/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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• Fake leaks gets lots of (You)s • Real leak gizmochina.com/2017/07/16/xiaomi-5x-first-smartphone-new-xiaomis-sub-brand-key-specifications-pricing-leaked/
• user bought a solar dancing flower • New ComfyCoupons • Get some 18cent stress relieving chickens • user considers making a website with chink shit reviews • user shares some Muizu Pro 7 Plus rumours • user ordered a small strandbeest kit >Old News
• user likes his Tennmak Pros
• user has some recommendations for good EDC knives that are on sale
• user got some stepper motors and plans on building with a 3D printer
• Comfy's coupons!
• user is fucking retarded
• user fell for the Monk meme
• user doesn't know how amps work
• user's friend got his Note 4X from China in 2 days
• Some Xiaomi coupons
• user has questionable thoughts
• user got a $11 shortwave radio but doesn't like it
• user got some older memephones

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discord link expired :'(

>ordered about 18 items a day ago via Ali and I just keep receiving messages that orders have been shipped
Is it just a meme that orders can take days to process?
Also, reccomend me more cheap plushes. Already have the bananas and am going to order the chicken and alpaca soon.

oh no you cant be a raging faggot today
what a shame

I have to confess that I'm in love with chink shit. I remember unboxing the first iPad mini and the joy it brought to me but that is nothing compared to opening the plain white packages I get from China filled with cheap shit I don't need.

>Is it just a meme that orders can take days to process?
some sellers only ship once a week or less

maybe youve been ordering from the biggest sellers only

Hmm, right, I guess that's true, but with the amount of people saying this I thought this should've been a problem with the majority of sellers.
As most of the time I buy from most orders as first priority and then price as second as I don't want to wait a month total for a working item to arrive.

My 4 year old loyal laptop needs a few deserved upgrades, that can all be found on chink sites, I will list the upgrades and advise me on what to get first in the order of importance.

ram, it currently has an 8GB ddr3 stick, not sure if I need more

kingston msata ssd:
the current is a very tiny 24GB one that was used for speeding up the boot process of wangblows 8 by default.
I installed arch on it and never needed more than 10GB but I want to ditch dual booting all together, so I want the 120GB model for virtual box and a few other applications.

a new Hitachi internal drive.
the current is a 750GB model, will replace it with a newer 1TB one, and use the old one as a hard drive for pi seedbox

finally a new genuine charger, the current one is still working fine, but the the power plug is starting to shit itself because if it gets touched or the laptop is moved it stops charging.

also forgot

thermal paste, and new screws, because screw it

>user has some recommendations for good EDC knives that are on sale (Cross-thread)

6$ shipping for a 6$ item
why do the chinks do this, we all know they don't pay shit when it comes to shipping such small items

>ram, it currently has an 8GB ddr3 stick, not sure if I need more
You don't need more unless you're into video editing or gayming, which I guess you aren't if you're planning to ditch windows.

It's a pretty mixed bag. Chink SSDs became popular and prices have increased to a point where it's not that much of an advantage over locally available options. Especially when you take things like warranty into account.

No idea if going chink is a good choice for these or not.

>It's a pretty mixed bag. Chink SSDs became popular and prices have increased to a point where it's not that much of an advantage over locally available options. Especially when you take things like warranty into account.

there's an "official" kingston shop on AE, based on the reviews, it seems that it really does sell genuine kingston items, and there's an msata ssd there

>No idea if going chink is a good choice for these or not.
there is also a few legit hgst drivers on AE if you sort by number of orders

as for the charger, I found one with a couple of orders, added it to the wishlist and will wait for more reviews and feedback, my current original asus charger that came with the laptop is chinese anyway, with the same power specs as the one I found

Wouldn't you still have to ship your ssd back to china in case something goes wrong?

Good ssd drives. Been running a 240GB one for about 2 years now and had a 128GB m.2 sad which had no problems.

any drawing tablet recommendation for a beginner? any issues getting uguu m708 from aliexpress?



Also got my chink 3D printer yesterday, it's been fun putting it together and printing shit.

