MPC-HC now a dead project due to lack of interest and use by weebs with no coding skills

>v1.7.13, the latest, and probably the last release of our project…

>For quite a few months now, or even years, the number of active developers has been decreasing and has inevitably reached zero. This, unfortunately, means that the project is officially dead and this release would be the last one.

>…Unless some people step up that is.

>So, if someone’s willing to really contribute and has C/C++ experience, let me know on IRC or via e-mail.

>Otherwise, all things come to an end and life goes on. It’s been a nice journey and I’m personally pretty overwhelmed having to write this post.

>Thanks to everyone who has contributed in any way all these years; Remember, MPC-HC is an 11-year old project.

We told you this was not a meme, Sup Forums

RIP in peace, MPC-HC

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What's a good alternative when it inevitably becomes obsolete?

VLC is bloated and slow and WMP is garbage.

Why don't they release the source code so the community can pick it up?

TV & Film app ;^)

MPV has significant development and is a phenomenal piece of software.

Why do you need an alternative, you idiot?
It's not like MPC-HC will suddenly stop working.
Just keep using it, how about that?

It's right here idiot

nice b8

Reminder that people who think only being able to set configurations via a text file is a feature have autism and are probably unemployed.

Honestly if you're still using MPCHC instead of PTHC you're an idiot anyways.

>phenomenal piece of software
>no GUI for a video player

But important pieces aren't there.
madVR for example.

Reminder that people who think only being able to set configurations via GUI is a feature have autism and are probably unemployed.

VLC is fine not sure why autists get so hung up about it.

First for MPC-QT is the future.

Get ready for a blurry webm of a broken video file pixelating after seeking.

we've secured funding for mpc-hc for the next years, and will be continuing to develop the project.

take care

you can thank madshi for keeping it closed source

I thought the problem was no one wanted to work on it kek

How is MPDN?

Didn't MPC-HC turn into a stuttering piece of crap when 10-bit encoding hit? You're telling me there will never be a change of any kind in encoding or processing of videos? I can't tell if you're stupid or pretending.

I'm using a 3 years old or more version in my shitbox and still works for my Chinese cartoons why should i care?

Need a new logo?

with LAV, it werks for me

I've watched movies on VLC for years and had no issues. Apparently it's just weeaboos who have issues with anime but who cares about them.

This is a sign of the end of times


cool but they could look better with mpchc+madvr and a proper setup

VLC was never meant to be a video player for high quality playback. It was made to stream video over LAN (Video LAN Client). MPC was always developed with high quality video playback in mind.

MPC was always developed with high quality video playback in mind.
then why does it need a third party program (madvr)?

Because MPC-HC is GPL and whoever develops madVR refuses to publish it under the same license

Keep using it or just move over to MPC-HC BE which has been said a hundred times is still in active development. It's MPC-HC but with a few nice internal additions.

You can use mpv but there's good GUI for it on Windows, or at least one that isn't dead or half baked. For MacOS IINU works fucking great, with Linux you are probably already using mpv because it's literally the only good video player for it.

VLC if you are a reddit mouthbreather.

>Didn't MPC-HC turn into a stuttering piece of crap when 10-bit encoding hit?
No? It was just people with shit PC's.

It was the go to solution for 10bit

VLC doesn't even support external renderers. MPC has always. Not to mention that MPC's default EVR CP is still better than VLC's default renderer.

Competent but it's suffers from the fact that there's literally only one dev working on it. It must be pretty good because even mpv borrows some code from it.

I know mpc-hc is better than vlc. But why didnt mpc-hc devs work on video rendering so it didnt rely on cclosed source third party programs. mpv has everything built in and is on par with madvr.

They did. As I said EVR CP is much better than VLC's renderer. I'm sure if there were more developers working on the project, they would have gotten it even better too.

i don't understand all the MPV hate. it's the most "just werks" video player i've ever used on both Linux and Windows. am i being memed?

>WMP is garbage.
It werks with CCCP too... most of the time...

>making me edit a config file

The problem is when you're trying to use it to replace a player with a rich featureset and a GUI and a non-autistic userbase and that easily integrates with an interpolator so that you're watching stuff in 144 Hz like it's 2017 and not 200NEET.

Its largely because of the unwarranted hate on MPC-HC

They're both good pieces of software, the whole war thing in Sup Forums is fucking stupid

>it's just weeaboos who have issues with anime but who cares about them.

It's called cutting edgy encoding tech. They don't work on SmartTVs and TV top boxes either.

mpv is good, but it can be a big learning curve for a lot of people. To really optimize it you do need to use the config file. It's weird hearing people on a technology board bad mouthing it because any competent user would realize mpv is very robust. But I guess some people dont like change or taking 10-20 min to learn something new.

I switched to mpv in 2013 and never looked back.

does memepv have a thumbnail generator?

does memepv have built in mediainfo?

does memepv have the seek bar located in a sane place (not on top of the video)

mpc-hc still best

Wrong. I went through with it and set up a config file. It doesn't do jack shit because Windows support is like an afterthought. Not that I have any confidence it works flawlessly (or to the standard that MPC-HC does) in *nix, either.
Great return on my patience there. 10/10 UX.

When will MPC-QT be usable?

