gross new settings page on chrome... :(
Gross new settings page on chrome... :(
Na, I like it actually.
Kinda wish they wasted less space, all that grey on the sides just pisses me off
literally phone settings.
It's literally the same page, only they think that somehow you're running a desktop version of Chrome on a phone and they decide to waste all the space they possibly can.
Seriously the standard for PC user is either 16:9 or 16:10, they use this ultranarrow garbage on youtube too. It doesn't make much sense.
>uploading your browser history to the "cloud" for convenience.
I hope you are among the first dragged into reeducation camps for incorrect think.
>not using a 15" 4:3 Dell monitor
Welcome to the Material Design hell, you will be here for some years.
>Material Design
I hate this phrase so much -- what the fuck is it supposed to mean? That the design is supposed to represent a physical material such that they emulate depth via shadows and shit?
>they use this ultranarrow garbage on youtube too.
scaling is also jacked on youtube. change the zoom and it doesnt really work right
I guess this is an attempt to making migration to mobile phones from desktops easier. They're the most used OS after all.
>reddit "app"
is this bait?
That's exactly what it means user
If that is what it means, they should do more with it -- the picture in the OP looks flat as hell. I guess that's what pisses me off about it. People just throw that buzz word around without truly making a digital material look.
This exact same shit happens in chrome too, but at 75 dropping down to 67% instead
actually yes that's exactly what it's supposed to be
Yeah, its a pure buzzword for what is essentially multipass shadows with some solid colors.
Material makes me think skeuomorphism like the older osx.
glad I switched to Firecucks
thing is every fucking team at Google just want to do things there own design, it's inconsistent as fuck
It's shit, because every browser I try either has less features or is slower. I wanted to switch to firefox 20 billion times but there's no way around it, it sucks and I cannot fix it. And yet I see so many people using it without trouble. I don't get it.
works on my machine
"Metro with shadows" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
Yeah the downloads page is the same
Damm shit
What is there to even put there...?
That looks much better. Fuck you
>the picture in the OP looks flat as hell
The "material" is paper, so it makes sense that it's pretty flat
Why does Sup Forums hate flat designs.
Sup Forums hates everything new unless it's blatantly terrible
Nothing wrong with that design, the problem is with you uploading everything to the botnet
Please close Sup Forums tab and open reddit "app"
technology hipsters
there, fixed it for you
time to use firefox
This is what websites would look like if you people got to decide.
>Material makes me think skeuomorphism
Are you literally fucking retarded?
It looks perfect
no, it means Robot font and flat colors.
It's literally this design, Google named it so. Just like before material we had holo. It's not a generic term that references a certain type of designs.
It's been there for months idiot, guess we can see who's on the slow channel here...
Ayy, beautiful norsk website
You need to stretch all the way to the other side to interact with it, it's difficult when they're not close together.
change it in flags dumb-dumb
>not using chromium
all that wasted space
what the fuck happened to making things compact? Its not like it's got that many settings exposed to the user anyway
Well it wasn't like that before was it retard? Just leave it the way it fucking was.
When will le epic html UI stop? Almost every program or installer use it these days.
this is how it looks on chromium as well :X
My Chromium Cookies Settings page is completely broken. It looks like pic related and if I leave the page in a tab, it crashes after 30 seconds or so. I can't even remove cookies with this piece of shit browser.
How do I get old setting back?!??!
>Chrome updates
>open bookmarks
>try to scroll down to bottom to see my most recent bookmarks
>can't scroll down
Good fucking work, assholes.
>not using vivaldi
non free?
not a problem. i see open source only as a way to pad your resume to make yourself more employable. to me vivaldi is like chrome but less botnet.
You need to kill yourself my dude.
Narrower columns are superior for readability. Why do you think you don't see books in 16:9?