/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice:

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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EU (Germany)
Mobile phone
>Type of headphone
in ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Past headphones
shitty 14€ ones

also i need a integrated headset for telephony

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?


Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

100~ USD
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
Don't care
>Past headphones
ATH-M50, HD 558

I want something for when I'm out, preferably with a microphone.

580 > 600. 580 came first.

>"coming last loses"
The cookie game?

mobile devices (bluetooth)
>Type of headphone
over ear
>Open or closed
closed with ANC
>Comfort level
24hr of nonstop comfort
>Sound signature

I need a good travel pair of headphones, specifically for train rides and loud buses.


they aren't comfy enough, ear cups are too shallow and made my ears hot within the 20min I tried them in store.


Have you tried Sennheiser momentum 2.0?

>Sup Forums
Wow buddy you really like to push your luck

Really comfortable when I demoed them in store but they sounded slow and muddy without an EQ.
I'll try them out, thanks. I'm expecting good sound from them but hopefully the ANC works as well.

maybe ATH-MSR7NC? I have the non-noise cancelling ones and I really like them. Don't know how good the ANC is on them tho.


Shure SE215, Etymotic MK5, MEE M6 Pro


Etymotic ER-4SR will simultaneously block out even more sound (5-15 dB more than QC35) than ANC headphones will sounding massively better.

>MEE M6 Pro

Thanks I just ordered a pair a minute or two ago, appreciate it.

Already know they're botnet, just wanted to toss the suggestion since they're the only other 'good' ANC option.
XR if you want more bass.

Did you even read my request? I don't want a wired solution and I don't want an IEM. Yes its better I know that but it's not for me.

>I don't want a wired solution

>retard ear dildos

...because of how I travel. I keep my device in my bag and walk backcountry roads and take the bus when I get to town. A cable would snag on trees and bushes as I walk by, and there is no way to tether it without limiting my movement.

Hello /hpg/
Where could i find some replacement Earpads for my Philips SHB7250?
couldn't find original replacement and i'm not sure if ordering a generic one from ali will do any good.

Even clipping the cable to your collar with a headphone cable clip and running it under your shirt?

>responding to the shitposter
Report and ignore, friendo.

For my European friends
HD598 130 euro

What are the best cheapos you can buy that will be ruined within a month via use while working out and aren't in-ear?

VE Monk Plus

Koss KSC75

Had a pair. They don't actually hold to the ear. They are too awkward for active use.

ATH M50x or HD 698

558, or 598

Works fine for me. I just bent the metal clips.



What other decent sounding ANC headphones are there then?

>>Type of headphone
>in ear
>>Open or closed


599 obviously

The cable still needs to go around into my backpack, its doable but really annoying to set up. You need to keep is tight enough so there isn't any extra hanging cable but loose enough so you can freely move your body.
It only really works when I wear a fanny pack since I can run the cable straight down my shirt.


Exactly, tgat's why I recommended MDR1000X and QC35. Pick your poison.

>not just using a Clip+ clipped to your pants
>not having bought a Clip+ before they were discontinued

t. earlet

Honestly the QC35 is a better option. The only flaws are it being too linear sounding and the optional botnet app. The app is only needed to update firmware and adjust the noise cancellation so once you update you can delete it.

>being too linear sounding

isine 10

$600-$700, a little flexible here, but definitely willing to pay less if that's all that's really needed
Mobile phone, maybe a decent external DAC if I'm feeling extra fancy
>Type of headphone
custom molded IEM
>Open or closed
closed. super high isolation welcome, even if sound can't be "perfect"
>Comfort level
>Past headphones
- Beyer DT 880: loved these, but not relevant to what I'm looking for now
- Etymotic ER6: great sound, awesome isolation, but a little too snug. incredible customer service when I was ordering a replacement part
- Sleek CT6 customs: comfy, good isolation, sounded decent, but the cables are shit and the gold contact plating wears off in like a year and costs $25 to replace

I'm looking for custom IEMs but don't know where I should be looking.
Don't (think I) care if they're silicon, acrylic, or whatever.
1 or 2 drivers is good enough for me.
Can't have shitty durability like my Sleeks, so screw-down cables or similar would be A-OK with me.

>multi millionaire
>still uses these shit headphones

you can get custom molded tips for all IEM's IIRC. Not sure what to recommend, but just putting options out there. I have w40's which are incredible, but not custom.

>Beyer DT 880: loved these
>$600-$700, a little flexible here, but definitely willing to pay less if that's all that's really needed
You're in luck, since you can pay a lot less for shitty sounding treble cannons like the DT880.

maybe VE Monks?

