Stop hating me

Stop hating me.

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fuck off Lennart

>bug status

>tfw i actually like systemd, it makes managing my systems a bit easier than separate init scripts would, and it has never caused me any major trouble but i still shill against it on Sup Forums because im afraid of getting bullied
s-sorry buddy

Then stop sucking in new features and get a proper audit.

I like it when u watch bb

I need a quick rundown on systemd and why Sup Forums thinks it's a botnet

Stop claiming your code is perfect, and actually read other peoples bug reports. Then I will stop hating you.

because using a username with a number infront gives makes him root
>lennart's reaction?

>when you intend to write something and change it mid sentence

thank you, it makes me happy to see that im not the only one who does that :3

so this is what it's like to be a brainlet

y u so mean

fuck off, piece of shit

Someone please explain this systemd shit to me. So weird. I finally came unto the holy Linux (GNU be upon it) operating system only to find that I'm still doing it wrong and I have the ebil systemd on my machine now. How do find way unto final PC promised land where Stallman would be comfortable using my PC? What if I use Steam and play Warhammer? Does that count as proprietary software even if I'm running on Linux (GNU be upon it).
BTW TW: Warhammer runs fine under Linux (GNU be upon it) incase anyone was wondering. Better than shitty Windoze 10 that just prefers to crash and is too lazy to render.

systemd should do only initialization, it should be INIT system. But systemd is login manager, INIT system, its messing with network... its fuck crapload of software in ONE called systemd.

And also every piece of software than came from lennart is shit... I remember when i was first time onto linux i had problems with sound, and u know how i fixed it? by deleting pulseaudio... Pure alsa rocks.

Use Gentoo, or if you dont want to mess with compilation use Devuan or Slackware.

>added tag

sudo 4chanctl hate stop

if you don't notice anything, it doesn't matter.

I personally hate systemd because on every distro I have it causes issues with trying to manage processes. on many systems, the systemd doesn't even manage to turn off linux properly, where I have to use the power button to actually do it!

>Does that count as proprietary software even if I'm running on Linux (GNU be upon it).
yes?? just because it's on Linux doesn't make it free(as in FREEDOM)

stop existing.

this is better nigga

su -c '/etc/init.d/hate start'


>Stop hating me.

>Stop hating me.
NO, fuck you!

stop being shit

>thinking a load of hacky shell scripts is better than a c buffer overload

I couldn't care less for systemd

I install linux server
I install some services
I never touch it again

What's even the problem?

They replaced something shit, so distros gave them an inch and then took a mile by replacing bascially everything at this point.
In case of udev this mean taking over the whole project.

This doesn't matter.
None of this matters.
Why do any of you even care? Be honest with yourself.
None of this affects your life in any real way.
Live your life with purpose, you owe it to yourself.

How based is doing the manjaro-architect netinstall and using like XFCE+OpenRC and only using shit from the AUR? No systemd means I'm safer than average? I haven't had any issues with this setup on my ShitBook.