Programmers of Sup Forums, are you part of the open source contributing high salary elite, or mouth-breathing proprietary code monkey scum?
Programmers of Sup Forums, are you part of the open source contributing high salary elite...
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I'm a fucking living meme so
>tfw my job somehow turned into "user we have all this internal code and we want to open source it you're in charge"
Is the raw data available? I would like to see the variance
i'm part of the open source contributing dead end job elite
This anime is very cute
Amazing deal, let me just work 50% more for 5% more pay.
tl;dr: programmers that use tabs earn more than those who use spaces because the former work in companies using Git and open source
you sound mad.
* I mean spaces earn more.
Are you saying there's some reason to use spaces instead of tabs when you're doing open source?
That's some (lack) of reading comprehension, nigger.
I never said there's any reason for using spaces.
>communicate poorly
>get mad when people misunderstand your sentence
Why don't you write correctly then, nigger?
this is probably because they are working in their free time and enjoy it, programming is their hobby, they spend 80 hours a week doing it
just like with any other occupation, people that are passionate and enjoy what they are doing will be doing that thing while at home too and they will make more money than the 9-5 people
Don't get mad for not reading that shit right, you retard.
Other than confusing the order (it's spaces that earn more, and I've fixed it), there's nothing wrong with that sentence. Literally nothing wrong. It is written in a simple and concise way, it should be easily comprehended by any child with a regular level of reading skills.
There's not one way to write it in a more simple manner without writing as you would for a young child or someone on special education. But I'll do that for you:
"See, programmers who use spaces earn more money on average than those who uses tabs when writing a program's code. However, the reason why this happen is not because using spaces rather than tabs magically makes you earn more, it's because those programmers who are using spaces usually works in companies that uses Git and open source software, and THAT is related to a more efficient work environment, which permits its workers to have higher wages."
See? Now ask yourself where did you even get the idea that "hey guise spaces be better than tabs"? There's not ANY relation to that extensive interpretation based on what I said. And you put the blame on me?
Are you literally stupid? Or just 14 years old? Because you're DUMB. Now go read a few books (and I mean real books, quality literature, not Harry Potter), you do that until you learn to read like a properly educated adult should and stop blaming others for your own mistakes.
that looks like it's a difference of 8k, or about 6.5%. Wow, high salary ``elite''.
wow, that's seriously not a copypasta
It's one of these "joke" things.
mad propriecuckary software fan detected
I contribute, but programming is not my job.
>people who spend 80 hours a week programming make more money than people who spend 40 hours a week programming
Really makes you think.