Cuccedest loadout:
>intel i7
Manliest loadout:
Neckbeard loadout:
>anything else
Cuccedest loadout:
>intel i7
Manliest loadout:
Neckbeard loadout:
>anything else
I can confirm this
I agree, except change
>intel i5
>>intel hd
That was close
Sorry no, Ubuntu leads the way Debian follows. While I love Debian and it was my first distro in 97, I stand that Ubuntu is the manliest.
That's a clueless NEET loadout.
Nah the former setup belongs to the one who gets the pussy. You just jerk off to some drawings.
Have you tried
I know what I'm doing loadout
>windows 7
>amd ryzen 1700
>nvidia gtx 1080ti
>windows 3.1
come in me
Stopped reading right ther
I did okay.
Pretty good but don't use chrome
>Windows 10
>Intel i5
I'm fucked
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
good loadout:
>what im using
cucked loadout:
>everything else
wtf you gonna do about it
Manliest loadout aka. the "i am unemployed" loadout.
> W10
> SJWfox
> Intel i7
> Nvidia
>Cuckdest loadout
>not Applel shit
You goofed pretty hard. I think we can all agree that as long as you aren't using Le Applel shit, that we can coexist in peace whether you be using Intel AyyMD or Linux or Windows. But Macfags are always the saddest fags
Are you me?
High testosterone loadout:
>doesn't care about CPU - realizes performance is all about RAMage
Forgot to add GPU
>video games are for children