What extensions will you miss, when Mozilla releases Firefox 57 in November of this year...

What extensions will you miss, when Mozilla releases Firefox 57 in November of this year, effectively eliminating nearly 90% of all extensions currently available for Firefox?

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None, I haven't used Fx in almost a decade

Won't the developers who maintain those extensions update the files to port them? whatever happens, it doesn't affect me because I haven't updated since FF 46 which runs perfectly with all the extensions I need.

I believe you, because back then they were really pushing people to use "Fx" as a shorthand for Firefox.


what if i use waterfox

none i don't into extensions
can't wait for 57 looks comfy
and the reader button is text and easy to press

oh actually just one

I just won't upgrade

Just use palemoon

Why is no one picking up VimFX? Is there a similar extension which will work?

I will miss "tab groups" extension...
any alternative for managing tabs?

>4 browsers
>that resolution
>tree style tabs with only 5 tabs
>exhentai easy
Kill yourself meu irmão.

dis mu nigga

tree style tabs and self-destructing cookies
others will be ported or alternatives will be developed

>not using chromium

fucking plebs

what's the problem?
i found this notebook dusted in my place and i was in need of a notebook for college. (HP Compaq 6515b).
4:3 resolution isnt that bad if you're just browsing internet. (1280x800).
Im too dumb to figure out how to acess sadpanda without that, i've aways been using that and it just werks, im not gonna lose my time to find another solution or do it myself.
3 sessions stored here with 29 tabs.
I was just looking at that game, i was really waiting for MGR Revengeance.
Yeah, i'm a hue.

Kys too.

None, because I won't downgrade.

>he fell for Sup Forums memes
Just kill yourself already.

>4:3 resolution isnt that bad if you're just browsing internet. (1280x800).
1280x800 is 16:10.

The only (almost) meme in that post is win10.

Addons are not exactly one-liners and mozilla's 3 sdks (the middle one they deprecated again before it even hit mainstream) are wildly different. All that shit doesn't port itself you know. The abilities offered by the sdks don't map 1:1 either, a lot of stuff has become impossible.

I ported mine to jetpack when it came around, and I'm not sure actually what they are right now. Mozilla has been incredibly vague and using weird-ass names for everything, I've no fucking clue anymore what my addons are built on now or what all their other shit even is or means. They just make up some new furfag-named project every week and demand everyone accomodate it.

I gave up on firefox because of mozilla's never-ending bullshit and started porting all of my addons to chrome the same day I switched to it. Now the chrome versions are my main things and the firefox ones are legacy. The day they break is the day I stop caring about them. They're on github so people are free to submit patches if they want to.

tl:dr yeah I'm pissed. Mozilla basically pulled every developer's leg for years, fucked over their users with every new firefox release, and did everything they possibly could to just fuck us over. I'm not playing their lose-lose game anymore.


kys chrome shill

I won't miss anything as long as I don't upgrade.

I've gone without upgrading for ages before, and lasted a few years before I felt the need to upgrade again. And some people still use palemoon to this day.

none senpai

>He uses an extension to get on sadpanda

Oh well, i dont exactly have time to tweak and find out how linux works nor the time to do it. So i'll stick on windows because it's much easier to use as a daily driver.
Oh, nvm, i said that because it adjustment looked like a 4:3 CRT Monitor for me. ( opening two windows - one in each side makes content very hard to see).
Can you tell me another way then? I use this since when i was a newfag here. And i had no problems.

I'm using Opera, Firefox is bloated as fuck

none because I use Vivaldi instead

>make e-hentai account
>login to it
>clear cookies
>go to exhentai
It's that simple

>Video DownloadHelper

my nigga

Any good alternatives? i was thinking about chromium but i dont know if it is a good botnet or not

ï only use ublock so i dont care

Only faggots use anything more than an adblocker.

There will never be a good browser.

What's stopping extensions from updating and supporting 57?

simpleton pls go

Base API changed (and lack a lot of features).

Effort to update, no longer supported, spite.

None because I use a superior browser.

Why though? Just hit F12 on any page and search for "mp4" in the source code and there is your video files. It's retarded to use an add on fir this.

wth is that disgusting rez, you can't watch anything on that shiet

you just jelly because you cant afford an iMac eh?

i dont require addons because i like my firefox minimal and secure

every addon extends your attack surface and requires you to stay updated with every individual one

the majority of features implemented these days are already present in nightly

all addons do is modify the about:config which you can apply yourselves

the most used applications or active devs are porting their applications over and the majority are already on the hybrid AI
which allows legacy applications to use multi process

just git gud and have fun

>literally the worst of the lineup
my dood...

>Why are cocks so erotic r9k?

hybrid API*

why do you use firefox? chrome is faster hands down, extensions are the only reason I keep using firefox and I would keep using it until can't install them

>all addons do is modify the about:config which you can apply yourselves

yeah sure, then tell me how to block trackers and ads without some kind of automation and without wasting 5 minutes before connecting to a new website to check if everything is ok.

nothing is stopping them
sept abandoned projects and lazy devs

theres a hybrid API in place seperate from the new API that allows legacy extentions/addons to work in 57+

I switched to Chromium ages ago. Hopefully this will speed up the death of SJWfox.

>bright style

disable tables or images

also define "tracker"

also are you implying that noscript or ublock or something of the sort isnt going to work?

>faster hands down

change the script, cubicle nigger.

svchost CONNECTS TO GOOGLE IP everytime using Chorme/Chromium/unGOOGLED Chromium

>implying google isnt the ultraSJW

you are ignorant as fuck

>implying Chromium is Google Chrome

Firecucks everybody.

