What did Google mean by this?
What did Google mean by this?
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not what I'm implying
Fuck off google shill.
We get it -- they're training drones so they will be able to take over the world like in Terminator.
How does it feel to be autistic?
>that pic
I'm surprised "It Ain't Me" didn't start playing
Champagne quality thread
Nobody in here finds it alarming that we're all helping train Google's ai
Imagine not using the legacy captcha
I did misinforming it constantly before switched to legacy captcha.
Epib mmeme xDDDD
I've been thinking a lot about this in recent months. You'll notice that there are some captcha tasks are hardened (they will resist mistakes you make and look for input patterns similar to those it's already taken from other users) while others are soft (recently deployed with less data and so will accept incorrect input patterns). There are also special captchas that seem to be working as controls, and expect you to click continue without selecting anything. It might say "vehicles" and show you a road sign with no vehicles in the image, for example.
Now, there is very little any individual can do to push back against the system as a whole since incorrect input for hardened questions will be caught and incorrect input for soft questions will be phased out by mass of correct future input. But if there is some rule for input patterns that can easily scale it is possible for a critical mass of uniform but incorrect inputs to throw off the machine learning algorithms being used by captcha.
It could be something as simple as "always try first, for any captcha, to select every second grid coordinate, then reload a new captcha"; if adopted widely enough, hardened captchas would "unlearn" past data and new captchas would simple become answerable by following the rule.
Haha commies throwing out other commies out of helicopters, am I RIGHT fellow Sup Forumsacks?
Read basic cybernetic economics, righty.
It's like your trying to delay the future.
What bothers me is when I get actual soldiers on the ground from a first person perspective with a clear blue sky and it's asking me for helicopters.
Is Google training terminators?
Autonomous spy drones.
I'm a socialist myself but seriously don't pollute Sup Forums with politics and go back to /leftypol/ please.
>this is what shitlibs really believe
This is why we're armed.
Red Plenty was fiction.
Literally retarded.
Liberal here. Stop fucking associating us with non capitalists. Liberals, especially ones that care about ideology, simply want a more fair capitalism *in order to prevent people from becoming so poor and discontent that they have a socialist revolution*. Socialists want to throw liberals in the gulag just as much as they do conservatives.
Socialist here. Conservatives can more than occasionally be reasoned with if they're willing to stop sniffing the canned team farts. Liberals literally live in their memeplex and can't be dislodged from it because they have a drama to force upon the flesh and blood on this rock.
Are you intentionally trying to prove horse shoe theory true? Or are you just still bitter over "le let's just copy what's proven to work in the Nordic countries but not actually examine how their economies actually work" man getting fucked in the primaries?
Classical liberal here. Go fuck yourself, you socialist-enabling prick.
I just want universal neetbux
>neoliberals are socialists
Having the ability to admit that market failures do exist, and regulations are not inherently evil but should be kept to a minimum, does not make you a socialist.
Horseshoe theory isn't true. Liberals just need everything to exist on a single axis, where some center or extreme can be a goal toward which there must always be the appearance of asymptotic progress.
>they have a drama to force upon the flesh and blood on this rock
Are you trying to prove my thesis true?
>neoliberals admitting market failures
Neoliberals are a special case. Physical removal for them, no matter what irrelevant blather they're slinging this week.
>neoliberalism = libertarianism
Neoliberalism was invented to solve the failures of totally free market capitalism and collectivist ideologies like socialism. It wasn't until the 70s and 80s that people started using it to mean balls to the wall anti government economics. The fact of the matter is, the best countries to live in, are also the most business friendly. The "socialist" Nordic countries are extremely business friendly, they have lower corporate taxes than the US. They pay for their social safety net by taxing the personal income of the upper and middle classes. Which is totally fine by me, but people are going to be more reluctant to vote for that when they have to admit they can't have all those government programs they want by only taxing the millionaires and big businesses.
Socialist Ethiopia became the butt of all jokes about starvation in Africa, because of how terribly their government exacerbated a famine. Liberal Botswana now has a GDP per capita on par with Mexico. Socialist China was Africa tier, South Korea went from Africa tier to first world tier in a generation. IDK how many examples you need to prove liberalism is better than socialism.
I know I do... yet I keep contributing to it. for example, spotting cars and shit (there is a captcha that tells you to not only select, but spot them for the AI...)
we are digging our own graves just to be able to shitpost
>Liberals just need everything to exist on a single axis
No, leftists generally prefer "nuanced" multi-axis models of political beliefs because those are vague and uninformative and as up for interpretation as the horoscope for today. There are at most two political axes that matter (see pic).
>Mulatto-Gamer Underclass
I mean, you could get a pass.
But so many others are already feeding the hivemind that I doubt a single person paying past it wouldn't help.
click the round arrow a few times
Problem is anyone who cares about this stuff will be here, on Sup Forums, a tiny portion of the internet with captchas. And here, the tiny portion who cares will have switched to legacy.
>a fucking leaf
what did goggle mean by this?
>>Liberals just need everything to exist on a single axis
>No, leftists generally prefer "nuanced"
Liberals are center-right. You're right, but not how you think you are.
All that is solely a consequence of the arrogance of the bourgeoisie.
So tell us about capitalist Zimbabwe and its massive successes.
What did the ATF mean by this?
how about all you POLlacks FUCK OFF back to fucking Sup Forums and fucking stay there? you're worse than facebook. any thread you cunts show up in turns to shit.
Get woke senpai. The ruling part in Zimbabwe is not capitalist.
It's the reflection of the helicopter taking the picture in the water. dumbasses
How long until captcha requires us to identify tanks or people of certain descent?
Check your connection and try again.
I know a solution to your problem, but you may not like it.
>not supporting your favourite website once and year with a price of a movie ticket and actually getting something back
when you obscure your identity from the google data mine, google tries to force you to identify yourself by using a strange captcha unique to you, forcing you to talk about it
There should be a way to opt out google's spying from your account settings or something who's with me
Does no one know the actual name of 'Fortunate Son' ?
the hills identify as an attack helicopter, misagonist patriarchy scum!
What? Are you implying that's the name of the song? Are you retarded? Look it up, it's called It Aint Me
i bet that sounded funnier in your head
i bet you didn't get the joke
>That Buddy Holly Song That Sounds Like A Guy Fapping
> Good wall = The Berlin wall
it has fallen and doesn't protect us from the east-Germans anymore.