I just received aliexpress.com/item//32795859896.html after 14 days, faster than I was expecting
I really like it especially for the price, except the forward, back and DPI switch buttons don't work
Everything else is fine, and it feels more like a driver issue than hardware, but their software doesn't list the 102 model, won't detect the mouse, and neither of the firmware updates for the 112 versions that look the same as the 102 in the picture work
Anyone have anything else to try before calling it fucked and doing my first ali dispute?

do /csg/ like my new shirt? owo

heh. nig

So is the redmeme 5 real or not? i am about to pull the trigger on a redmeme 4

you got them primary schoolboy lips

an user recommended a tablet a few threads ago, look for it.

>software doesn't list the 102 model, won't detect the mouse
Can't someone fix that? On here?

Today while running I discovered that if I wiggle the part of the cable that meets the connector of my Pistons 3 the right earbud stops working. This leads me to conclude that braided cables aren't better than regular plastic, my shitty Panasonics still work even after almost 8 months. Pistons are like 3 tops.

Braided cables status= meme confirmed (in case anybody plans of buying a braided micro sub/lightning cable). Suggestions for $15 earbuds?

>Suggestions for $15 earbuds?

Anyone seen this website before? They've reviewed most of the meme earphones we talk about here and many we don't. They seem pretty spot-on in their assessments although English is clearly a second language so you have to be prepared for some grammar and sentence structure mistakes.

The cable being braided isn't the problem, sub-par strain reliefs and/or cheap thin copper strands are the more likely culprit. Chi-Fi memes do sound good but they're cutting costs somewhere to sell them so cheaply.


but which one?

checked for the keywords in the last 5-10 threads, nothing about it.






Just ordered a new OnePlus One screen + front bezel, looking for new headphones.

Need lows-focused, considering the KZ ZS5 from GearBest (got that review points), thoughts?

plz respond

you're a nice person user. I think I'll go for 1060 pro+.

>for actual kingston, no, you post to either the uk or usa unless taiwan is closer
for whitelabeled/remanufactued/refurbished kingston, who knows, I don't think you get a warranty but its a possibility

the kingston store on ali is legit, no question about that

got some chink micro usbs came with a little carrying case and a nice little smiley face thank you note

I have the ZS5s and they're amazing, they easily beat all my other chink memes in sound quality, bass is insane, separation is godly but the frequency extension could be better and the soundstage is small. Listening to some Hans Zimmer soundtracks where it sounds like an earthquake is occuring causes the iem to crackle, but for most music i'm sure you'll be fine

the shape of the shell blows james donkey dick and rapes your ear with its angles, and the goybest cable has sharp edges on its y-splitter which don't make sense

Thanks user, have you tested the Xiaomi Mi Hybrid Pros? I have them at the moment and find that they require too much EQ on my phone to sound nice. Getting a Zune120 soon too and that has no EQ, so I need some nice ChinkEMs

how's the ZS5 vs the tennmac pro? I was thinking of getting the tennmacs because they look better quality and more comfortable but if the ZS5s are way better

Isn't the current best budget chink ones the meme x5?

So guys I am finally going to the chinkland, I will post pics in the markets with proof. Anybody have ideas on what to look for? I will be there on Thursday or Friday so get ready y'all.

The goybest cable is from kz. Aliexpress has 2 options that are not kz

Enjoy the gutter oil.

>tfw paid more to the ali jews for those extras
b-better be worth it anons

Bargain for every fucking thing, just fucking do it, if they ask $100, you say $20. They will get mad at you or act like smartasses showing you a lesser quality product saying to you "this is what you want" but no, just keep asking for it and eventually they will surrender, even then they'll make a profit so don't worry. Worked for me and when I told that to some dude who payed 4 times the price for the same shit I bought, he returned to make a new deal but got denied.
Also enjoy the gutter oil.

