I think banning the generals to reddit or their own board would be a start in right direction

I think banning the generals to reddit or their own board would be a start in right direction.

Other urls found in this thread:


You'd be correct

As an oldfag, I can definitely say that generals are one of the worst things to have happened to Sup Forums.

They're mostly used as a way to advertise products and keep them on the front page, rather than to seriously discuss anything.

And what tends to happen in generals is people run out of things to talk about, because they have the same thread every day, so they resort to shitposting to keep things going. The general is more of a rotted and decaying zombie kept alive with shitposts, acting as a public billboard and advertisement for products, than anything remotely approaching a genuine discussion.

Before we had generals, people would make threads about things, and if nobody liked the thread, it wouldn't even be replied to. The thread would die on its own. This created a darwinian system where threads either get clickbaity enough, or genuinely interesting enough to be replied to. It meant there was a constant churn of original content - something Sup Forums hardly even talks about these days.

Ostensibly, we got generals to prevent the boards from being spammed with a single topic all the time, but the crux of the issue there isn't the need for generals, but the need to get rid of spammers and advertisers hijacking the discussion medium to hawk their shitty products.

>I think banning the generals to reddit or their own board would be a start in right direction.
Ban /wg/ - watch general no matter what. It has nothing to do with technology and is a fashion thread. Get rid of that shit first.

we just need more anime

I applied for janitor (inb4 does it for free cuck) a while ago and my answer to the "greatest threat to your board?" question was the generals and the lack of OC in them.

I didn't get the role.

this desu

im not an animefag but Sup Forums has anime origins and it pisses off normies and shills so hard for some reason when anime is posted.

i'm inclined to agree desu. would make the shitposting a little more bearable.

ban private tracker general
it's just redddit circlejerking thread

We NEED to ban Sup Forums. It's bullshit, they constantly break the rules and shitpost, but nothing ever comes of it.
Mods NEED to enforce the no Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums rule. NOW.

Why are you so angry (((user)))?

Don't you know that Sup Forums is always right?

the pol posts don't bother me as much because they are usually one or two posts in a big thread. Its the reaction they get which makes them so bad, if people didnt give the Sup Forums posts so many (You)'s then they would stop doing it.

Agreed /ptg/ as with most generals used to be good but now its the same shitty posts in every single fucking thread with no new information or content.

>their own board would be a start in right direction.
>>/gg/ ?

Stickying them would probably work better. Some of them are worthwhile since they get posted about ALL THE FUCKING TIME but it's annoying to see them keep shuffling around the pages.

I could do with seeing guts and battlestation being exiled, though. Take them to /p/.

This 100%.

It makes the normies go away and is pleasant to the eyes.


It's not even about technology, it would be a better fit in /t/.

Absolutely. Right now there are _18 generals_ on Sup Forums. A few years ago there was the /dpt/ and that was about it (and the /dpt/ was actually somewhat interesting aside from all of the skiddies asking for help with their homework).

How many days in a row can you seriously discuss smartphones?

Bring back /mlpol/, literally a reddit free and shill free experience. Actually, get rid of gr15 entirely and reddit will fuck off.

A few generals isn't so bad as it contains some cancer.
But we have like 20 generals now.
The cancer spread over the entire board.

A few years ago we had stallman, tech jokes and tech stories generals, all of them were awesome ;_;

/dpt/, /sqt/, and /fglt/ is all you need.

Don't kid yourself. /ptg/ was never good.

The only meaningful (if cancerous) general is the stupid questions thread because there is always such a fucking influx of fucking idiots that don't understand that Sup Forums is not a tech support board and that they should be going to /wsr/ (worksafe requests), where they actually DO allow tech support.

We should only use generals during product launches imo since this board becomes such a huge mess of fanboys

When I say good I am referring to /ptg/ when people would use it for invites and not spamming "marked XDDD"

- Ban All generals except for maybe /sqt/ and /pcbg/
-Ban all politics outside of Sup Forums

kys, you lil kids

/ptg/ has the most cancerous OP images and they think they're funny.

