This is such an enjoyable experience now. Why did I wait so long to do this? Did I miss any other important ones?
This is such an enjoyable experience now. Why did I wait so long to do this? Did I miss any other important ones?
Try filtering "This is such an enjoyable experience now. Why did I wait so long to do this? Did I miss any other important ones?". Really improved my experience.
Seems like your filter doesn't work.
Here are mine:
Fuck generals, if I wanted to see that sit I'd go to reddit.
You forgot
Hello r3ddit!
You missed the following:
/sand nigger/i
What if you don't keep the cookies? You always configure those on every visit? Or is a way to import a local list? I'd also like to filter all the generals bullshit.
If you don't use cookies, use Sup Forums-X.
And yes, you can export all of your Sup Forums settings from the native extension. Settings -> Export settings
I'll see what I can do with the site's default extension.
butthurt faggot
What's wrong with *generals?
This is mine.
Nothing, as usual, faggots are looking to whine about something. Try filtering all the generals and only the shit and shill threads will remain with a rare win thread in between
Now you can enjoy a safespace full of tech support threads and bait. Congrats.
youre welcome
I bet you also use an adblocker
Sup Forumsi;boards:g
/nothing to hide/i;boards:g
/net nuetrality/i;boards:g
/free market/i;boards:g
/race war now/i:board;g
Something went wrong. I added that, refreshed and the whole board disappeared.
the worst of these generals is the WATCH THREAD. it's nothing but pure fucking fashion. they just shitpost about watch bands and how watches look. "technology" is from 1700s too... mechanical movements.
how the fuck can /wg/ stay on Sup Forums is beyond me. it should be in /fa/
go back to plebbit, you massive FAGG-OTS!
My filter blocked you. :^)
no it didn't you stupid nig-ger.
Generals just lead to boring threads with the same shit posted everytime. Having an occasional thread about a topic works great, but generals have the intention of being up all the time which leads to repetative threads.
My filter blocked my own post and you replied to it so you got blocked to.
Private tracker general is up there too, considering that there's a whole board for torrent discussion.
noticed that everyone is keeping the terry threads comin through. mr. god is happy.
That's because the mere existence of generals poison a board. You can't just filter them away, they really need to be removed entirely.
Generals are nothing more than people trying to nigger-rig their own sub-boards, complete with cutesy titles and their own set of rules. They should just go create a subreddit if that's what they want, that's not what Sup Forums is for.
>Generals go against the ideas of an imageboard because it tries to be a traditional forum
>Generals encourage shitposting and cancer
>Generals get anons racing to make the next OP and leads to 2+ threads of the general wasting space it shouldn't be wasting
Same thread over and over, after you browse enough you know them all anyway so if you want to go to one you'll search the catalog to find it. No need for them to keep showing up when you already know they're there.
>using filters
>wanting to see the same generic posts day after day
>filtering the only good threads
If your post is repetitive, stale, and predictable enough to get caught in a filter then you deserve for your post to be ignored.
>what people say on the internet bothers me
You're the only one bothered here.
Filters are for cucks who want a safe space, kill yourself redditor for wanting censorship.
Kys redditor cancer
Shitposting belongs here, go back to plebbit if you want filters, cucks.
Spoken like a true redditor
This all wouldn't be a problem if generals weren't a thing.
I've been here far longer than you newfag, Sup Forums was always about shitposting.
so if i made a thread about how much i hate a general thread and used the thread's code in the title would i only receive dissent as everyone else who hates generals would filter the thread code?
Honesty this. Not to flex age, but Sup Forums has always had an passion for provacation.
>filtering /cyb/
>filtering the best general on Sup Forums
>filtering one of the only generals that actually belong on Sup Forums
Use regular expressions m8
Ok, kid.
/cyb/ is trash that is rapidly decreasing the post quality on /sec/, which is a general that actually does deserve to be on Sup Forums.
You need to add pgg and sfg since the pathfags can't decide how to general.
i want /prog/ back
use 4chanX you idiot
You are all part of the problem.
Bullshit. Shitposting really is shit, it wasn't this bad even a few years ago. It think 11 years is a pretty good age, not an oldfag, but not mobileposting cancer either.
Enjoy your safe spaces. You are just as bad as the people you filter if not worse.
/prog/ isn't Sup Forums, faggot.
/cyb/ is full of larpers who mostly just talk about their waifu, lain.