What's the deal with headphone amps? I know it amplifies the headphone (duh) but why do people need it, since every player gives a great volume? How about those with vacuum tubes?

they're not pictured so no I don't own them, i was trying to make that evident

but my $2 discount code

some headphones/earphones need a lot of power to drive and some need specialty amplifiers like planar magnetic headphones


>specialty amplifiers like planar magnetic headphones
Do you mean electrostatic?

But muh cheap storage

Anyone got any recommendations for a decent Android TV box? Preferably with the actual ATV UI and little bloatshit. Doesn't need to be anything super powerful, just 1080p YT/Netflix and some small gaming/emulation.

PROTIP: they haven't moved an inch.

5 (Five!!)Eiaosi X6

B.O. Arse Man CX98s.

Raspberry pi

You haven't even listened to the Tfz King, Fiio EX1s, 1more Triple Drivers, Vsonic GR07s or even the PMV A-01

Any good shit on Taobao? I'm already buying some fake shit there so I might as well bundle in some chinkshit with it.

literally anything you can think of that is on ali












That rug is exactly what I need in my life. Cheers.












bought this, but I heard that people have been getting ripped off by receiving Tronxy printers instead of actual Anet A8's.


Did I fuck up?

Best Audiomemes:




Just checking: you don't need to worry about regional differences like voltage when charging through micro usb, do you?

>>ordered about 18 items a day ago via Ali and I just keep receiving messages that orders have been shipped
Your item hasn't shipped, the carrier received a notice that it will have to ship your item in a few days.

Memt X5*

So it isn't a meme, but I still get most of my items within 2 weeks. I guess it's alright then, even if it could potentially get here even faster.

What do you think of that expensive earphone cables like this one?
Are audiophiles, autistic?

>he doesn't use balanced cables made of 7N single crystal copper plated silver
Do you want a Sub-par audio experience?

I want to get a large, wireless mouse with a good sensor. What's my best option (chinkshit or otherwise) ?

>go to buy KZ ZS3 from gaybeast
>accidentally went to checkout with paypal instead of just direct card payments
>ate my fucking good goy points even though I didn't complete the purchase
>sale ends soon


Logitech G602

It means they agree, right? I have problems parsing the broken English.

It's real, just wait


can a pi handle 1080o though?

Even the first gen, but get a newer one to be sure. Does subtitles too.

For me it worked out of the box, no special driver or software, just plug-and-play on a Windows 7 machine.

>got my chink 3D printer yesterday
I hope you made sure it's not one that will burn your house down if you don't mod it.
I'm quite sure cables like this have literally changed the life of some people on head-fi. Make of that what you will.

Today's deals are up

I'll update it throughout the day as normal so check back

Happy chinking fellas

Best rom for rn3p anyone?

thanks bb





>nitecore tube
That sounds cheap. Does it ever go lower than that?

nope, lowest I've seen is $5

Neato. Thank you, user.

It's about the 18 cent chicken keychain. Looks like I got chinked

Fiio Update
>Earbuds, MicroSD card, and case have arrived
>Case coming today
>Got on the live chat with a Fiio rep
>He says it already shipped
>Aliexpress order page hasn't updated because apparently they need a tracking number to do that
>Fiio apparently hasn't gotten a tracking number
>Not sure what to believe
>16 days till moving out
If something's shipped, it should automatically get a tracking number, right? It doesn't make any sense.
>Fiio Aliexpress page also says to buy from an agent to speed up shipping times
Something's fishy.

>and case have arrived
Why do I put typos in every singe one of these shits

It's probably autism, user. Don't worry too much about it.

what part did your bulge play in obtaining those deals?

Any chance RN4X 16GB goes below $100 once R5X is released?

I offered B4D (bulge 4 deals) and they accepted.

Need a recommendation on a cheap micro sd for my tablet (not sure about the shark one, I've been hearing a lot of mixed stuff) and some cheap pc non Bluetooth speakers.

I just bought one of these, don't even start with me /csg/.

Naomi did a review (youtube.com/watch?v=NzI0Ok9onUo), didn't even know the thing existed.
Life in 360 loves it so I got it (youtube.com/channel/UCAjSHLRJcDfhDSu7WRpOu-w).

Will report what it's like...