How do I fix this
How do I fix this
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Stop being fat. Next time the gas cylinder will break and enter your ass at speed.
Buy a new chair or replace the gas cylinder if you feel inclined to attempt it.
Lose weight
I'm only 150 pounds, it's just a cheap Chinese chair
Stop being poor.
>only 150
amerfats everyone
As a protip for now and the rest of your life: never go cheap on anything that's between you and the ground: shoes, bed, chairs, ladders, ...
manlet or an ethiopian skinny detected!!!! if you're a man and under 150 lbs, you're a worthless piece of shit.
If you're over 6'2" anything under 150lbs is likely going to be considered underweight or close to it.
This. Why would you cheap out on something you'll use 12 hours a day
stick a wheel from another chair in the tube.
Not getting a decent Steelcase office chair that wasn't molded out of chinese diapers.
>300 lb basement dwellers upset over thin privilege
I'm 140lbs mate. 5'10".
>shaming fatties on a fat board
>tfw 6'2" 190lb master race
is this the 1600s?
5'9 160lb here.
Imperial army here in the land of free.
Your stupid axiom falls apart when you get to cars.
yoga ball
Try this link to start with.
Is this a cheapshit Staples chair?
>tfw I weigh 150.1
goddamn you, I was just about to go take a shit. now I'm gonna have to hold it in
Tap the top of the legs (1) to slide it down the center barrel (2).
It is held on by tension only.
Cut one or two sleeves from thin plastic, such as a milk container.
Place sleeves around leg hole to make it smaller and push center barrel back in.
All sorted!
wow user we have the same doorknobs