What are the benefits of owning a mac?

What are the benefits of owning a mac?

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Easy access to sex.
Homo-sex that is.

Also native platform to use macOS.

Not everybody is a gamer you fucking queer.
Now back to with you.

It just werks xDDDDDDD

Semen is an excellent source of protein if ingested orally.

increases your chances of getting a reach around.

Do not listen to this man, I've had a mac for over a year and I have not once had access to homosex.

you can shitpost from a position of superiority and comfort

it's a decent host os for my windows vm that I do my actual work in

Not much.

You're paying for premium accessories.

You don't get much power, OS is somewhat lacking on software support. You get a really nice screen and no cables fucking around.

Someone blow up that emoji in the op.

Damn user, you really must be horrific if you can't get homosex
t.ugly gay guy

free black dick up your ass.

Tie in with Apple's ecosystem (iMessage, Photos, etc).
Great battery life.
Solid hardware.
USB3/TB3 on newer systems.
Unparalleled support.
Comfy AF OS.

I'm sold

Owning objectively the best computers.

They used to be the best computer for "creatives" in the late 80s/early 90s. In the early 00s the fags bought them because of the shiny colors. Now they are just a fashion accessory that supposedly makes you look wealthy despite it just being yet another intel box.
>Unparalleled support.
Yes goy, your keyboard died because it was too humid out. We cant clone over your data because thats is (sane) company policy,, we also cant remove the drive because its soldered in you should have backed up your selfies to iCloud!

>Unparalleled support.
That's just blatantly false. I used to work OSX support and 85% of the calls were "its out of warranty, you'll have to pay $20 to continue this call" followed by "This is a hardware failure, you'll have to bring it in to the Genius Bar and they can tell you the (overinflated) repair cost"

>Also native platform to use macOS.
Any x86 processor can "natively" run macOS though...

Best personal use OS (if you're not autistic or otherwise mentally ill) tailored for the hardware. Apple hardware is never powerful nor does it attempt to be outside of iOS CPU improvements. Its all about the OS, that's all personal computers are ever about. What's the point in having a Windows machine that's powerful if its not playing games when macOS is better for productivity due to the infinitely more stable OS?

Being Comfy

feeling more important than you actually are.

You know damn well what he meant you dumb sperg.

you're not a guy, you're a bitch.

The thread is about owning a Mac, not using Linux.

being able to look at computers and see food

Linux if for technical professionals, Mac is for gays and normies

do i sense regret?

>Linux is for technical professionals
>Mac is for gays and normies

Is this what Linux users really think? In reality, you're all either normies or degenerate autists. This is what you honestly think? You delusional teenager. The whole Linux community is a bunch of clueless tinkerers and retarded pajeets. How cute though, not only technical, PROFESSIONAL too!


>"In fact, computer science was a haven for homosexuals, trans-sexuals and a lot of other “sexuals”, mostly because the history of the science called for fairly intelligent, modern-thinking people. Many computer companies were the first to enact “diversity” programs, and the USENIX organization had a special interest group that was made up of LGBT people."

pajets use android and windows

You just aint using it right.

Just look at how much boipucci dis niqqa gettin.


Confirmed millenial.
Macs were trash in the 90s. No matter what you think about them now, they were far, far worse back in the day. Before Apple users were derided for being homosexual normies, they were considered cultists.

Gay homosexuals of all races use iOS and OS X.

Worst hardware, best OS.

Pajeets also love Linux, because its free and open, allowing them to waltz into forums and projects to shit it up and it also runs on their 2003 prebuilt shitboxes very well.

>Over 3 billion devices running both shipped
>"gay homosexuals"

So around half the world is double-gay? Wouldn't a homosexual homosexual be a straight person? Fuck off teenage brainlet, don't project your gay shit in computer stuff. Fap to your trap pegging porn without leaking your degenerate shit in a tech discussion area.

I haven't had to use a Mac since 2010 but back when the Adobe Create Suite 2 came out CS2 ran like absolute garbage on Windows 7/Vista. I'm not sure if that is still the case for whatever is Adobe's newest suite but that would be the only time where I would rather have a Mac. Are there any actual benefits to owning one? It's personal preference but I would say no.

Don't you have better things to do with your time, Tim Cook? I'm sure some of your Muslim employees would love a blowjob right now.

You get to include it in your Grindr pic

Hello and thank you for your reply. At Apple we take our responsibility to look after our employees very seriously. This is why we've borrowed 8,000 Indian pleasure slaves from Google for our 4 Muslim corporate employees.





>In fact, computer science was a haven for homosexuals, trans-sexuals and a lot of other “sexuals”, mostly because the history of the science called for fairly intelligent, modern-thinking people
I don't follow. Being a deviant makes you intelligent?

Total opposite ever since the Intel switch, and every year Adobe gets worse and worse on Mac. Entire creative industry is abandoning Apple.

Not true, it can't run at all on my 286.

Premium feel
Girls like it

ergonomy is smart not shit

The idea is that intelligent people are often different, and therefore people who are different are intelligent. I'm sure you don't need my help to judge the capacities of the people holding this idea.

Dont post the edited version, user.

Objectively, there are exactly two possible benefits to using a Mac. Primarily, it's the supported platform for OSX. Whether using OSX is a benefit may be ascribed to personal preference. Choosing between it and Windows seems like a toss-up.
Secondarily, most Macs are fairly well-built. They are better built than the average Windows craptop. For the same price as a Mac you can certainly get a better-built standard PC, however, but perhaps only if you know what to look for.

