What do I install on this if I want it to work good and be reasonably fast?

What do I install on this if I want it to work good and be reasonably fast?

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ssd and arch/gentoo/debian minimal

don't fall for the trannyboot meme


sudo apt install gentoo.exe

literally gentoo

Alright thanks!

What's wrong with libreboot?

sudo apt insatll gentoo.jpg

>Network installer

you'll have a working base system in minutes
>skip last step of installer (don't select additional pkg groups)
reboot and install what you want, for example:
apt install i3 lxdm lxappearance pcmanfm arc-theme breeze-icon-theme

>ib4 ubanto autistic screeching
/ ~1gb; ram usage less than 100mb

bunsenlabs if you don't mind autism

mint xfce if you do

This sounds good too.

Former X61t user here. A fresh 7 install was quite usable for daily use on mine (excluding youtube over 480p, but that is hardware not software, Xubuntu couldnt do it either. (i had the L7700 and 4gb of RAM (the maximum specs of a X61s)). I would throw in a SSD no matter what you use though.

Nothing. If it weren't made by a trans woman I'm sure he wouldn't say that.

Lubuntu, or any distro with LXDE installed

I had debian, but then I installed win 8 (had SN) and it ran better, so I just kept it like that.
I still use it sometimes.

>relying on 100% foss
that isn't going to end well

win 10 runs fine on x61t as well, that's what I have installed (on an SSD, of course)

Backdoor sold to the highest bidder

that's how closed source works though.

remix os then install pokemon go++

sorry, my bad

Too minimal, could use a BIOS settings package.

Not everything is configurable by the OS and sometimes the OS can't boot because of bad settings.

Pain in the ass, other than that nothing.

I am using an X40 as a daily driver shitposting machine and it's plenty fast.

Some web sites might be slow but this isn't a problem because I use Noscript.

The X40 had the last truly good keyboard in a small form factor Thinkpad.