
What are the best resources to learn C++?
>inb4 witty shitposts about how C++ is a bad language

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ur mum

1st learn C well:
C programming, A Modern Approach

Then go on to C++

I know C already.

>learning an obsolete language just to understand another
Sometimes this place really amazes me with their stupidity

C is not obsolete

C is the foundation for a lot of things from operating systems to embedded systems.

>recommending this instead of K&R2

I agree though, one shouldn't learn C to learn C++. They might seem syntactically similar but they have different concepts in mind.

Just ordered the C++ Primer, what can I expect?

K&R *IS* obsolete though, the language described there is *NOT* C.

The C language is specified by ISO/IEC 9899:2011.

>one shouldn't learn C to learn C++
But isn't prior experience with the former beneficial for learning the latter?

>buffer overflow: the language
Yes, it is.

bump for interest

>multiple inheritance: the language
C++ is such a step forwards

>What are the best resources to learn C++?
Who the fuck knows? No one tells the whole story in a concise way. Books are written for brainlets that can't handle the truth. The standard is unreadable too.

accelerated c++

Isn't there an O'Reilly reference on C++ or something?

>what is RAII
>multiple inheritance is actually usable whatever for (automatic constructor calling)
>can actually printf things with type safety
>generic lambdas
kys urself

Brainlet like yourself? Books and source codes are the right way to learn dumbfuck

>Books and source codes are the right way to learn dumbfuck
yes, if you're a slow fuck then C++ books are for you

i like how there's only one answer so far

Then tell us genius, how should we learn ?
By watching YouTube?

yes, even that is better

Wise choice user

>really means it
Huh , I see spoon feeding is a must for you , well good luck with that
And also
>even that is better
So what's the best ?..

How's this?

Cyanide pills will unlock your C++ skills.


>What are the best resources to learn C++?
Garbage tank

just listen to /sci/, they're smarter anyways
Sup Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Computer_Science_and_Engineering

You should start with a brand-new book. The newer, the better. These include the novelties of the recent C++ standards C++11, C++14 and maybe C++17.
You should learn from a book that at the very least is about C++11.
Many new library and language features were added, coding style changed quite a lot since C++98..

So what's a good book that fits your description?

learn C+=

DEP motherfucker do you know it?

Rust is obsolete

learncpp.com is a great place to start for C++
Really explains a lot of stuff in depth and it's quite easy to understand
However, it doesn't cover C++11 and up

That's pretty great, thanks.
Once again I realize Sup Forums is a bunch of shitposting incompetents.

I'm autistic and hate C++. That should tell you how fucking shit this language is.

too many brainlets here

No, but it tells us how shit you are.
In the real world, C++ is one of the most versatile and powerful languages.

Stroustrup recommends walking through "The C++ Programming Language", the book that he wrote. It's a reference but he claims it teaches idiomatic C++. He says if you're impatient you should read "A Tour of C++".

False. Mixing C and C++ is pig disgusting and prone to error, use one or the other and use it well.

Also Scott Myers books and Tour of C++