Sticker thread

sticker thread

Please kill yourself.

Take those disgusting sticker of that thinkpad.

I can't believe you managed to pick worst girl from every Chinese cartoon ft. Miku.

>supreme sticker
>shit taste
So THIS is what ironic weebs are

Sorry for the shit quality, but, is this a good start?

Is this 2001?

you mean 1994?

kirino is worse


It's a 2004 ThinkPad. Unless you're talking about the "S" symbol (which is a piece of paper I cut out and put tape on the back of it).


you guys are the equivalent of girls who buy macbooks



I LOVE memes

Where are u get stickers?

That's a lot of shitty Sup Forums memes tbqh. Maybe acquire your own taste, and preferably one that isn't absolute shit?

do you like


Where do you get the chens?

Hello my fellow IE bro.

that's because obscure artists don't have stickers on redbubble

How's it going goy

Pretty well. Have you had your daily K O B A?

Where'd you get the Hetsia sticker?

Hell yeah