>The only meaningful (if cancerous) general is the stupid questions thread
The sqt is one of the most useless generals that even existed. You would never get any proper answer if it you weren't asking about something truly stupid that you are able to find with a search engine as the first result.
The only useful generals are the /dpt/ and the friendly gnu/linux thread.


I would agree the "stupid questions" and "PC building" generals are fine.
They serve a purpose

>- Ban All generals except for maybe /sqt/ and /pcbg/
Both cancer, kys.

Fuck off racist frog.

go away 9gag
stupid frogposter

het rid of all but /sqt/ and move any threads that belong thejr into it


We could do without PC building. It's blatant tech support and could be reduced to 1) look at the links in the sticky for parts recommendations and 2) go watch YouTube tutorials to learn LEGO for grown-ups.

Dumb normalfag frog poster

Just split it in two boards like every other board in history that has become to large to hold the cancer

Sup Forums techonology for consumer shit and /cyb/ for muh alternative OSes and free software.



I will email this thread and the results of the strawpoll to Hiro and hopefully it will do some good.

What's that from?

Akai Mato a best

>banning the generals to reddit
/fglt/ serves their intended purpose and does it quite well. #notallgenerals

This won't do anything

I've been here for 10 years and generals are probably one of the better things we've started to have. /dpt/ in particular is one of the best-quality threads on the board at any given time.

>nonfree js
>posting it multiple times
>all the solutions suck

Holy shit look at this newfag

>reddit spacing
keep it classy Sup Forums

I use this filter to mage Sup Forums great again, with Sup Forums-x ofc

You have an option to only see the filtered content aside from the unfiltered content while in the catalog in case you do ever feel like going into one of them..

/(?:thinkpad|smart\w?phone|nyaa|watch thread|chink shit|Battlestation|Headphone|mechanical keyboard|PC Building|private tracker|/ptg/|Portable Media Players)(?:general|thread)?/i;boards:g;op:only

This, I suggest to keep all programming and free-software related generals.

>newfag thinks frogposting is acceptable anywhere except reddit and r9k

It wont with that attitude

I posted it more than once because I want people to vote
If you have a better solution I am all ears.

>cancerous smartphone bullshit
>probably filled with non-free bullshit
>twitter meme
Why haven't you KYSed yet?

Its a pic from my meme folder but my icons are fucked so I didnt know what i was posting

I have never used Sup Forums or twitter on my phone.

Fun fact: The term "newfag" is mainly used by newfags.

Hiro doesn't care, people have tried before to see changes in this website and nothing will come as a result.

>Both cancer, kys.
Care to explain how to deal with the flood of "Sup Forums build me a PC plz" & "i'm borderline mentally retarded" threads?
We already know more moderation won't happen, and that the existing mods often forget that they even mods themselves.
AT BEST all we can hope for is Sup Forums to be removed from google searches, and An Hiro won't bloody do that. If one of us does it on his behalf there will be 200 threads from dumbshit newshits jumping up and down about it no being there anymore, blowing any work done.

>Help me build a PC threads
Send them to Sup Forums. Faggot gamers don't belong on this board.

>Care to explain how to deal with the flood of "Sup Forums build me a PC plz" & "i'm borderline mentally retarded" threads?
Send them back to Sup Forums.

>Send them to Sup Forums.
I wouldn't wish a 7700K and a 970 on my worst enemy mate.

If I was a mod I would just permaban gaymers from Sup Forums. Thankfully, Sup Forums is doing gods work by posting politics on Sup Forums and it angers the liberals of Sup Forumseddit greatly.

dpt is a bad example of a general. dpt is focused on discussion and sharing your individual projects. by nature it is not really a general--in fact, its name is daily programming THREAD, rather than general. most generals focus on circlejerking over one specific thing.

