>hybrid vig....


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Thats a cute troll

Holy shit that's an ugly fucking kid

But it's a blonde hair blue eye aryan.

More like...

>Anglo genes

Those are brown eyes.

it's a malformed nigger aryan.
not meant to mix with nigger
jesus fuck gas it

Check again. They're blue.

Sup Forums thread

but god damn that is an atrocity. I have no idea why women do this to themselves.

blonde and blue eyes yes, but clearly a troll.


Top kek

Why do American women have such giant big jaws?
Absolutely disgusting.

we wuz white n shiet

shes not american, she is polish.


Anglo genes include many things like fish lips and fat faces

She's polish, from Poland.

But a lot of Americans are Polish too.

Strong jaw on that mudeye. Shame about the groid, though.

Don't think she's a mudeye. Her son's eyes are blue. She looks awfully asiatic though.


It's from all that television they're watching. It turns their faces into rectangles.