i2p email worth a damn?
> protonmail
have fun not being able to access your mail offline
>mfw I read that captcha and without thinking clicked skip
botnet aside, what other email is as reliable and easy to access/use
serious question
>not having email address in the form of [email protected]
>the email address on his resume ends in "horsefucker.org"
>not (something about feminism being good)@getbackinthe.kitchen
>tfw not a SV startup founder that can get away with anything
I use my university mail account for job applications while I am still enrolled. Afterwards I guess I'll have to use my personal one which is hosted by openmailbox.org.
whose hand is that?
What a sad lonely faggot
>mfw I changed it to [email protected]
Thanks OP, I now have too many job offers.
>he STILL hasn't register his last name as a website
What's your excuse? And don't tell me "tfw your last name is too mainstream"
I don't even know when I'm supposed to lose it. Graduated two years ago and can still access it fine.
Depends on the university and how lazy the admins are I guess. I could use my old one for like a year after I switched unis. Still get downtime information for their network so I must still have an active account somewhere.
suck it, anyone else who shares my name!
>has numbers in his email address
>He does not have an @mit.edu email address
Fucking plebs.
Sucks to be you
waifu.club is better
you can buy a domain ($10/year) and use a shitty old computer to host your own mail server.
it's the fish's hand you retarded young man
who is mehdie hage?