I know fuckall about custom IEMs but try looking around here theheadphonelist.com/custom-in-ear-monitors-reviews-list/ to maybe get at least a general idea of what's out there

Sponsorship shekels.

Thinking about getting a leather head band cushion as a replacement for my old and worn stock one for my 880s, good idea or bad idea?

Does /hpg/ not like tube amps? Only tube amp I've ever heard was for guitars.

that's a nice list, thanks!


HD579 is the one to get these days.
Better than HD599, and cheaper.

Audibly transparent solid state amps are more affordable and more reliable than audibly transparent tube amps. The only real reasons to buy a tube amp are if you subjectively enjoy the sound of even order harmonic distortion and can identify it reliably in a blind test and/or for driving rare super hard to drive electrostats. I cannot recommend tube amps to the average user.

Not worth the price for the 579 over the 558/598.

>over 598
Definitely worth it. Little price difference + noticeable improvement.
>over 558
Much more expensive, diminishing returns, the value vs price of 558 is much better
>over 599
579 has near-identical, possibly better (less bass, more treble, more neutral), and significantly cheaper.

The 598 can be found for a lot better prices sometimes, like how the 598SR was just going for $110 on Prime Day. I just saw that that 579 can be had for ~$100 for a "like new" one on Amazon, though. Not bad at all, but I'm not sure I'd prefer the FR of it.


It's not hard to find reviews of HD599; It's generally considered better. I prefer HD598, said no one ever.
HD579's reviews are harder to come by, but the general opinion is that it's a HD599 without some flaw on strong bass overtaking everything else. The FR shows them as virtually identical, and the HD579 is way cheaper, making it very appealing as a candidate.

The only headphones you need are the HD600s

He came to hpg recently and showed his amazon account
He bought some 500$ wooden headphones. He probably doesn't know about amps though


I just looked up your gear. Wow, +/- .1 dB accuracy on that Modi is fantastic! So transparent! Only a complete idiot would claim they could hear a 0.2 dB difference, so you must be proud of owning such accurate equipment.

Idol trash goes to sleep.
Enjoy this random vid from million live theater days.

thinking of getting this headset: amazon.com/Tascam-TH-02-Closed-Studio-Headphones/dp/B00B1N06PO


Nice headphones if you have a big head though the stock pads are shit and the cable's attached.

could i do better for similar price? ($20-$30)




>Type of headphone

>Open or closed

>Comfort level

>Sound signature

>Past headphones

Fill that shit senpai and you'll get the nut you need

my b my b

United states
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
if it means sound quality then good to very good

Home use or for using outside?

Help me decide on which earbuds to get:

>SoundMAGIC E80
>Etymotic Research MK5

MK5, obviously.

40 - 90 $
PC & Phone
>Type of headphone
Over Ear
>Open or closed
Willing to do both
>Comfort level
comfy af
>Sound signature
Monitor / Neutral
>Past headphones
SADES gaming headset off amazon

Etymotics are for fetishist degenerates. I'd suggest against them.

$40 - $50
United states
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature

saw this will go on sell on daily deal for $29.99



home use mainly , might take it outside to a friends place or to chill in a park once in a while though

thank sir, will take a look

is the SHP9500S any different? because its on sale on newegg

KSC75's are pretty good though open. Shouldn't leak too bad for home use and I've used PortaPros for commute. It's not bad in terms of leak for public use unless you want to blast it.

Philips says they're identical.

Is anything that Schiit claims about multibit legit?

No, multibit is completely unnecessary.

He goes for style

Reminder that you can get a pair of any headphones and EQ them to sound like HD600, HD800, Utopia or anything. Among cheapest, most comfortable headphones is Philips SHP9500, anything above is meme placebo and you are literally trowing money out of the window.

SHP9500 sounds grainy. HD600/650 doesn't. If you're perfectly happy with your SHP9500, good. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.


I was reading this post, and it seems like Schiit went full placebo, but is there anything that multibit measures better at?

is there a better set of headphones for the price other than phillips shp9500s?

It's a "peace of mind" thing for confused people, and for at least 99% of people it isn't even worth worrying about. This doesn't directly relate to multibit, but please take the time to read these, if you haven't already:



desktop onboard through old pioneer stereo receiver headphone output
>Type of headphone
over ear
>Open or closed
either, prefer closed, but open seems nice for comfort
>Comfort level
as much as possible, need to use them for hours on end
>Sound signature
not that big of a preference
>Past headphones
jvc ha-rx700
mostly want a new set because i ghetto rigged my current ones and they don't work too good anymore, as well as both of the pads have broken and don't stay on by themselves

I don't know whether it's legit or not but I do know that the best DACs in the speaker world like the MSB or dCS stuff are all sign magnitude designs.