>does memepv have the seek bar located in a sane place (not on top of the video)

yes. it can be moved everywhere and defaults at the bottom

> It doesn't do jack shit
I'm on Windows, and it works perfect.
You're retarded.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

It is usable though, albeit not feature complete.

>h.264 10bit
>cutting edge
lol at the dumbass

no it cannot be moved under the fucking window, not anywhere ON TOP of the video

>dragon ball super

>does memepv have a thumbnail generator?
>does memepv have built in mediainfo?
why are you asking if a video player has all this extra bloat. even if you wanted it, making a lua script to have those features is trivial.

then again you're probably some little kid who is only capable of clicking big shiny buttons.

>muh config file
this is mine:
screenshot-template='%F [%P]'

i copied and pasted that into it like a year ago to change the screenshot filename format. took me 2 mins to do. i still don't get the hysteria.

I've used it on win 7 and 10. It worked really well for me. You need to know what works best for your hw though and which backends to use. It took some trial and error but it didnt take more than 15 min to have a great player. Sucks you cant figure it out

>program doesn't work
>technically competent user couldn't get it to work
>user is retarded

>no one gives it a chance
>mpv is a great program

>technically competent user

What OS, CPU, GPU?

>It must be pretty good because even mpv borrows some code from it.
This is false

>technically competent user
evidently not

Put that in %APPDATA%\Roaming\mpv, like sourced said.
No change. Screenie format is still JPG. And as if this is even remotely close to the functionality I want to port from MPC.

>doesnt have profile=opengl-hq
Are you on a potato?

>program doesn't work
>technically competent user


also mpv does NOT have a volume control

you have to use buttons to move the volume up or down... that is simply garbage

those go in mpv.conf, not input.conf

try mpv.conf chief

>Not using Linux
Dumb weebs. We have a working video player that would play your shitty anime.

Unlike a lot of you fags, I program in Linux. That makes me "technically competent" if we're using the standard brainlet as a basis of comparison. I can script in Bash, run my own FTP server, and any number of things nerds do in lieu of getting laid. The fact that I get burned out at your beloved NEET program should raise alarm bells that it's UX isn't what it should be given your proselytizing it as a replacement for MPC.

>does NOT have a volume control
>have to use keys to control the volume

Here you have wintard

why? it just werks™ as is.

But there is volume control on the OSC that you can use with your mouse. I bet you'll complain about that too because its not what you're used to. Or you can use your keyboard like any sane person.

Better quality playback.

>“linux user”
>can't figure out a .conf file
tell me more about your Linux Mint liveCD

I apologize for anything bad I said about this program. It's actually not that bad desu.
What's the command that lets it use SVP? If I get that working, I'm uninstalling MPC right nao.

>get burned out
Damn, I dont know how to do any of that and I can easily configure and use mpv on windows and linux.

>giving money to shitty russian botnet botnet running off of stolen code

see mpvtards, this is where the seek bar and controls are supposed to be.. not on top the fucking video

though i wish mpc-hc would consolidate these 2 bars into one

>mpc-hc is used because of superior quality with madvr/lav on windows
>going to be developed less actively now
>retards start shilling for a shitty mplayer fork that doesn't come close to aforementioned quality but is e1337 h4xx0r t00l in the eyes of 13 year old autismos
This board, I swear.

MPC-HC isn't even good on it's own. The only reason people use it is because madVR works with it.

quick search

>twitch chat
Are you literally 12? LUL SoBayed LUL

okay there autismo. This is a thread about MPC-HC. Nobody is forcing you to use mpv

keep using MPC-HC if you want to

cвп is pretty good, but I feel you. I heard mpv can be compiled with MVTools or something, which is the same thing SVP is built on. If that's as good, terrific. If it can be toggled, like SVP, even better. I'm willing to throw away all of SVP's functionality to into this wonderful NEET rabbit hole.
So how?

MVTools is a vapoursynth script. It's not part of mpv, and doesn't need to be compiled in. (But you *do* need vapoursynth support)

Anyway I don't recommend using MVtools, vapoursynth is a huge hack and fucking awful for realtime video playback (and it shows); and MVtools is slow as balls compared to SVP

SVP supports mpv though, but I personally would just use neither. They artifact all over the fucking place anyway

Why the fuck do you need the bar visible while a video is playing?

MPV's seekbar disappears after a few seconds(can be adjusted) so you get a seamless experience.

You're LITERALLY promoting garbage design ideas.

Go and stay go.

because i like the idea of seeking through videos i watch and not have to wait a second or two for some dumb osc to appear, on top of my video no less

>not have to wait a second or two


Note: I tried the method on the SVP wiki, which didn't work.
Note: I tried the method on the SVP wiki, which didn't work.
You discourage me from following the methods in that daunting-ass thread full of crash stories because vapoursynth seems to be involved.
So, at present, it seems one cannot into the functionality of MPC + SVP with mpv?

it still appears on top my video you mongs

anyhow, i bet i know how configure memepv better than you idiots

a problem with memepv is that it overlaps the windows taskbar

can you plebs write a config that will ALL videos regardless or resolution appear within the taskbar?

this would only be acceptable if you had the seekbar and nuked the other garbage.

you can do that, but i like having the controls there