All jokes aside, what is your favorite webm creator/ convertor? video editing program? Whether it be free, paid...

All jokes aside, what is your favorite webm creator/ convertor? video editing program? Whether it be free, paid, torrented/cracked. No judgement.

webm for retards

command line ffmpeg because i don't have a learning disability

>command line ffmpeg because i don't have a learning disability
I am pretty sure autism is classified as a learning disability

>I am pretty sure autism is classified as a learning disability
I am pretty sure you're wrong, it's classified as a behavioral disorder. Oh, and ffmpeg.

OP here, can't we all just get along? It was a simple question. I...I don't want you guys to fight...

Pazera. Basically a graphical front end for ffmpeg. Simplifies a number of basic things, but also includes a box where you can type in more advanced ffmpeg command line options if you need to.

Free for personal use. Contains no spyware or adware that I've been able to detect. "Portable," that is, no installation needed.

>video editing
Unfortunately, I've never delved into editing videos beyond just trimming off from the beginning or the end.


ffmpeg FAGGOT
It takes literally 10 seconds to make a webm.

dude this is a blue board and that pic gave me a boner


Because Sup Forums suffers from the Total Fuckwad Theory:

Normal person + Audience + Anonymity → Total Fuckwad

Sorry, I-I didn't mean to be a fuckwad. I usually just do my editing in kdenlive and convert it with ffmpeg to .webm once I'm done. There's probably a better way but that works for me.

I use ffmpeg for transcoding stuff and also for mild editing. For webm transcoding in particular, though, I wrote my own GUI in AutoHotkey. It just werks.

Here's a few batch files I made for the most common stuff.

And here's my GUI. You first have to drag and drop the file you have to convert into a 500x500 window. I already did that.

That stuff automatically takes your video title and puts it as the metadata title. It's useful for me because I always use youtube-dl, which automatically adds the youtube ID at the end of the video file, so having that in the metadata is damn useful.

Handbrake because I'm lazy. Webm for retards for webms. I only use ffmpeg command line for very niche circumstances, like VP8 with alpha channel.

Any video editor recommendations for shitposting purposes? Something simple that deals with layers at least and audio.
I'm basically using a image editor, multiple images and gluing the together with ffmpeg (i like frame by frame control).

ffmpeg for quick conversions

>video editing
im using a cracked version of movavi, it werks fine (gpu accelerated)

webm for retards and ffmpeg

Why would you use anything but libvpx through ffmpeg?

shotcut because literally all I do is cut relevant parts out of videos
and ffmpeg because I have an alias for decent webm conversion settings.