Toruko-kun, I got these articles, but I can't read Turkish sentences. So could you tell me what the articles mean?

Toruko-kun, I got these articles, but I can't read Turkish sentences. So could you tell me what the articles mean?

Other urls found in this thread:

A Japanese says "Turkish government doesn't mean to apologize to Russia". That is to say, it could be the evidence to redeem Erdoğan's honour.
But only Turks can understand clearly what the articles imply. If you cooperate with me, you'll be able to prove what he hasn't apologized to Russia.


first article says erdoğans apology can help relations between russia and turkey but russia still is not convinced
second one says putin and erdoğan are going to discuss relations on phone also on last part it says we just said sorry we're not going to pay money or some shit like that



Erdogan&Co was said clear:
1. Explain yourself and apologize.
2. Compensate.
3. Punish pilot killer.
"Other Turkey's statesments will be have no effect", — Russian Ambassador at Ankara."

Please stop all these speculations.

Thanks. Seems to implying the chance erdoğan apologizes but seems not to be implying that he apologized to Russia.

Sorry for invading our airspace even after 50 warnings?

Turkey said "The Turkish armed forces are clearly instructed. Even if it is a flying bird it will be intercepted" and kept it later. To be honest, Turkey's claim is more trustworthy.

How much times has Turkey violated Greek airspace?



how much times greeks warned us?




How many people did you guys killed (with Greeks)?




How many times has russia violated multiple countrie's airspace?

A shit ton

>the times Russia violated Japanese airspace last year
>473 times



damn. i remember pol was crying many rivers when erdo said "send us another one we will test something :^)" at the beginning. now they are cheering for made up apology.

At any rate, what Kremlin/Russia said must be false, so the Portuguse is trying to hide it.

no erdogan actually backpedalled. he apolized from pilot's family. and he will do more. just saying it's very late and not proper one. fuck erdogan anyway.

>Russian media detected