Other than that, it's only if you explicitly like the aesthetics or Tim Cook's cock.




1)Ability to develop apps for Apple's devices

2)Polished yet somewhat handicapped version of a *nix-like os if your'e too lazy to install
Linux/BSD yourself

3)Looks cool

it looks good
Mac OS looks good
You can appeal to stacys
Thats it

>OS is somewhat lacking on software support
It’s not the 00s anymore buddy

>Looks cool

what do you use to develop apps?

I don't develop for Apple's os's because I don't own a mac and never bothered to learn Swift/Obj. C.

I use an ASUS laptop which is as powerful as the most expensive Macbook Pro yet costs half as much , with Linux installed.

I learn to develop for Android

What are the benefits of owning Nike shoes? None. They're no better or worse than anything else. You're just paying extra for the logo. Macs are the same way.

x86 processor can "natively" run =/= native platform
I wasn't talking about architecture, I was talking about the entire platform

We'll see who the bitch is after I've torn your boipussy open

If your employer buys it for you or you have a gig that requires it and also allows you to afford it. That is the benefit. Being on an apple gravey train of some sort. Otherwize it is only expensive.

Great AIOs and the ability to run OS X. Plus after you buy enough of them you can do this

>leddit spacing

>unparalleled support
Dell offers on-site technical support, but you cunts think driving out to a store is some magical experience.

i use a mac mini, and i can say that it is the same as windows, linux is sill a bit behind in terms of software library

please delete this picture



mac ownership protects you from getting too much computing power from your money and from having too many confusing configuration options. it also shields you from an overwhelming selection of software to choose from. mainly it frees you from the burden of having to have a pesky pair of testicles dangling between your legs.

>another clueless babby who doesn't know the first thing about what he's talking about

Let me spoonfeed you, retard.


>"From 24/7 phone support to priority onsite repairs, you’ll get personalised assistance from experts who can keep your IT operations running smoothly."
>"If you have a hardware issue during that time, AppleCare for Enterprise will help get you back up and running quickly. IBM’s Global Technology Services, a worldwide Apple Authorised Service Provider, will provide onsite service within the next business day. "

Let this be some basic information for the next time another dumbfuck can't even navigate an Apple website spouts "hhiueuheuh apleul u hav 2 driev to appel store if yore a business customr lolol"


>when you're a business
When did I ever mention business support only? You can have on-site support personally with Dell. Do you always get this angry when you're wrong?


>Not wanting to fuck roastie brand whores who only like richfags with Apple products

Stay mad poorfag.

>implying you fuck girls

Why would complain about a computer you'll never use anyway, OP? You seem mad.

How does he seem mad by asking the benefits of using something?

The only benefits I can think of is having to do tasks akin to autobody repair work to change a hard drive. Never having to worry about upgrading ram, as it's soldered in place, same with the video 'card', uhh...I dunno, macs are cool if you've got $2400 to throw at a new computer every couple of years.


Apple support is fucking bullshit and you know it
I work at a Uni and we have the educational tier of enterprise apple support. Let me tell you it's fucking bullshit. Sure we paid extra for 4 years of service and the highest shit they offer here but it doesn't do fuck all when you've got 20 systems per lab fail a year. When shit fails it isn't as simple as calling them and getting someone to service the hardware, they make you bring it into an apple store like consumer scum. Even worse, they only let you bring 4 units in at a time.

Nothing like having to get 15 screens repaired because the backlights shat out on imacs, having to drive to the next city over multiple times to get it fixed, having to wait like a plebeian and even worse, having them treat you like a fucking retard and that they're doing you some huge favor for fixing their faulty overheating shit. I have to agree with that user, dell is fucking great for their service. We get next day repair or parts if it's something simple, never any bullshit involved. Not to mention even if it's shit like water damage that isn't covered, dell will bend over for you if you pressure them enough.

because apple learned in the 00s that enterprise doesn't mean shit to them.

apple is a consumer company. Even for google, if a macbook dies they have to go through retail support channels to get it replaced. Hence they keep heaps of macs on hand at any given time.

You get to let people around you know that you are a fag who is duped by commercials with other fags in them.

Best AIO ever made with native support of the best os

Unironically just werks.

2015 MBP is probably the best consumer laptop you can own.

How about you fuck off to Reddit? Not everyone is a condesending faggot like you who thinks people aren't allowed to play video games for fun. Fuck off, cunt.

>OS is somewhat lacking in software support

Lol that's a funny way of saying it's absolute dog shit

it obviously is saying that because computer science people are "fairly intelligent, modern-thinking people" they're more open to others and less judgmental leading to them being "the first to enact “diversity” programs"


Damn, this new Macfags copypasta bait is pretty fucking tasty. I'll give you a solid 6/10, but that's the best I can do

Whenever I hear that Macs were made for creatives I remind them that the is doesn't even come with a basic paint program.

>OS is somewhat lacking on software support
I don't see windows updating every 2 weeks for security patches? nor your gnu/Linux. Stay mad fag

>tfw OS is so secure it doesn't need to be patched every other week
Feels good

>updating every 2 weeks for security patches
Good joke.


It's only a "flaw" if it gets discovered, I guess.

Fedora has daily updates, retard.

With a few exceptions the replies ITT have been shit. I don't own a Mac, but I used to in the 2000s. The actual benefits of owning a Mac are:
1. Being able to develop apps for Apple devices.
2. Running a Unix with Photoshop, MS Office, etc. plus a few exclusive desktop applications.
3. Since "Retina", a HiDPI screen and software that work well together.