Forgot my screenshot

It's 8k. You mad?

I don't understand why Sup Forums is so fucking stupid. Turn a light on and dim your screen. Not to mention all the practical reasons why a dark CSS on Sup Forums is stupid

>Rest of the UI is dark on light
>Going from light on dark Sup Forums to basically every website in existence would be annoyingly bright just by comparison
>dark on light is OBJECTIVELY superior for comfort and readability
>However, most studies have shown that dark characters on a light background are superior to light characters on a dark background (when the refresh rate is fairly high). For example, Bauer and Cavonius (1980) found that participants were 26% more accurate in reading text when they read it with dark characters on a light background.

>Reference: Bauer, D., & Cavonius, C., R. (1980). Improving the legibility of visual display units through contrast reversal. In E. Grandjean, E. Vigliani (Eds.), Ergonomic Aspects of Visual Display Terminals (pp. 137-142). London: Taylor & Francis

The meme about mac owners being faggots is true.

>implying your whole code base doesnt rely on the backs of SJWs

back to Sup Forums child

>also define "tracker"
I don't want to connect to these domains.

>also are you implying that noscript or ublock or something of the sort isnt going to work?
wut? I want them to do the work for me.

>It's 8k. You mad?
u got me there buddy, I'm totally jealous of that big ass screen estate.

>I don't understand why Sup Forums is so fucking stupid. Turn a light on and dim your screen. Not to mention all the practical reasons why a dark CSS on Sup Forums is stupid
agree, dark background is retarded.

>I don't want to connect to these domains.
>hosts file is
block adsense
block facebook/twitter/ like buttons
its better to block at router level tho

>wut? I want them to do the work for me.
these are some of the most used addons and they will be ported

they already are working on the hybrid API meaning they work on nightly and will work 57+

>a quote from almost 40 years ago
Classic mactoddler

Enjoy your dying browser while you can, Firecuck. When you're ready to join the winning team, let us know.

ill enjoy my refreshed base with improved security and performance thanks

enjoy your botnet ridden software

>inb4 chromium isnt the same as chromecuck

>he doesnt know chromium is still a botnet and ungoogled isnt even properly maintained

firefox can actually be forked and have security and freedom

ie TOR browser and icecat

enjoy not having true freedom and customization cuck ;)

about:config all day

what also works is
>clear cookies
>log in to e-hentai
>go to exhentai
if you don't clear your cookies after logging in to e-hentai you can get into sadpanda anytime

because i'm a lazy ass, i usually use jdownloader to do this though.

You only need to delete that one "yay" cookie on exhentai then login to e-hentai and refresh the exhentai page.

None, extensions are for plebs. Only thing I need is ublock and https.

kys botnet lover

This is the easiest way. And if you don't want to clear your cookies first just open an incognito window

how do you center the thread?

I'm getting high spikes of CPU usage in Firefox, what gives? Doesn't seem to be extensions since even keeping to bare minimum of uBlock Origin, uMatrix, and Greasemonkey it happens.
inb4 werks on my machine

Keep using what I have now until I'm happy with the state of the new API and the gimped extensions that go with it.

Nah, the new laptops have atrocious keyboards, the Mac Pro's four years old and wasn't good on release, and AIOs are pretty great.

>chrome is faster hands down
yea right. i don't buy that catch phrase, it's a browser, it's still being worked on actively, it works

anyway i use instead of crome because i can change shit. not using extensions does not mean i use default firefox

Shoo Shill! I said Shoo!

He's right, though.

APB, uBlock, Video DownloadHelper, Forecastfox

Honestly i'll miss Forecastfox the most...


Yeah, really.

really really?

No, not really.

Got ya!

>i can't really argue with a criticism levied against something i have an inexplicable personal investment in
>better start funposting to make it look like i didn't "lose" a non-argument
Why do people do this?

>lying on the internet
Why do people do this?

Yeah, I guess you could call it lying. Why not just admit that another poster was right, even if it makes your browser of choice look poor? Just be honest about it. Not everything has to devolve into embarassed funposting.

>admitting defeat
This is America. We don't do that here.

I only said "Got ya!" And the original comment about you being a shill

foxyproxy. the only reason i can be here and not killing myself.

I'm not the guy you called a shill. I was just pointing out that he was right.

ah, firefox sacrifices a bit of speed for non-botnet and high customizability, if you prefer just a browser thats fast go chrome if youre a ricer or dislike botnets firefox is your way to go

>another poster was right
he was?

>time for more embarrassed funposting
You're not a Mozilla dev. You have no stake in the software or the company. Just let it be.

The problem is that a LOT of the required things for most of the useful addons will be just be plain be not accessible with WebExtensions.

Take DownThemAll! for example; it needs certain things like a file writing API (among other things) to be able to be an actual fully-fledged downloader within Firefox that can do the things it currently does like have target folders for batches of downloads, segmented downloading and the like.

Have you had a look at the "download managers" for chrome lately? that's all Fx57+ (aka, Firecuck) will be capable of, which is basically be a wrapper for the built-in file downloading of Firecuck.

The worst part is Mozilla tells people to let them know what APIs they want to have in Firecuck WebExtensions, but are completely ignoring every request except for the ones that chrome already has, which they were going to do in the first place because their stated goal was feature parity with Chrome extensions.

It's all one massive wagon of bullshit

im just curious

You're just defensive. Over something you shouldn't be.

i think thats you desu

notice this was my 4th post and still no proof just claims repeated over and over and over again until you plebs accept it as truth

>no u
Whatever. I'm sure your stock in Mozilla is well-protected by shitposting in Sup Forums threads.
