And Linux fails yet again

>attempt to use DisplayLink monitor on Sup Forums Meme OS
>get non-stop glitches making it unusable

Welp... back to Windows I guess!

>Back to windows I guess
Yes, please, go back


meme OS fails again, who would've thought?

>taking a picture of the screen

not admitting that linux has many issues holding it back and by that action slowing progress



just report the fucking bug and got eat a pussie

That's the funny part, if I take a screenshot, it shows a perfectly drawn screen with no glitches.

>Not HDMi
Stick to windoze, pleb

stealth tech support thread

if you can't figure it out yourself you didn't belong on Linux in the first place

There's been an open ticket to fix the lack of open dialog image previews for over 11 years.

>"I'm a big boy and I use loonix"
>Encounter first problem
>"WAAAAAAHHHHH, It was all a meme, fuck you Sup Forums I'm never listening to you again"

Yes, go back to windows, please.
You need a certain level of IQ to use an operating system without stabilisers, maybe one day user.

What the fuck did you do to Ubuntu to get that

>all these Loonix shills with tears in their eyes going like "y-yeah do go back to Windows we d-didn't want you anyway!!!1"
Kek! You can't make this shit up!

No problem here.

That's Debian.

You need a certain level of IQ to value your time enough to prefer an operating system that just works out of the box.

Funny, how HDMI actually requires licensing, whereas DisplayPort is free to implement.

Sounds like a graphics card issue tbqh. Or a poorly configured graphics stack.

This is on one project, this isn't an issue with any other major grapics toolkit. Stop parroting stupid shit.

>b-but muh patents keeping muh open sores down!!
Free software truly is just a heap of lame excuses for doing a shit job.

install a distro that ships with 4.12 kernel

The problem is that too many tech illiterate use linux and when something brokes they curse linux for it!
Stoopid people

>buzzword after buzzword
Fucking Sup Forums manchilden

>works on other operating systems
>doesn't work on Loonix
>"stop blaming Linux for it you tech illiterate!!!"

Freetards on the verge of tears at this point. How will you ever recover?

No one wants low IQ sub humans around, Jamal.

linus tolvards is a lazy fuck

the file picker wasnt fixed yet ffs

>tfw to intelligent to use Windows
You sure told him, freetard.

>buzzwords and Sup Forums "memes"
Pathetic really, kids shouldn't be here w/o their parents knowledge


>t. the negro

Thanks for proving my point boy.

I don't remember making any excuses. I personally never had any problems both with hdmi and DisplayPort.
Yeah, you should already know how to use an OS before you try it, right? Better yet, you should be required to read a 2000 pages manual to be able to just install it. No. Freedom is freedom, it's OS fault if it is unintuitive. And intuitive ≠ easy to use. Command prompt is intuitive and not easy to use.

We're hitting damage control levels that shouldn't even be possible!

>t. the virgin

>must be a salty loonix user

My favourite rebuttal

So you are in fact a nigger, ahahahhahaha.
Keep crying you undeveloped ape.

Why do linux users always fall for bait like this?

DisplayPort ≠ DisplayLink

It's a USB monitor, you drooling retards!

Install CloverOS

>pretending to be pursuing a noble cause
Open a bug ticket instead of posting on Sup Forums, you retard.

>Uses debian
>gets surprised when outdated packages leads to fucked graphics
If you're a Linux noob stick to Ubuntu or mint, maybe fedora or opensuse.

>It's a USB monitor
Guess who's the drooling retard, OP


>muh GNU/Linux shills btfo x--dddddddddddddddd

you forgot the how will they ever recover part.
Sup Forums kids can't miss their ebin maymays

You should be able to use search engine.
If due to a software something does not work it is not Linux fault.
Linux is just a kernel.

>outdated packages
Latest Debian is 1 month old. This monitor is 4 years old.

Yes it is Linux's fault. We're talking about a device driver here, namely the udl module.

>damage control

Users don't care whose fault it is, they just want it to work.