is there any kind of techonology that could make me smart or am i forever condemned to be a baka
Is there any kind of techonology that could make me smart or am i forever condemned to be a baka
Nope, sorry, you're an idiot for life. Unless Elon Musk's neural enhancements work. Which they won't.
books are pretty good for learning technology. Are you saying that you are disabled and unable to learn or a fucking shitstain and simply unwilling?
hey i didn't say i didn't know how to learn or anything
i kind of know how to programnm. like not as much as people who have been taught but more than people who have taught themselfs u kno
i figured as much
what if i like made this cancer forming head band and got famous ppl to market it for me, thereby lowering the avg iq of the pop
do u think that couldmake me not a baka?????
wait wait wait
it sounds dumb when i say it like that
but obv i wouldn't just say 'yo this thing gives you brain tumors'
it would be subtle like hey this headband gives you good skin complexion and when they wear it it makes them retarded. and as the iq of the general population drops (because of course everyone is obsessed with looking beaytiful) my relative iq goes up and eventually i become a genius what do you think
forgot pic
i'm so sorry
I want to marry Kumiko.
Yes, It's called a book, Baka-chan.
only retards think that books are the things that make smart people
We all are though, we will never reach 215+ IQ like the Bogdanoffs and all remain as brainlets
Oh, you don't know how to read more then two sentences. My mistake Baka-chan.
oh, you thought books made you smart? i'm sorry
you're not the only one
pls see
just wanted to post, more kumiko is always a good thing.
as long as you know
you can desire and fantasize about her all you want
but she is mine
it's ok as long as u relaize that
also pls post more i'm so bored rn
i don't have many really
i don't care
if u keep posting that means i can keep posting and if i keep posting you will have more than many
also btw i'm sorry for posting this webm
i am the only one who's aloud to look at it and if u do its DEATH SENTENCE im sorry
guess i'm dead then
its ok its ok its ok
i will forgive you for your dastardly transgression if u keep posting kumiko pics
Not the books specifically but the knowledge inside them. You probably think you can't gain any knowledge from the internet either. Well, yes. Yes, you can Baka-chan.
wow ur so insightful
i think u just made me not a baka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fre*king nerd wat is ur problem
(You) really got me