Must provide a phone number to use twitter

>must provide a phone number to use twitter

Why do websites do this?

So the government can track you down easier if you post illegal things on it.



Where do you see skip faggot?

no skip option for me
I wouldn't do it so Im suspended

but they support net neutrality xd

ITT people too poor to afford a telephone

>ITT people too smart to not give out their number for a fucking twitter account


Because phones require a financial investment, deterring dumb kids from making troll accounts

>tfw to intelligent

fucker what's wrong with that, twitter isn't gonna be calling you at 3 in the morning

I feel bad for whoever has the phone number 0404-040-404 as it's what I use for everything I don't give a shit about

also follow me @valfvalf

They know you're probably an alt-right retard that's going to harass women and minority groups so they want to be able to identify you.

I won't give them my info. next thing you know they'll want your urine sample .blood test /first born .
it was just for trolling white knights on periscope anyway

Wtf really? I don't even remember providing them my number while creating it

>He didn't make a account back in 2010 so you don't require to give Twitter your number

>he uses twitter

>He doesn't use the only half decent social media site


Hello Machmud

Remember when you weren't supposed to disclose any personal information online?
What the fuck happened to the idea of absolute freedom?

Makes it harder to create spam accounts. Now you have to phish.

How else am I supposed to keep contact with internet friends outside of the small community where we met? Say outside a game.

create your own shitty social network if you are this upset about it. cant wait for all you fucking losers to die from heart disease and stop ruining the internet for the rest of us

>tinfoil conspiracy
kill yourself

it's mainly to stop trolls and paid shills from making multiple accounts

try to login to peri, chaturbate ect with gab

the only reason I have fb is because you can't access some sites without it

there's the problem, your country probably has more twitter spambots than people. Of course there's going to be some extra scrutiny.
meanwhile in the land of freedom I just made myself a new account and got the same skippable prompt as

Tell me one site that you can not access without it. Please.

You retard I didn't choose Albania, it's the first country in the list.

local surplus store

comments on news sites

it chooses automatically based on your ip address. noscript could stop that from working I guess but the page probably wouldn't load at all.

Can you give me a link to the site?

I got the skippable prompt because I live in the US but after doing nothing for 1 hour, it wants me to put in a phone number. I'm completely locked out of my account.

Has actually nothing to do with the site itself. It just implements facebook.
>inb4 you can not access facebook functions without facebook
Yeah no shit you idiot.



>having friends
begone mundanes

>he doesn't use twitter

A well placed tweet about something you made can put you on the radar of dozens of companies

I imagine a lot of sites lose commenters if they can't be anonymous. fuck em. some ppl might not say what they wanna say without anonymity.

fuck off baka capitalist. communism will win


A well placed tweet about a revolutionary idea can put you on the radar of dozens of gulags

disqus started censoring comments so I closed my account. I don't want some corporation controlling what I can say. it's starting to feel like if you can't be controlled you can't say anything. wtf are they so afraid of trolls? cause that's all they end up with

But they send a code that you have to write in, don't you?

>be in college
>use app called yik yak which is the app equivalent of shouting really loud so everyone within a mile can hear you
>everyone is user and lots of fun is had
>one day app says you need to make an account with a name and picture
>nobody likes this
>the few people who stick around are forced to have a persona and stick with it, no controversial opinions or risk alienation
>basically a room full of fake smiles
>post frequency slows to a crawl
>app makers eventually realize everybody is leaving and they're not making money
>layoffs left and right
>they apologize and make having a name optional
>It is too late
>app is now shut down and probably never coming back

Anonymity is important, especially in today's world where saying the wrong thing could get a butthurt SJW fired from your job or even arrested in Sweden/Ireland/UK's case.

Fuck I miss yikyak.

I wonder if they'll finally realize that the only commenter left are the hardcore that no body cared to read