I have an idea: generals stay alive in the archive after they reach the end of the board and become text only threads. the point of a general is knowledge sharing and all images can be taken care of before bump limit.

In seriousness though there are more than enough DIY guides and references out there already. There's no need for (quasi-) realtime discussion about it. Follow a guide, pick parts and aim for your budget.

Post in ghost mode in the real archive.

Their quality varies greatly, dpt was the first ever Sup Forums general, although back then the phrase 'general' wasn't used. Nowadays seemingly every possible topic gets its own general on the board, it's fragmented the userbase a lot, it seems like back in the old days everyone was hopping in and out of threads all the time, nowadays people just stick to their generals.

>liberals of Sup Forums

You've never been to Sup Forums, they complain about Sup Forums all the time. It's called Sup Forumseddit for a reason.

>-Ban all politics outside of Sup Forums
This is stupid, politics are everywhere.
When people start deviating the thread and aiming into politics, then the ban hammer should be released.
Just try to be a grown man, and don't be triggered by Sup Forumstards

>Retards want to ban generals, anime and technology discussion
Guess if the only threads would be AMD vs INTEL exclusively you guys would be happy

>t angers the liberals of Sup Forumseddit greatly.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are literally the same shit

But this has been tried to be enforced so many times.
Sup Forums is the last example I remember. Didn't work. Look at how they are now.

What should be is a collected general board. Like /vg/ but any topic. Some enjoy the chat-like format they provide.

>I didn't go to Sup Forums before generals was a trend
OK. Thanks for blogging.

Are there any other boards with as many Sup Forumsenerals as Sup Forums?



/mlp/ has more, with less talk/threads of homosex and traps than every other place.

T-that doesn't count!

I find that difficult to believe and I'm not willing to personally find out if true or not.


have you noticed the CENSORING that goes on on Sup Forums lately?

mods dont just delete blacked threads

FUCK YOU this isnt your SAFE SPACE THIS IS Sup Forums DAMMIT

You have to be 18 to post here

this is exactly what we need less of
it just leads to random completely off topic discussions and a lot of nsfw images/gifs just like that one

No, seriously. It's like one thread. /HHH/ Homo horsie hangout. Why would they want dick when they've got glorious horse pussy to look at?

>I don't know the rules.
Leave if you don't agree with them

You have to have a brain to make an argument here.

Don't slide the point of the post faggot.
>be mod
choke on a dick

You guys are degenerates, but you're the degenerates that can scare reddit away so you have a use.

>The sqt is one of the most useless generals that even existed. You would never get any proper answer...
THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT. The general is there for your answers to rot away. If you want help for your request go to the right board, you fucking retard. Your kind is why /sgt/ has to continue existing.

>poo related replies
what rules n*gger
your feeling aren't in there

>If you want help for your request go to the right board
>questions = requests
>tech related questions do not belong on Sup Forums

Global Rule #3, newfag.
Not that any boards follow it

>Censoring nigger
I've only been banned once using that word, and that was by calling user a massive fucking nigger.

i know the rule fagget
how does it apply to poojokes

/dpt/, /fglg/, and /wdg/ are the ones I look at and they are good and don't shill. The stupid question one contains what could be dozens of useless threads.

there are definitely shill generals though

>there are definitely shill generals though
Lmao. You should take a look at /spg/ and /hpg/

I didn't say it does? Have you been banned for it?

i haven't i noticed a bunch of posts were deleted for no fucking reason
so you're either payed by a cpu maker or you are a poo yourself

and learn to read curry nigger

Banning tripfags and circlejerks would be a good start desu. There's something about the name/tripfags on Sup Forums that just causes them to pool a bunch of losers together into quasi-orbiters and ruin otherwise decent generals.


In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of some fake god's blessings, but because holy shit you are a faggot LOLOLOLOLOL.

are you some kind of stupid newfag? Banning things from Sup Forums never worked

It worked in dealing with the furry problem