For I was blind, and now I can see...
For I was blind, and now I can see
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What is the purpose of this thread? Sage
install gentoo
screenfetch thread?
>announcing he's saging
Summer is in full force
lol butthurt windows user
screenfetch thread? screenfetch thread!
post the full wallpaper?
>he's too stupid to follow a step-by-step guide and manually input a few commands into the terminal
I up scaled it with waifu2x and cropped it with imagemagick. The gaps account for bezels. This is the original.
yes it does you moron
>try to install arch
>enter the command to download all the necessary packages
>fails halfway through
Just follow the tutorial xDDD
>no dick
It's shit
Welcome to the manjaro master race
>his time is so worthless he spends it playing with his OS
>He is so stupid that he thinks he's clever for using a distro with outdated and broken packages just because it has a gui installer
>B-but it's like arch right?
Just install Debian or ubuntu you fuck tards. Memejaro has no reason to exist and it's objectively a bad distro
Or install arch using revenge or arch-anywhere or arch-installer or arch-fi. It took me a few tries to get the arch install right, do it in a VM and use a guide that explains what each command means. (my issue was the guide was written for bios not UEFI, the 2nd time I formatted /boot, 3rd times the charm)
I used Debian stretch or sid for years. I got curious about arch due to it being a meme that lasted as long as it did on Sup Forums. The AUR is really the only differentiating factor for me. I even reused my XFCE configs and most of my scripts. The wiki is also one of the best linux resources out there regardless of distro.
Do you not have guest over?
Not a fresh install this time. Spent a few hours on her.
I'm still not very good at this, but I'm learning.
>he can't afford to dedicate one hour of his free time to installing an operating system
hello wagie
That almost looks like a pussy.
I know those are balls tough.
Fiancé doesn't care. The only people who would care are her friends. She knows to run to switch it. It looks for which wallpaper I have set and changes it to not being lewd.
it's both
you obviously don't see very well, mate, judging by the fact your font broke your ascii.
Consider not using gedit.
Every one is going to bully you including me.
This time I let it slide tough
But if I see you next time on a screenfetch thread with gedit open I will take needed consequences.
>AMD hardware on GNU/Linux
>On Manjaro nonetheless
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on
What the fuck
>not having a linux using, ecchi loving soon to be waifu
Enjoy that whole going your own way thing
I may be stupid but I'm also lazy.
you have the best fiance
honestly jesus christ what in the actual FUCK do any of these fucking random OSes do that windows can't? I don't fucking get it
honestly i don't understand this lewd anime wallpaper meme. either you live alone or have no dignity, or both.
How else am I supposed to afford the vacation this year to Paris for my wife and her boyfriend?
Not by fucking around with some shitty NEET tier distro.
>do update
>something happened
so this is the power of manjaro
Respect your freedom and privacy.
You're still blind, faggot.
how is that lewd?
Are you kidding me?
i'm not seeing it desu
Are you blind? Have you been jacking off to so much hardcore tranny hentai that you've been desensitized or something?
you aren't helping, just point it out or stop
Why no one is using logos os?
Project looks like it hasn't been updated in a while. I'd be more interested if the installer gave more option's for programs instead of just grabbing the entire text file in pacman.
God tier cpu m8
By "blind" you mean incapable of installing Arch, right?
Nice, I see your a fan of The Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero as well
it all makes sense now
just installed i3 for the first time and am slowly getting started
i actually like it
What's wrong with AMD harwaare on Linux? My AMD GPU works perfectly fine in Arch. Just had to install the right xorg driver.
Clover OS is in, grandpa
I hate weebshit, but I'm used to it around here. The most offensive thing about this is really that it's just shitty fucking art. I can barely draw more than a stick man, and even I can tell those proportions are way off. At least have some taste if you're gonna be a weeb faggot.
Got arch on the laptop with i3. I hate working on small screens, so I'm glad I got into the wm thing cause it definitely makes it more bearable. Removing borders + window titles really helps.
>machine head
wew lad. Your taste in metal is much like your taste in cartoons.
How do you get those cool aesthetics. My linux is basic.
install macOS
Linux mint, enlightenment and 2815 packages yet the gedit is what triggers you
animu porn proportions aren't supposed to be accurate.
But they don't look exaggerated for artistic effect. They look exaggerated as if he just doesn't know how to draw properly.
10/10 that's some high-tier shit
All of this homoshit.
anime website
Once upon a time, Sup Forums, and the rest of 4ch, wasn't full of homo shit.
Stop feeding the degenerate with attention
Buenos dias Carlos
Yeah, I stopped yesterday m8.