Britcucks, have you applied for your Porn ID yet?

Britcucks, have you applied for your Porn ID yet?

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Porn suck compared to sex
Saw it in a recent study

Fuck this country. Fuck anyone here who supported the Tories

Brits always ahead in time.

gotta protect children in UK Caliphate.

I wonder if this means all -18 year olds will be blocked from posting on Sup Forums. Gee, looks like /britpol/ is going to be loosing 90% of its users.

Just use a VPN lad.


>Just use a VPN lad.

They will all be banned next, mark my words. The Tories also want sites like github were open source code can be shared to be banned for some fucking reason

Sharia law for the British internet. Inshallah

Takbir :^)

I bet that in May 2018 everyone will get big-ass harddisks and fill them with porn.

>watching porn
Just have sex you lazy fucks

>having sex with British women

Good, porn is a jew controlled degeneracy. Brits are beginning to fight white genocide.


don't even have to use a v.p.n.

I've set my dns to google's way back when i lived in Portugal due to shitty blocks, no issues so far trying to access stuff like tpb and alikes

This cannot be circumvented by different DNS servers

the new SJWs

oh shit
>britcucks start buying hdds
>hdds prices rocket
it will be bitcoinminers and gpus all over again
better buy or invest in storage right now, guys
(fuck you britcucks for ruining shit for everybody)

>This cannot be circumvented by different DNS servers
Why not? What method are they using to block it?

Got a VPN already torrents are already banned on most ISP .

Really made me think

Lots of nice polish Ladies

>The age-check requirement applies to any website or other online platform that provides pornography "on a commercial basis" to people in the UK.
What is "on a commercial basis" defined as? Because that would imply that that excludes every porn site except those that offer subscriptions, and I don't think anyone actually uses those sites anymore in the age of free porn.

If Sup Forums was capable of thinking this wouldn't be such a long running joke among you.

I'm hoping that this will fail for technical reasons while also causing the tories to lose support.

There's a lot of people who use porn, including many people of age who don't want to admit it publicly for various reasons (like maybe guys whose wives disapprove) and hopefully they'd get pissed off enough to consider voting libdem, or at least not voting tory

This is pretty much inspired by China's Real ID law that's part of their great firewall of China.
You're basically not even allowed to use most any sites on the web without them first verifying who you are. China also outlaws pornography on the Internet.

it's supposed to be integrated into the site directly

the DNS entries won't be blocked.

This is what you faggots deserve. TV licenses, porn licenses. Soon you'll need a license just to breathe the Queen's air.



This must be fake. I read the whole article and they're not even mentioning the verification cans.

So theresa may is doing nothing toward brexit but she's about to softban porn, noice. In your face perfidious cunts.

Porn is degenerate anyway. Nofap is the path of the enlightened.

And thus the UK joins Ukraine and China.

>yuropoors are freer than Americans

In a proper world all porn will be banned so whites can be free

The only freedom that matters is freedom from consequences.

>"Americans sure are fat and stupid! Why would you need the freedom of having firearms?!"
We told you fuckers it was a slippery slope. Enjoy getting railed by your government.

>part of their great firewall of China.
China can only enforce their shit because they actually filter all traffic entering and leaving china through government controlled servers. Hence "great firewall"

The article says that sites that don't comply with the age verification system will be blocked. That blocking is obviously what's being referred to.

>so whites can be free


Are you seriously justifying this? Hahahaha


*breathes in


Britain, not oven once. Leaving this here in case your gubmint goes full China on porn.

>government controlled servers

Nobody have sex anymore, sex is obsolete in modern world because in-vitro fecundation and human cloning.

The advantages of genetically superior individuals are impossible with regular sex.

Hope you idiots learned that not even the right wing parties will save your entire Western side of the continent. Not until you people embrace collectivism and stop being scared of conforming you'll always just be individuals ruled easily by jews and Judea worshiping christians. This is why Japan is so racially homogeneous that lacks globalists without a strong culture youre all weak

This is good even if it is authoritarian.
Porn fucks kids up.

Why would they wait until after the law has come in effect? Better get started right now!

There are literally pen licensees. They aren't allowed to use a pen without one.

that map is whack, porn is banned in south korea
k-pop is their substitute drug

pretty good thing desu

I guess it is back to snail mail for you. What? Too lazy to go outside?

Conformity to nomalfags is the worst.

>porn is banned in south korea
That whole country is fucked. You're required by law to use Internet Explorer when accessing a banking website because they require bank websites to use ActiveX plugins.

How many fucking UK porn law shit articles that never actually happen are going to be discussed? There's been dumb shit spouted all over since 2005, nothing has ever happened.


