Mpc-hc just got an update

mpc-hc just got an update

why aren't you using it Sup Forums?

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Because i have no use for it.

because MPV.

So these are the kind of people that use MPC-HC? They don't even bother customizing their Windows installation a single bit and install shitty software with shitty code? Interesting.

Fucking masterpiece.

this, also
>windows 10

Why would you customize your OS? Are you a child?

Why have you disgraced your hard drive with such an awful anime?

Because increase in productivity means more money for us adults with real jobs.

Looks like you are the child if you think that OS customization = anime titties on your desktop.


1. Lower total file size.

2. Less ugly shit on the screen.

3. Minimize (you can't remove it completely) privacy infringement.

4. Increase performance and lifespan of components.

5. You don't look like a faggot from plebbit.

Fuck, obviously meant for this one:

>OS customization = anime titties on your desktop
It is though. You can't have customization without anime diddies.

Because I have a 15 years old toaster and mpv lets me watch 720p animu on it. MPC-HC on the other hand lags like fuck.

I've looked into this but it always seems like you'd need bloatware to achieve it making it a sort of moot endeavour

maybe I'm just looking for the wrong things

Not gonna lie, I checked out the update but for some reason I didn't register it at all until I saw this post. Thank you sir.

admin hes doing it sideways

Actually proper desktop customization is good for setting up something non distracting.

Defaults in many, many OSes are either distracting or don't use proper colors for reading.

because k-lite is better?


Because it's officially deprecated


>Customizes his own shit by customizing someone elses shit

>mpc-hc is now dead
i really hope someone is going to continue making mpc-hc because there is no good alternative

MPC is such a pile of shit its developers themselves moved to a better alternative: MPV

mpc-hc > vlc > mpv
give me back my mpc-hc reeeeee


>no looping
>other stupid missing mandatory shit for a video player

because i use menuetos

How many dicks has that JC seen?

I moved from MPC-BE to MPV ages ago, I see no reason to switch back and I'm definatley not going to switch back to HC either.

>windows 10

>windows 10
>bhop script

MPC-BE has been the alternative to MPC-HC for years.

second dis. u can't have any customization without anime titties

My 3 year old MPC-HC already plays everything I throw at it. Why would I update?

I USE VLC!! (:

I wish potplayer was more power user friendly.
I'm not a power user but I like seeing number.


Why am I not surprised

>I wish potplayer was more power user friendly

Then it would've been called PowerPlayer

Absolute placebo.

>closed source garbage

how do i do mpc's ctrl+j on mpv so i can view the display info?

But I do
Лopaк жиpнaя cвинья.

mpv is not for autists

Eat shit and die.

Will do sweetheart.

Go to hell.

>Windows 95 UI

mpv is only for autists

but that's persepolis

>best amine last season
>awful anime

>best anime last season
I love this meme!


>yfw mpc-hc will never have preview thumbnails on the timeline when scrubbing

>They think that good anime is still being made
If only.

>the best != good
caladenia stop

it was also announced that the project is dead.

no one watches anime unironically anymore plebs

get mpc-be

What do you mean, dead? The program is finished. It's perfect as-is.

Looking at the code, no wonder nobody wants to work on this shit.

What will I shill madVR with now?

>The program is finished. It's perfect as-is.
Large programs always have bugs. ALWAYS. Perfection in software does not exist. And it will never even receive updates for new codecs, formats, standards etc.

mpc-hc is dead.


Go to hell.

anime wbsite


You don't belong here, r*ddit.

Shit > both

Because it's Windows-only

What's the point of using a new version when the old version still plays videos? It's not like gaming where I should install new drivers