What is the best way of converting lots of video to x265?

What is the best way of converting lots of video to x265?

Does someone make a dedicated hardware encoder that does it faster/higher quality than a pc would?

I was considering getting one of these to do the job.


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While Kaby Lake processors can do hardware-based h.265 encoding now, it's not nearly as good quality wise as using x265 itself - even at the highest quality settings with Intel's QuickSync h.265 encoder you'll get results that pale in comparison to what x265 is capable of.

Sad but true, unfortunately, and even with a Kaby Lake CPU + x265 that means great quality encodes but a lot of time since x265 is basically the reference software encoder at this point.

Hardware-based encoding will just not match what x265 can accomplish for visual quality.

>While Kaby Lake processors can do hardware-based h.265 encoding now,
Nvidia and AMD GPUs can do it just fine for a longer while now too.

Quicksync improves with generations. It only got comparable results to x264 with the 4the generation. Basically expect to wait 3-4 years worth of products to get anything good hardware wise. Use x264 which for anything but sub-1mbps is still more useful than x265.


Thanks for the answer

So am I better off using x265 in handbrake rather than qsv h.265?

Please provide ssim, psnr scores versus x264. NVENC is worse than Quicksync. Don't know about AMD.

Why do you need h265? x264 is faster and is still good. Are you limited on space? Did you really fall for the half the size meme?

Yea I wouldnt really watch a movie in h.265 but I thought for storing JAV, Porn and animu h.265 would let me fit more on my disk.

>JAV, Porn
You're supposed to stream those nowadays, gramps.

Got none of that sadly, not that much into that kinda detail work, sorry mate.
Just wanted to throw in some detail so user has extra options. I remember as much that NVENC is worse than QuickSync, remembered (AMD) VCE being slightly better than NVENC too in places, but that might've been worst gen only, and h265 is a whole different story anyway.

>So am I better off using x265 in handbrake rather than qsv h.265?
You are ALWAYS better off using software over hardware rendering if you want max quality / lowest bitrate used.

Hardware encoding was always about speed, rather than quality, like Software based encoding.

Wasn't h264 still so damn well good and optimzied out of the ass that encoding shit at a slow preset is pretty comparable to h265 at medium or some shit?
Point being that 265 is still fresh and young and not even remotely as optimzied as 264 is.

>streaming in 240p from a site that downloads aids to your pc
>not watching in glorious 1080p/4k from a private tracker

Buying more HDDS for x264 > spending hours to re encode to x265

If private thrashers are so great and rich why do you need to watch same stuff? Lack of content LOL?

Hardware encoders suck and are incapable of good quality by design.
Get lots and lots of cores and use x265 with e.g. preset veryfast if you have more instances than cores.

>and use x265 with e.g. preset veryfast
Might as well just use 264 with a medium / slow preset at this point.

What is the benefit of 265 over 264? All of my collection is in h.264. Currently encoding all of Dexter and Breaking bad Blu-ray remuxes. My r7-1700X has been crunching away for almost 4 days now.

>using a U processor

not him but when you have over a terabyte of videos and counting, having their footprint minimalized is quite appealing.


>thinking it's ok for a single series in its entirety to be 960GB
>thinking it's ok for a single movie to be 40+ GB

Fuck outta here.

I was planning to use it for 24/7 conversion and torrenting/sever because its fanless

If you dont care about how long it takes I guess that would be fine

>He likes his movies to look like fucking ass
I bet you faggot also download 1-2GB versions of life action movies.