Being embedded systems programmer in 2017

> Being embedded systems programmer in 2017

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Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Embedded systems are important.

I'm too.
What's the problem?

> Being web monkey coder in 2017

>"webmonkeys" can soon design embedded systems like the old guard

Your time is up soon,good luck anons.

>what is IoT

>using JavaScript cancer

>what is iot
Cancer that will never take off

Deep down you know whats coming

if you're real embedded programmer, you know that IoT is mostly hype, yeah there are more products and startups using embedded but it's not very promising like the press is saying

>doesn't know routers are embedded systems

>what is IoT
A meme buzzword.

>>What is iot
>Cancer that will never take off

user, have you been living under a rock? IoT is here and in full force.

IoT is a disaster waiting to happen.

No, they won't. Embedded systems programming is more than writing shit-tier code.
You need a deep understanding of the machine you're using/ programming.
Folks that barely understand the difference between *ptr and **ptr are fucked when it comes to low level programming. Even if they could use cancerscript the'll never accomplish what real professionals can.

The S in IoT stands for security.

...says the increasingly nervous man

the only place iot is present is the garbage bin and in the home of my retarded guy at work

Koders can't read datasheets and RFCs

the D in your mom stands for dick

That's a pretty good one. Do you have one about social media?

Little baby niglets can happily create embedded systems

Keep telling that to yourself, chip gets better and better daily

go back to wdg and let the professionals program in peace

Emnedded isnt real or even challenging prgramming

>>What is the performance impact?
>>The code within the JavaScript VM runs about a hundred times slower than equivalent C++ code. That sounds like a lot, but everything underneath your application (like drivers, network stacks, crypto) is still C++, so the actual impact will be less noticeable.

It's mainly Chinamen who do embedded these days, getting paid lower than an American janitor.

The only interesting embedded programming is FPGA type shit for security test beds or other research. Otherwise you are using very old libraries and stringing them together and your name is Kwak Hong

It's an abstraction that links together libraries. This is what the vast majority of programming is these days, a low paid guy abstractly linking shit together and when it fails oops your 30 day warranty is up anyway no refunds.

Intel hires in my city for embedded/firmware engineers but the pay is still shit, and it's still linking libraries together. For example they use an in-house bunch of Python wrappers to make SoC firmware. I imagine the people they hired to make the original libraries were Chinese and promptly laid off when work was completed

>tfw fell for the embedded meme because "it's more interesting"
>tfw took a job that paid 24k less for the meme

What is the quickest way out? What skill can I learn well enough/portfolio project I can work on in like 2 weeks well enough to apply to better paying jobs?

Consider immigration pajeet

All embedded systems now have chips powerful enough to run shitty Linux builds with completely unmaintained full software stacks.

Feel free to just bloat that shit up with normal programming and software.

Soon your fridge will be a windows botnet.

>this ia the future of IoT

TVs and routers are already full fledged botnets

So anyone who understands double dereference is a real professional?

You use the right tool for the right job, and if java with all its bloat is it, then so be it, same if I need direct access to my hardware and the only way to go is assembly, it all comes down to your basic training and understanding of core cs concepts such as algorithms and metrics used to measure performance, similarly you need a good grasp of software engineering best practices, modularity, simplicity, levels of abstraction, code reuse where applicable...

(You) make a bad case against the rest of embedded systems devs, and smear there good name, shame on (You).

>squeezes a glass of juice using a Juicero(©) juice squeezer

Try being a COBOL code monkey

Eh with Rust being shilled fucking EVERYWHERE I think we'll see a resurgence in Embedded Systems because every babby that can't into memory management will flock to it

>pajeets will finally replace snob embedded devs in full force

thank god

> I manually allocate and free memory for every data structure because it's 2017