Why you're not using Pentium Sup Forums?
Why you're not using Pentium Sup Forums?
Because I'm not poor.
Ryzen 3 is coming out in like a week. (No, Poorfag pentium won't have better single core, especially not after you OC the Ryzen 3 CPU)
Because for the same price I can get a secondhand i5 4xxx series CPU which absolutely destroys it. Lets be honest, anyone buying a G4560 isn't interested in their upgrade path.
I used a Pentium II 15 years ago. Pentium still exists?
It's all about the pentiums baby
Sensible chuckle
>dual core
lol no
Kaby Lake Pentiums have ECC and HT.
Can't beat that shit for a small NAS, especially for the price point
I am, for my home server. I recently upgraded it from an Athlon 64 X2, which was never a bottleneck to begin with. I only upgraded because I needed a new motherboard.
You a dum dum.
because i was stupid enough to buy a 7600 instead
Because all you really need is a Celeron.
Where the fuck you can get a haswell i5 for $80?
i have g4560. can't ask for more with my needs
>beats even an r5 rypoo
g3258 here.
what a mistake that was.
should have went with athlon 860k
All well and good until you realize the poorfag pentium can't OC, which I mentioned, shill.
because my laptop has a Core i5
not using one in my main pc because I still have an i5 2320 but my laptop has a p6200 which is actually fairly decent for most things. If I needed to build a pc right now i would most likely go for one of the new pentiums desu.
Because I have ryzen.
Because I need 6 cores when I shitpost and listen to Spotify
I want ECC RAM so I need a Xeon.
Poozen can't oc for shit, 3.2 to 3.7 is just +15%. You're not buying these low end shits for work so muh multicore perf is irrelevant. In gaymes, 80$ g4560 is on par with 170$ 1400, r3 has no chance.
Quad core should be the bare minimum for desktop PCs in 2017. Even budget smart phones come with quad core CPUs, why would you settle for a dual core?
Compared to non-K Intel which can't OC at all, lol. Also, the G4560 is already up to $80 so it's not even a very good deal anymore. Enjoy getting cucked.
g4560 supports ecc stupid
Too many cores
Because I am still rocking a Core Duo T2250.
what was the bentium worth buying atm? i remember from previous threads there were 2 intels worth buying, one g? and i7something? i think it was for gayms/price
>captcha: Pooler BERRY
Because the core 1 quad has FOUR CORES.
>OC of 15% is shit
>Intel max fps advantage at 1080p is 12%
well... yes?
which one more exactly?
Spread the Gospel brother!
Because I'm using an APU which is far better than any Jewntium
You can get a 2500k for like $50. OCs to 4.5GHz ez pz
I also thought it was cute
The 2500k is outdated as fuck.
so is your mom but i still fuck her every night
for what? the IPC improvements from sandy bridge to skylake have been marginal
I'd say it's a pretty good bargain for $50
ZFS needs more than 2 cores doe
Intel's Pentium stomps AMD's best APU while being cheaper. Granted you can overclock the APU but the Pentium offers the advantage of an upgrade path, while FM2+ is dead.
>intel compiled benchmarks and games
Lmao what's next, geekbench?
25% is marginal I suppose. Have fun with an old mobo.
Pentium poorfag
>internet of the toilet
Is this real?
because muh 32 threads dual xeon rig
>Intel's Pentium stomps AMD's best APU while being cheaper.
Not entirely true.
>that pic
But I do have E6500.
What do you use it for?
I'm stuck with it because I have literally no money.
>I got babby's first overclocker, should've gotten a dead end CPU
My g4560 is arriving tomorrow. Gonna build a minecraft / factorio server plus some random self hosted shit with it.
How does the G4560 perform in factorio?
both games need good single core performance and g4560 is one of the best alternatives (the best if you ask me) if you want a budget build
Haswell i5 for $80 isn't even that good.
>i5 4670k + mobo + cooler + RAM + case for $175
>i7 4790 system for $250
>swap processors
>sell system with i5 for $80 more than I paid for it with i7
So $95 for i7, mobo, RAM, and case.
I picked up an i5 4440 system for $150 the other day.