Why are old techfags so comfy, Sup Forums ? they're not angry and autistic towards mac...

why are old techfags so comfy, Sup Forums ? they're not angry and autistic towards mac, not childish and not obsessed with hating normie culture.

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they have simply given up a long time ago

Because they actually like tech

they're not just brainless 20-something social outcasts trying desperately to fit in and get attention in lieu of actually accomplishing something beyond mindless consumption

Post old tech YouTubers

mac users are technically illiterate and obsessed with macs

After spending years working with a bewildering variety of platforms you start seeing the strengths and weaknesses in each and also realize that for the majority of uses, each platform is just as capable and usable as another.

And when you actually know your shit and like what you're doing, it's easier to stay calm than it is for the average virtue signaling teenage bikeshedder trying to act smarter than they actually are.

at least they're obsessed with what they like. you people are more obsessed to hate than to enjoy what you like. you keep seeking for things that you can do on your cheap computer so that you can feel superior to mac users without working harder and earning harder.


Why do you shitters always fall for the same tired ass bait every day?

If Sup Forums collectively remembered to ignore micropoo, cuckdroid and iTard shitposters in their desperate yet low-effort bids for attention then board quality would increase tenfold overnight. This shit is pathetic.

women are serpents

>they eat your hotdog

Maybe because they're part of the master race of technology -- the brits?

For example I have an nVidia in my ultrabook and I can learn and use CUDA. All your arguments are about ability to afford a useless overpriced toy which makes you fill superior.

To them its a hobby that they make videos of, not a lifestyle they try and make money from. If they get popular, then good for them. If they get only 3 views, then at least they have something cool to email to their like minded friends.

no one feels superior by owning a mac. it's a myth.

So the only qualifier of "what makes an elderly person invested in technology" nice to listen is "they dont hate my particular platform"?
Were you bullied at school or something?

Sup Forums is full of consumerist threads about bragging that they bought a Mac. I had been using a MacBook for a while and ended up using Gentoo because it's more flexible, gives real technical experience and gives a freedom to choose a hardware fitting my requirements.

Linux and BSD are the ultimate red pills of technology.

no one likes hatred, mr. master race.

Neo-luddites and everyone else that has given up don't have to maintain any form of arguments because the other side has simply stopped replying and moved on. It's a lot like war historians who try as hard as humanly possible to purposefully ignore ever being with anyone who actually served in the war in question. They just want to make up their own circlejerk turd bullshit "history" and post it online as if they have a clue.

no one bragged that they bought a mac.

This shit is literally everyday here.

it's not bragging, you autist

I have an ASUS ultrabook with a 6th gen Intel CPU, nVidia, 4 gb soldered and 16 gb installed ram, 512 gb NVMe and 128 gb sata SSDs, IPS full hd display, backlit keyboard for the price of a used MacBook. The reason to use a MacBook is only if you're too technically illiterate and lazy to make yourself comfortable with Linux.

>technically illiterate
i just have a different hobby that's all. most people do.

>lazy to make yourself comfortable with Linux.
first of all, a lot of software are not compatible with linux. and then, in order to make things work, you have to be tech savvy. and when something goes wrong, it's complicated. and yes, most people are lazy to work on something (that isn't their job) that they're not passionate about.

to have fun with mac you have to be a fucking programmer. and to be a programmer you have to be interested in programming and C++ and C# etc etc. also you can have great customer service. you'd have to be a fucking mark zuckerberg to be able to fix it by yourself. it's not fun for most people.

>to have fun with mac you have to be a fucking programmer
i mean linux or xubuntu or arch linux or debian or anything that caters to people who talk like jesse eisenberg

What is the point? It's free to fuck off.

they've reached a level of nirvana. theyr'e not some edgy kids who life off their parents' handout and they can afford all the good shit in life.

What a bait

The 8-bit guy
And computerphile

I love to hate. What now?

Because we are adults, where you are children

With age comes wisdom and with wisdom comes calmness. Or bitterness. It depends.

you can have fun with any operating system to be honest.

even redundant stuff like haiku-os.org/ I would argue that is pretty fun to mess around with shells and see if you can RE it or do some basic coding without a debugger.

how come people on Sup Forums only think computers are good for games, websites, porn?
any oldfags here remember the old pre-net warez scene?

alot of fun you could have with a 24 pack and a debugger.

>The 8-bit guy
The guys is borderline retarded though.

Theo de Raddt

Youth is impatience.
Middle age is frustration.
Old age is regret.
But the young don't want to know so the cycle repeats endlessly.

They come from a generation where you actually had to be smart to program, and they didn't have to deal with retarded hipsters who think they're leet hax0rs because they can write a "Hello world" program in Python.

Because we choose not to play a part in your tech jihad, and because we've been around long enough to realize that the tech world runs on a clock: There is a periodic frequency to all trends and fads, it's better to keep an open mind to the tech, and filter out the marketing.