Their whole country is a CIA covert OP, CIA literally tries all their disruption strategies there first before using them anywhere else like the crazy christian fundamentalists from the Moon sect or the crazy ass feminists.

It used to be that way in my country too, until they modernized the system and it started working on other browsers. It's quite ugly though, it's like an abomination where half the system is new and half is old because they reused everything they could.

>rent a VPS for 3 quid a month
>enjoy your bestiality rimming content in privacy
wow that was hard

>About to fap to some hot consensual intra racial sex in the missionary position
>The police break down my door and demand to see my porn license

Porn introduces too many anons to asian fetishes


Don't talk to him user, you might catch cuckitis

Good goy just slowly turn in all your civil liberties one step at a time. Sooner or later you'll be fined heavily for criticizing Islam on the internet or entirely blocked from using the internet for stating you dont want refugees in your country

>private porn tracker

we still have porn on tv anyway I really dont understand what this will do

"Ministers have suggested one of several ways this might work would be for pornographic sites to demand credit card details before providing any access"

Right, but literally nooone is going to want to put in their credit card details online, lets be honest, especially on a porn site.

>Many schools mark this transition by awarding children a pen licence:a certificate that states that they are now allowed and expected to use ink for both their schoolwork and homework.

Who cares? this shit will disappear when we leave the EU

Leaving the EU sure made things better, britcucks.

They were run by a shadow cult for years. I don't know why anyone expects anything good from them


Trump will bring this to the US, he will uncuck america.

You're the one introducing this shit not EU.

Exactly, get the most fucked up shit you don't want to be associated with your ID now.

>mfw the EU human rights court would have prevented this but once they're gone they will censor their own internet to death

The UK tried the exact same thing a few years ago, but failed because even the EU stopped them

>ban ssl and https
>normiesites no longer work
>public outcry

Good, stop the degeneracy from infecting people at an early age

>Trump will 'uncuck' America by stopping people from jerking off to things they wish to watch

You fucking faggots are as dumb as they come. Back to your containment board.

And you think any other party would have done differently? They all low key support this so they can make use of it if they ever get power. Did anyone stand up to May regarding her position on the internet? No, they were all busy complaining about how the Tories want to get people to pay for the most expensive part of their healthcare. There are no big liberal parties in the system today, and shit won't change until the is. And fuck off Americans, our liberals aren't usually the retards you get.

Libcuck mad as fuck his blacked porn will be banned

im sad my Sup Forumsay porn will be banned :(

Been running most of my internet traffic through a VPS for the last few years so this doesnt really effect me. But I am definitely not a fan of what this will do to the majority of the population that are not technically competent enough to find a way around. The majority of people do not have a strong enough opinion on this subject, or care enough to speak up about it. May is imposing her conservative christian believes on the country just as conservative islam would.

This isn't actually enforceable, right? The only sites that would be forced to implement this would be ones hosted in the UK, so all they'd need to do is host elsewhere.

It does worry me that the two major parties are both in favour of this sort of heavy handed approach to the internet. The Lib dems did a pretty good job of blocking this sort of thing during the coalition.

Net Neutrality will be the gateway for this

You're a moron

the UK gov will probably just block anyone from the UK from accessing non "secure" porn site

Nice projection Reddtard. I'm not a liberal. You're a cocksucker trying to defend some stuffy old faggot who only uses a computer to hunt-and-peck an email out every week banning porn sites, wherein I jerk to girl-on-girl shit and fatties because men in the scene kill my boner.

Wait until next year when they pass some bill against VPNs. It will happen.

Right, just like they "block" Pirate Bay.

This is some serious horseshit though and it will mean they'll lose the next election. Theresa May tried her hardest to lose the last one, scaring people about pensions, not doing debates, being generally shit at answering questions and just giving non-answers, saying she will regulate the internet etc.

Trump is making america great again, jew lover.

Japan is fucked: their economy only just started growing +2% GDP per annum and has been seriously rocky since the 90s. People work themselves to death and save all their earnings which paralyses their economy.

Additionally, they have a sexist society that discourages relationships and procreation. They are incredibly racist and have a crisis in social care looming because they won't take in any immigrants to look after their old folks.

UK is fucked up but Japan is not a model country either.

>a country's pop must always grow
>crisis in social care because they don't take in immigrants
Wtf am I reading
Also they take immigrants, but only qualified ones.

>have a crisis in social care looming because they won't take in any immigrants to look after their old folks.
Or alternatively they could make kids or something

Ad-funded is still commercial...

The son of the boss of that cult makes decent guns tho

is this the solution?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're a colossal retard.

Is there a good resource to read up on world pornography laws? Where do charts like these even come from?