I was once.
in what way
Well not anymore
You're just mad people are hiding your cancerous posts. Nobody wants to read the Sup Forumstard retardation found in every thread on this board
Then report them and shut them out. Flood the Sup Forums moderation queue if you have to. Ignoring them means you're just going to be fighting a never ending battle as they come up with new cancer memes and flood the board more and more as you and your safe space faggotry plug your ears and pretend a problem doesn't exist.
filter added #comment:"safespace"
Reporting does nothing, being an idiot isn't a bannable offence, nor should it be. I don't see myself as fighting a battle, if the quality of posting keeps declining like it has been for the past couple years someone will make a new imageboard and people will flock to it. Unfortunately there has been a great replacement in the posters of every board on Sup Forums, a problem does exist, but it's because of the people who post here. I don't think you can fight that. In the meantime I will just make it as tolerable as possible
i've lost of hope of a western replacement for Sup Forums 2bh
a chinese, russian or jap one could exist but i don't speak any of these languages. i'm trying to learn jap but that's about it
post the code
# Generals
/\b(?:official|daily|friendly|programm(?:ing|ers?)|head *phones?|desk *tops?|screenfetch|keyboards?|laptop|os|(?:gnu[\/+-])?linux|windows|os[ -]*x|mac(?:s|intosh|book)?|ios|apple|battle *stations?|fizz[-+ ]?buzz|[cg]pu|thinkpad)\b.*(?=\bthread\b)/i;boards:g;op:only
# Cancer
/\bban *c\b/i;boards:g;op:only
/\b(?:ios|mac ?os|apple|android|amd|nvidia|intel)\b.*(?=\b(?:better|best)\b)/i;boards:g;op:only
You just need an admin willing to put up with all the bullshit that comes with running a chan, and willing to put up with a few years of obsurity and I bet you could have a new english chan
neat, thanks!
How else will hiro make profit off Sup Forums passes and ads from mobilefags who don't know how to adblock if they actually enforced the rules?
i doubt it. regular, illiterate people from all over the world would just join it again. the magic has been lost, and people are willing to run their mouths now. you'd need much stricter rule enforcement, and to get that without paid moderators isn't feasible, i think. and paying moderators on a chan image board won't work, either
yeah, the website needs retards to survive. the problem is that we can't get away from them
You're probably right, it would just get overrun with retards. I really hope the old internet isn't dead. Maybe you could follow a private tracker model where it's easy to ban morons, and random newfags can't just join, but that also destroys the magic of it. Or something where you can only join via a terminal client, but even then someone would find a way to bring it to the masses. I really hope someone figures something out, I miss the old internet
A new chan might use banhammers to enforce board culture. Not everything has to be open for debate.
You don't enforce culture with threats of bans, self moderation is the key. You make it difficult for retards to even access it and if they do, only really ban the most disgusting and cancerous of shitposters and newfags.
Because obviously something that gets discussed a lot should have random threads getting shit all over the board instead of a single easily-filterable general thread.
then you end up with Sup Forums, or worse case scenario, neofag
the problem isn't just banning people, it's finding good moderators. there's a reason the moderator meme pasta exists. they're typically sycophants or people with nothing else in life going for them. it's been that way since the internet from the 90s, or maybe even before
what is necessary for a new Sup Forums to exist is
1) something niche that's niche enough not to attract regular retarded people but still popular enough to form a community around
2) people whose hobby is 1) also understand that attracting average people and making the hobby mainstream will only make it worse
3) a reasonable means of filtering people (test them? ban them? hard to say, both have the aforementioned problems)
in my eyes, the buyfag or hentai communities could make either work, if they had support from other communities (Sup Forums etc). but it won't happen either way imo. and even sadpanda's forums don't seem very good, for example. i haven't really read them often, but from what i've seen, it's not good enough. and also, there's other problems that would come with whatever hobby is chosen as the anchor for the new community (furfags etc)
/cyb/ is trash and you know it, and it definitely doesn't belong on Sup Forums.
Angry Sup Forumstard keeps responding until he gets a reply.
protip: "general" and "thread" can get all those shitty threads at once, and even any future ones that crop up
Sometimes those retards don't put their bullshit in the subject field though. They put their gay acronyms most of the time though.
Sup Forums is always right
It always pisses me off when they won't do that, I have "general"/"thread" as filters for both subject & comment just in case, but even then some of them don't even mention the words once in their thread.
If they manage to get through those I'll just add them whenever I see them, IMO it's probably best to have what OP suggested and the "general"/"thread" filters, for maximum faggotry prevention
don't need s/jwfox or s/jwzilla if you have s/jw
don't need j/ewtel if you have j/ew
don't need sand n/igger if you have n/igger