When u live in the wrong timezone and all the cool ppl are asleep

>when u live in the wrong timezone and all the cool ppl are asleep

Stop making these. This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

give me a reason to hold your opinion over other anons, and i will take your opinion into consideration.
otherwise suck a dick

>kumiko is having fun while I'm sleeping

fuck off faggot your threads aren't funny nor entertaining you obese weaboo fuck

don't get me wrong, i enjoy being funny and entertaining
it's just like, why do you think i'm trying to entertain you? i thought it was p obv from the threads themselves that all i'm trying to do is have fun myself
also btw if u rnt entertained by anime u should prob just kill urself since ur such a loser virgin nerd


>he says, posting a non anime cartoon

I mean you're not even good at this.
Lonely pathetic piece of autistic shit.

>I like posting threads by myself and staying up late because I have no friends to see and no work to do the next day.
Fucking faggot.

This anime any good? I've never really gotten into girl group band anime.

It's a sports anime about a school orchestra, no tea time slice of life shit.

Also kumiko is love

my only friend lives overseas, but its not a problem for me. i sleep in the evenings and wake up at midnight, so we can spend time together and have fun
neet life is cool

Not OP but I'd give it 6.5/10. Also there are lesbians, if you are into that.

i have lots of freinds! i've just never seen their faces like that's not so bad

have u seen ur friend's faces???? i didn't think so. and that is because UR the loser not me lol

it's drama. v dramatic drama at that
if u like that then watch it

mmmmmm but i can be uhhhhhh genki at uuhh specific hours of the week

holy *****!!! i forgot my pic just kill me now

It's manga, it's what most animes are initially based upon.
Anyway, this isn't the board for these threads.

>this isn't the board for these threads.
it is tho wtf r u dumn

tfw i keep forgetting my pic

I'm part of the cool people.

then y rnt u part of the cool ppl discord???/

>Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics.
>technology and related topics
Pretty sure timezones aren't related to technology.
Do whatever you want though, but I'm sure there is a more suitable board.

>Pretty sure timezones aren't related to technology.
yeah but why should i care what u think? ur just another user

imo timezones are vital aspects of technology and i think more ppl care about what i think than ppl care about what u think

Okay user, suit yourself.
However, which anime is that character you keep posting from?

say u love me and i will tell u