Year of the lord 2017

>year of the lord 2017
>still using a degenerate browser

what is your excuse, Sup Forums? Are you not a pious man?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck is actually good? i hear different shit about all browsers.

What's with the endless shitposting about Mozilla tech? There always seems to be multiple threads talking shit about Firefox or rust. It's as if some ultra rich company with competing products has an agenda.

I use it.
I also use chrome

>zero fucks given

Every browser shows the same. I don't know what you are talking about.

Google has lots of money to pay Indians to shill for chrome

I'm With Her.

>its almost like firefox actually performs better and they keep pushing that chrome is faster or something despite it always being a huge pile of garbage that only exists to farm your personal data to sell to advertisers
really makes the sodium channels activate

>have to use blackboard for school
>visited blacked like 3 times to fap to the previews/look for good stuff to torrent
>blacked will always come up first when typing "black" into my navbar

>b-but I just use chromium... I'm not supporting go-

>Are you not a pious man?
No. Santa isn't real. Noah didn't build a 60 miles long arc and babies don't fall from the sky.

I use opera and I like it

>developers in vietnam, thailand and malaysia

I'm okay with this, as long as they don't come here

That's not the point, faggot.
Chromium is literally Google's stooge.

but it's open source :)

good choice

hover it with the mouse and press supr
alternatively just delete it from your history

What wrong with Chrome exactly?

Use palemoon yall.

Google Analytics was being used on the "Get add-ons" page and everybody sperged out becoming anti-Mozilla in the process

Chrome shills larping were the one sperging out.
Firefox is still the better browser


>making decisions about which software you use because of political butthurt from years ago instead of what works the best
Truly increases EEG readings

The only one with ssl support on windows xp

I'm with you. I do the occasional small biz site, and Chrome's dev tools are good for a loserfag like myself. FF is shit compared to before butI use it most of the time.

Unless you're using debotnetted forks of Firefox or Chromium, you're fucked either way.

>Want to go to blackboard
>Instinctively type boards.Sup Forums
>Every time


because i like this theme

>be me
>have been experiencing dns unreachable followed by limited network for like 30seconds
>has been happening for a year or so
>always happen when browsing never when downloading or playing games
>only my pc is affected, can reach intern
>had my router rooter, got a new pc PC, switched from wifi to PLC then a better model of PLC just in case, changed all the cables because fuck it
>couldn't find the root of the problem
And you know what? Turns out QUIC protocol in my chromium based browser was sometimes triggering DoS protection of my router.

Fuck you, google.